The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 463

C463 Attacking Base

The cost of a battleship follows a principle, which is that the cost of the first ship is the greatest. The steps such as research, construction, and experimentation needed to be explored, and the process would require a large amount of manpower and material resources. There were many mistakes.

However, as long as the first ship was completed, the construction of the warship after that would be much easier.

The ships built in Galaxy Empire in the past all followed the cost of 10: 6: 3: 2.

That was to say, the cost of the first ship was 10. Then the cost of the next six ships would be equal. Each ship would only have 6. After that, they would build three more ships, and the average cost of each ship would be 3. After that, starting from the eleventh ship, the cost of the ships after that would be two. From the 11th ship onwards, the construction cost would be reduced to one-fifth of the cost of the first ship.

The difference in construction efficiency was even more obvious.

Usually, the construction period of a ship that took 10 years to build would be shortened to two to three years starting from the second ship. When the technical application was more mature and the corresponding production line appeared, the construction period would continue to shorten.

“Your Majesty, this is a crisis, and what we are facing is very likely to be the same as ours. It might even surpass our civilization, so the mass construction of the Boundary Ship should be put on the agenda. Once this kind of weapon, which even low-level civilizations can participate in, is deployed, the output will be extremely shocking. As for us…”

“Let’s produce the Royal Mothership model, the most advanced, and strive for mass production. Good ships cannot only produce three. ”

” It’s time to replace it, those inferior civilizations will doubt our strength. ”

The size of the Galaxy Guard Alliance was absolutely incomparable to the Insect Girl Clan.

Lo Ya was not in a hurry to start a full-scale war. If they were to start a war now, the consumption of resources along the way would definitely be faster than the production speed.

The ten year development period was the last time Lo Ya could buy herself.

Ten years later, the main force of the 50 squadrons could shoulder the attack mission for a period of time. In the rear, countless construction bases had already appeared. Just the frigate could form countless ships.

During this period of time, the insects had practically used all means to build the energy boards of the Slime. They wrapped all the planets along the way to produce a massive amount of Slime to supply the various insects that were breeding.

Perhaps with the increase in the level of civilization, the Beetle Army would gradually lose their function in the future war. Therefore, Lo Ya was prepared to upgrade the Sickle Insect, kill the insects, and the Flying Dagger Insect in all aspects to increase the rate of reproduction. She would gradually replace the cannon fodder of the small beetle in the future.

As for the beetles themselves, they would only leave behind the Corrosive Beetle, the Explosive Beetle, and the Engineering Beetle.

The number of Corrosive Beetle was the least. They would carry out special missions such as destroying metal and buildings. The mission of the Explosive Beetle was to infiltrate and bombard, and the Engineering Beetle was the most numerous. Moreover, it would install tentacles that would help with the operation to carry out high-efficiency and meticulous construction missions.

All the combat small beetle would be changed to Engineering Beetle, and their combat strength would not decrease, but would instead increase.

Although they were not combat insects, these construction insects could also fight at critical moments. It would not be a pity if they could not be used as cannon fodder to block the enemy.

After that, even the Explosive Beetle would be eliminated. They would be modified into better models and installed on the Sickle Insect.

The Sickle Insect only needed to open the launch port on its shoulder to shoot out a large number of explosive insects. These insects would be able to fly a kilometer and land on the ground before reflecting themselves in the air again and finding the enemy to self-destruct.

Its power would also increase slightly based on the current situation.

These upgrades wouldn’t take too long. With the current resources, they could complete the evolution of all the small bug species on the frontlines within a year. In five years, the insects on the various habitable planets would also undergo such changes.

The production of flourishing ball and Mother Nest would also decrease. It was enough to ensure that the number of beetles needed to be maintained.

At that time, the Sickle Mother Nest that was originally used to produce the main cannon fodder units would be further strengthened. A portion of the subspace within would be opened up, and it would be used to absorb the surrounding nutrients. It would breed Sickle Insect, Flying Dagger Insect, and kill insects. When they descended from the sky, they could immediately release over 1,000 Sickle Insect or 100 sawtooth worms. As the first wave of attack, the Strength.

The production speed of the main cannon fodder was definitely slower than the beetles. It was about one per minute, which meant that one Sickle Mother Nest could only produce 60 Sickle Insect per hour.

However, the difference was that the Sickle Mother Nest would obtain a stronger combat ability. It would completely replace the small units used to throw the main cannon fodder, such as the airdrop balls. Their appearance would no longer be the same as before. Instead, they would change into the form of some kind of giant insect. They had two saws on their arms and their backs could open a dense launch port. Two electromagnetic rail guns were mounted on their shoulders, and below their feet were flamethrowers.

Therefore, in the future battles, the first wave of attacks would become tens of thousands of Sickle Mother Nest launchers that would land on the ground. And each Sickle Mother Nest that landed on the ground would be able to release at least a few hundred main cannon fodder bugs within a few minutes.

The first wave of attacks would be carried out by these cannon fodder. They would provide long-range support from behind. At the same time, they would extend their conduit to absorb the materials on the ground and produce the main cannon fodder bugs at a rate of one per minute.

Usually, the first wave of attack would be accompanied by a large number of beetles, but those weren’t even cannon fodder. They were completely used to attract the enemy’s firepower and use up the enemy’s numbers.

Lo Ya’s. The four Space Carrier swarms released hundreds of millions of insects in this area. Finally, in three months, they completed a few simple parts of the production line. They had about one destroyer per month and the productivity of two frigate.

The mothership itself could produce one battleship, two cruisers, and five destroyers every month. Of course, the exact amount of production depended on the situation.

When they had this simple production ability, the large base built by Galaxy Guard Alliance finally made a move, preparing to counterattack the Insect Girl Clan’s fleet.

But unfortunately, Lo Ya was also preparing to launch an attack at this time.

They sent out two motherships.

One of the fleets suffered a laser attack from the planet when it was one billion kilometers away from the target planet.

The main armament pierced through one of the ships and made Lo Ya feel a wave of pressure.

The Magic array was activated and the second round of cannon fire was blocked by the entire fleet’s shield.

At the same time, the bug swarm fired with all their firepower. In an instant, they released tens of thousands of missiles, dozens of laser gun, as well as proton cannon, Plasma Cannon, Electromagnetic Cannon, and various other weapons. In total, there were millions of them.

These cannonballs were enough to create countless huge fireballs on the target planet.

More than a hundred million small insects were released, and they began to rapidly approach the target planet and base.

Then the fleet started to retreat, and they only took turns bombarding from a very far distance.


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