The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 460

C460 High Attack High Defense Mechanical Worm Test

“The 3rd residential area has fallen, all units retreat into the war hall”

“Bing Ku, quick”

The charging electromagnetic rifle warrior Bing Ku followed the team of five and ran like crazy, quickly reaching a large area.

Battle hall, this is the area where the team members are about to leave the spaceship and engage in external combat. Before boarding, they usually need to gather here.

However, at this moment, there were at least 400 soldiers gathered in the Battle Hall. Their mission was to use the terrain to form a dense firepower network to resist the enemy’s attacks.

Standing on the third floor, his body was half squatting in front of the glass window. After setting up the gun, he aimed it at the passageway below. Bing Ku gradually calmed his mind.

He was surrounded by his comrades. A few of them had even prepared a relatively large firepower and aimed it in the direction below.

Soon, after a series of gunshots, six or seven soldiers ran out of the tunnel in a sorry state. They kept shooting into the distance as they walked.

“The enemy is coming. Prepare to shoot!”

The commanders on the scene shouted. Hundreds of people held their guns and aimed at the tunnel entrance that was seven or eight meters tall.


The loud noise approached from afar. Bing Ku narrowed his eyes in a serious manner. He felt that something was not right.

The ship had been shaking all this while, but at this moment, the shaking was different, as if there was a huge monster approaching.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. A pitch-black creature… The walls on both sides of the tunnel were crushed on the spot. After the horrifying body entered the interior of the hall, it was immediately shot by more than three hundred electromagnetic rifles in the surroundings.

The crackling sound immediately made the room incomparably noisy. The bullets left countless cracks on the surface of the Mechanical Insect’s body. Some of the bullets were stuck inside, while the others turned into bullets and shot everywhere.

Fortunately, there were related equipment work done a long time ago. Apart from the direction of the shooting, most of the areas were blocked by layers of bulletproof walls, which ensured that most of the soldiers would not be injured because of this.

Without a doubt, the firepower at the scene was extremely fierce. However, the terrifying thing was that with so many weapons focused on one Mechanical Insect, the scene was completely covered by smoke and flames, but it was still unable to destroy the target.

Resisting the terrifying pushing force of the bullets, his huge body moved forward bit by bit. Finally, he let out a furious roar and jumped forward, smashing onto a glass wall in the middle of the field.

Pipa ~

Explosive fragments scattered everywhere. The two soldiers hiding behind were instantly riddled with holes. Even though they had solid alloy exoskeleton, they could not withstand the mechanical bug’s instantaneous eruption of Strength.

Following that, small holes opened up on the back of the Mechanical Insect. Dozens of small rockets with a length of only 10 centimeters instantly hit the roof of the building with exhaust flames. In the blazing flames, A part of the two-story building collapsed, and more than a dozen soldiers in it were immediately swallowed by the high temperature. Along with the floating corridor, they fell to the ground together and killed a few people below along with the rocket launchers.

“Hold on, don’t let it come over!”

After fighting for so long, who knew how many other bugs had been killed, only the mechanical bug did not die.

Originally, they thought that relying on the concentrated firepower at the scene, they could easily get rid of this bug with its outstanding individual combat ability. Who would have thought that it wouldn’t be of much use?

“Armor Penetrating Bomb! Armor piercing bullet!”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of an order could only be heard when the instrument was placed close to their ears. A few artillery soldiers activated the instrument set up on the corridor and lit a fire below. The few cannonballs were instantly concentrated on the target.

The shock wave immediately spread to the white meters. After hitting the target, an explosion immediately followed, causing the Mechanical Insect to roar in pain and take two steps back.

The electromagnetic bullet had already broken through the energy shield and shattered its outer armor. The flesh and blood mixed together with the machinery broke into pieces all over the ground. It was full of bloodstains and metal pieces with electricity.

“Captain, what is that thing?”

Bing Ku was somewhat dumbfounded. This thing’s defensive ability was probably not something that a small ship could compare with. Even a combat ship would require a constant consumption of energy when faced with so many weapons continuously bombarding it.

Not to mention that this thing was so small, it could still continue to fight against attacks from all sides.

The bloody red light in the mechanical bug’s eyes became even brighter. As one of its eyes was destroyed, it opened its huge mouth and spewed out burning flames from within.

These flames were white in color and had a temperature of over 5000 degrees. They swept past the shooting soldiers on the first floor of the hall. Most of the soldiers who did not have high level protective equipment were immediately killed. Those who had protective equipment were not too good either. The temperature that was transmitted into the interior was so hot that it caused blisters all over their bodies.

The high-intensity defense could not resist the high temperature in an instant. The flaming mechanical bug slowly transformed into a standing giant. Its two arms transformed into electromagnetic Gatling, sweeping wildly along the way.

The surrounding counterattacks also did not stop at all. Wave after wave of ammunition poured onto the mechanical bug’s body. Its body had serious injuries, and many parts had been forcibly destroyed.

Although the Strength was very large, facing the attacks from three directions and the continuous armor-piercing bullets, the movement of the Mechanical Insect was greatly affected.

Even so, the soldiers at the scene were like pitiful tofu, shattering upon contact.

“Damn it, isn’t the defensive power of this thing too strong?”

If this was a game, then the Mechanical Bug would definitely be one of the bosses with extremely thick HP. Furthermore, there were many ways to attack, and all kinds of cannonballs were fired in different ways.

Of course, it was also to seize this ship that the Mechanical Bug did not carry any nuclear weapons with it. Instead, it used conventional weapons to fight on the spot. This way, the difference in combat strength between the two sides could be seen at a glance.


A sharp longsword stretched out from within the monster’s body, chopping down fiercely at the few warriors at the front. At this moment, the monster had arrived at the end of the tunnel, and the ejector at the end of the tunnel was ignited. Its entire body crashed into the tunnel above, killing the artillery standing in the middle.

As it landed heavily on the upper floor, it brandished its weapon and slaughtered. At the same time, on the path that the Mechanical Insect had attacked earlier, groups of small beetle and a small number of Sickle Bugs began to pour into it.

These bugs immediately dispersed the moment they charged over. The Explosive Beetles automatically shot to the front, destroying all the enemy’s defense points. Then, the other bugs cooperated and occupied the entire hall area.

This battle lasted for six to seven minutes, and the Mechanical Beetles were already riddled with injuries. Their health bar was almost at its bottom. At that moment, Bing Ku Hui, who had survived and escaped the hall earlier, fired a bullet. It became the last straw that broke the camel’s back, hitting the brain of the mechanical bug that had been exposed long ago.

Then, another armor-piercing explosive bullet came from afar. It blew up the target’s leg, and the rampaging Mechanical Insect finally fell heavily to the ground.


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