The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 439

C439 The Wrath of the Dragonsoar Pirate Team

“Swimming Dragon? Never heard of it.”

After saying that, the ship of Insect Girl Clan opened fire.


The members of the Swimming Dragon Pirates didn’t expect the opposite party to be so unreasonable. Without saying anything, they started the fight.

Under the pressure of the situation, it was already too late for them to retaliate. One of the ships was directly blown up by the concentrated fire. Then, both sides began to shoot at each other. Various types of lasers and missiles were frequently fired.

Because Insect Girl’s ships were only modified using other military frigate, the cost was very low. It would not be a pity if they exploded. At most, they would lose a portion of the bugs inside. But if they won, it would be a good chance to make a name for themselves, allowing the Pirates, the vanguard, to be known by everyone.

Even if they were pirates, they were afraid of losing their lives. Even if they won, they would still lose their lives. The captain of the Pirates quickly sent a signal, “Stop fighting. We are not trying to steal your things. We mistook you for an enemy. ”

The man in armor was too lazy to care about this. If he did not want to fight, he would not want to lose face.

And so, the Swimming Dragon Pirates fled in panic.

After the battle ended, they lost a ship. However, the Pirates, who had destroyed three ships in front of them, acted as if they didn’t care about the loss and flew towards their target openly and openly.

Pirates needed territory, so their current goal was to destroy a smaller Pirates and control an area.

This time, Lo Ya had built four outer Pirates bodies. There were a total of 30 ships, and they seemed to have nothing to do with each other on the surface. However, once one of them was provoked, the other few would come out to help.

With this matter, they were in another Sector. The Pirates on the left, which had successfully seized a small planet with a diameter of 2,000 kilometers, immediately launched an attack. They spent one Energy Stone to hire 10 mercenary ships. They directly went to find trouble with the Wandering Dragon Pirates.

Originally, the mercenaries did not dare to attack because of the influence of the Pirates. However, seeing that the swarm had given them a lot of money and that they were not weak, These mercenaries took the initiative to disguise themselves as the appearance of their ships and attacked together with the Pirates fleet on the left.

This time, they really encountered a force from the Pirates, which consisted of five ships. After a wave of battle, all five ships were destroyed, and only a few of them were slightly injured.

The Pirates was different from the Pirates in the sky. They were very powerful, and there were many small groups around them. They even found a way to buy a Level 3 space civilization’s retired warship.

That level 3 battleship allowed them to act tyrannically in many places, constantly looking for weaker Pirates and passing spaceships to rob.

Of course, even the Swimming Dragon did not dare to act recklessly. The reason why they could rob openly and openly was because of this. It’s because they pay protection fees to the rulers of the land, and it’s because they’re covering up… This small Pirates had developed to such a degree.

A few days later, the leader of the Pirates, who had found out about the situation, was furious. He was ready to send one of his main forces to take revenge.

Both sides were rich. They had paid more than three pieces of Energy Stone. He also flew out 15 ships that were more than 100 meters long, including some of the warships that were at the peak of Level 2 Civilization. They traced the trail and found the remote asteroid that the Pirates on the left had taken down.

The entire left pirate fleet only had 8 ships. Because they had stolen from low-level space civilizations and were not their main force, even if they were remodeled, they would only be able to fight evenly with the enemy.

Under the disadvantage of quality, the Pirates on the left that had lost five ships was forced to flee. Along the way, they received the support of the vanguard pirate ship. The two sides fought again, and a few more ships exploded.

However, the other side had also suffered a lot of losses. They had been acting tyrannically for so many years. Even Leader Wandering Dragon had never encountered such a thing. In just a short day of aerial battle, he had completely ignored the fact that the enemy had suffered similar losses and was actually fighting with all his might. He flew out of all kinds of small flying units. This kind of battle intent that was even more suicidal than the army was extremely rare on pirates.

Now everyone knew that the vanguard Pirates and the left-wing Pirates were allies. Both sides had a lot of money. It might have been secretly built by a boss.

However, to set up a pirate organization, just the cost of buying a ship was not a small amount.

The Wandering Dragon Pirates thought that they could still accept the losses. In order to vent their anger and avenge their brothers, they could only endure the losses and show off their might.

Seeing the two rounds of battle that caused these two conceited enemies to flee in a sorry state, his face was filled with a confident smile.

However, a few days later, his subordinates suddenly sent another message. The fleet that was pillaged 120 light years away was attacked by an unknown Pirates, and they had lost three ships.

“Gan, are all the small pirates nowadays so reckless?”

Unbelievable, truly unbelievable.

Although Wandering Dragon wasn’t considered to be at the top, he wasn’t someone that anyone dared to provoke. Even if some great pirates wanted to provoke him, they would have to consider their own identity.

But these fellows…

“Move out!”

Without a doubt, one word: Fight!

Fight until the opponent was afraid. Fight out with your own strength. Otherwise, the small pirates would dare to provoke you after collecting some money. How could this be done well?

He was prepared to spend more money to hire on the black market.

Although the black market could assassinate him, he could not use weapons of the gun level and above, such as heavy artillery. Hence, as long as he wore a custom-made protective suit, he would basically have no problem.

However, this time, Captain Wandering Dragon, who had hired nearly 20 ships, was not facing a small number of opponents. Instead, he was facing a joint attack from multiple Pirates.

Including the heavily injured vanguard Pirates and the left-wing Pirates, there were two other intact ships.

In addition, Insect Girl Clan had also hired a lot of helpers at a high price.

There was a huge difference in military strength between the two sides.

Of course, the difference in military strength was one thing. Insect Girl’s side had given them five bug nest frigate, which was another.

In terms of firepower and defense, bug nest frigate was a standard battleship at the early stage of Level 3 civilization.

In the end, the Insect Girl Clan had over 30 ships, while the other side had more than 60.

The ratio was close to one to two, but… the five frigate of the bug swarm were all close to the flagship on the other side… No, it should be more powerful than the flagship on the other side.

Both sides attached great importance to this battle, attacking and defending each other in space. Showy positioning, all kinds of magical operations. In terms of cooperation, the fellows hired were actually much better than pirates. After all, mercenaries were specialized in fighting for money. Without the ability to fight on the battlefield, how could they have the courage to fight? Not to mention that a battle of this scale would be thrown to some level 1 space civilizations. It could be said that they had come out in full force.

It could only be said that it was not a loss to Galaxy Guard Alliance. The territory of the civilizations here was huge. Some of them even had the territory of several hundred thousand stars. That kind of civilization, even if its level was low… Its scale would definitely be shocking. Only such a force could produce so many pirates.


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