The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 465

C465 Atavism

Lo Ya transmitted her thoughts to the Brain Insect and got the approval of everyone.

This method was beneficial to the survival of the Insect Girl Clan. Although the higher ups were very powerful, none of them had broken through 1,000. To a species, this was a very strange thing.

If a portion of the individual’s strength and evolution were reduced and the basic genes of the species were preserved, it would be equivalent to increasing the scale of the species.

It was just that it had the intention of deceiving oneself.

Furthermore, even if the Insect Girl Clan encountered extinction like humans, Lo Ya could also borrow the help of various small Insect Girl to be born.

Although… The reason why the people around her would retreat to their original intelligence was because of this.

However, at that time, they would not be too afraid. This was because the information of the level 3 brain had been kept in the gene bank for a long time. At any time, it could evolve to that level, as long as there was sufficient energy.

In the end, it took about two days for Lo Ya to separate a little bit from her tail and change the genes. Finally, in about three days, it became the original Little Insect Girl who blinked her eyes and was born.

Lo Ya observed closely and found that after the two little fellows crawled out of their tails, They began to crawl around without doing anything and did not know what to do. It was only when Lo Ya sent the larvae of some small insects to the two little cuties that they let out a cry. They happily surrounded them.

Lo Ya discovered the difference between them and the current Little Insect Girl.

The current Insect Girl would instinctively search for food when she was born. As for the first ones, when they were just born and did not bring food in front of them, they would foolishly wander back and forth with a cute face and did not know what to do.

At that time, the brain might only be level 1 and was not much better than a single-celled organism. Lo Ya suspected that this was the reason why the primitive Little Insect Girl was acting like this.

She sent the two little things into an ecological bottle with a diameter of one meter and threw in countless larvae and adult bodies. Then she transplanted a big tree and all kinds of plants. Lo Ya felt that the illusion she created for the little guys had been completed.

Although it was a lot more primitive, it was indeed the standard Little Insect Girl.

In order to make them live more happily, Lo Ya released dozens of poisonous parasites to accompany them.

The information left in the genes made the two Little Insect Girl automatically treat these parasites as subordinates and order them to help hunt various creatures.

Of course, because they looked similar and had similar habits, everyone still cared about each other very much.

Lo Ya possessed a small parasitic Insect Girl and climbed onto the two little fellows wriggling on the meat. After pondering for a while, she made a decision.

She put the furry little legs on the two primitive little fellows and helped them make small improvements in their sports.

Although it was a rabbit’s leg, after hitting the tail, it could at least double the speed of the little fellows. This way, when chasing prey, they would not fire their targets because their speed was too slow.

Lo Xin and the other insects in the Mother Star seemed to feel that their race had gained two more small insects of their own race. They immediately contacted Lo Ya. Hence, Lo Ya showed everyone the picture of the little baby’s life.

“In the future, our race will welcome many babies like this. Everyone must take good care of them. Maybe they will grow up to be as big as us in the future.”

Lo Ya knew that Little Insect Girl’s life in the small era did not have a standard eight years lifespan. Fortunately, their intelligence was not high. Otherwise, such a short life would be too short of enjoyment.

Although the food chain in the ecological bottle was a few hundred times more dangerous than the environment Lo Ya lived in back then, these little fellows were after all at the Gold Level. In such a scene, they were almost invincible.

After observing for a few days, Lo Ya found that everyone was unknowingly in the position of the top predators in the surrounding area. Many of the insects who initially treated the little ones as food were now being hunted. Eating everything made Little Insect Girl extremely adaptable.

Lo Ya noticed that one of the Insect Girl had already started to communicate mentally, so she sent the knowledge in her head over from time to time.

It was a pity that they could not understand it at all now.

“Forget it, let’s just do it like this. There is nothing wrong with being an idiot. Only an idiot is really happy.”

Lo Ya was very glad about the state of the Insect Girl Clan, especially the young ones. They looked stupid, but in fact, they were the happiest. They were satisfied with just a little bit of good stuff, and they wouldn’t argue with each other.

Most of the young Little Insect Girl was specially taken care of by an adult Insect Girl. Many of the cute little things back then were very mature now. Just like Lo Ya in the past, she led the tribe to learn knowledge. They hunted together.

Lo Ya had long discovered that this universe was not fair. Some species were born with pain, while some were born high and mighty.

However, any lucky person who was born with high status, their beautiful fate, was all fought for by countless painful seniors.

Powerful was the power of blood. Competitions were not a gentle Go game, but were made with the bones of countless lowly and miserable people. Any species is accompanied by danger, and sometimes it decides that you can survive. Maybe it was just luck.

In the path of civilization, luck might be more important than any other factor.

Any civilization that could walk out of the Mother Star was a child of destiny, because they lived in an environment that was one in a million safe universes. Moreover, they had safely lived through an extremely long period of time. In the cruel internal competition, They had luckily survived to the end.

At this time, looking at the surrounding interstellar space, they might be able to realize how insignificant all of their past misfortunes were compared to the crazy future they were about to experience.

They still needed to continue being lucky, just like buying a lottery ticket. Buy the surrounding undangerous supernova eruptions, buy the distant horizon where there were no sweeping gamma ray explosions. buying the surrounding space to be safe, no higher civilizations… Buying the civilization to give birth to some geniuses, helping the technology of the race ensure that they can leave Mother Star before the next disaster.

Even if they were lucky enough to be able to travel freely, colonizing in space, they still needed to constantly buy lottery tickets and win five million grand prizes. Once they failed one time, the civilization would face destruction.

One. A small Milky Way, at least tens of billions of stars, and at most tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or even millions of stars. Among them, hundreds of millions of life forms were born, and in the end, the high level interstellar civilization that was left behind… There might only be a few dozen of them.

The Galaxy Guard Alliance was the final product.

Perhaps they had already discovered that there was something even more terrifying in the distant clusters of stars, or the empty areas between the clusters of stars. It was a lottery ticket that they would definitely buy in the future.

Only a small number of people would win the first prize.


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