The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 411

C411 Forcibly Talking

After receiving the orders from the old captain, the originally smooth exterior of the hull immediately opened up a meter long square hole. Over a hundred black cannons extended from within, heading towards Insect Girl’s ship.

Seeing this scene, Lo Ya’s face revealed a smile.

“Without the Force Field Shield, the cannon firing still needs to open the hatch. Isn’t this courting death?”

In Lo Ya’s opinion, it was better to design the ship more directly. For example, putting all the cannons on the outside of the ship, and then wrapping the shell of the ship with an alloy that was dozens of meters thick. This way, even if they used nuclear bombs to bombard the ship, they would still be able to withstand it. At most, they would lose a few cannons.

The most valuable part of the ship was definitely not the cannon barrel, but the nuclear fusion reactor and all kinds of energy generators inside. In addition, the outer shell used to protect and defend against cosmic rays was also quite expensive. These technologies determined the basic performance of a ship.

“The cannon barrel has locked onto the target”

Hearing this, the old captain’s mood calmed down a bit.

Most of the ships on the other side were only over 100 meters long, but there were a few 600 meters long ships that looked very terrifying. Because there was no light, nor was there any strong heat. Therefore, from hundreds of kilometers away, the electromagnetic detector could only sense very little electromagnetic waves.

In terms of quantity, it was obvious that the old captain was at a disadvantage.

He didn’t want to have a conflict with an alien civilization, but if he turned around and fled now, He probably wouldn’t be able to escape. In the Rooney Civilization, the bigger the hull was, the heavier it was. The main function of this 800m long ship was to transport resources and equipment to ensure that it could quickly lead the voyage. Only the best capitalists in the entire civilization could afford it.

The fact that he had this well-equipped ship was already a sign of his wealth. The old captain had spent a lot of money to buy it from the shipyard and applied for 200 cannons from the government in order to earn more money.

Of course, no matter how rich he was now, the old captain still felt sad for himself. After all, he had been working hard for money since he was young. He had worked hard for most of his life. It wasn’t easy for him to realize his dream of buying a ship. Looking back, He was already 190 years old.

His organs were aging and the boat was in his hands, but he didn’t have much time to show off. Even if others saw it, they would at most say one sentence: “Oh, that old man is about to die. He doesn’t even have a child. Once a person dies, the boat will be taken back by the government. ”

The cannon aimed at the target, but the old man didn’t want to shoot.

About ten minutes later, the information on the smartphone was automatically analyzed.

“[Received translation. Requesting communication from the other party]”


The old man’s eyes widened. This was the first time he had encountered something so magical.

The languages of both parties were definitely not connected. Furthermore, the smartbrain in front of him was a rigid evolutionary program. Without any translation or analysis system installed, it actually had a way to translate the other party’s computer language.

Facing whether or not it was on the screen, the old man hesitated.

However… the other party did not even give him the chance to hesitate.

“[System has been forcefully hacked, communication connected]”

Light appeared on the screen. Then, an even wider yet dark hall appeared in front of him.

In the middle of the hall that was mixed with a sense of machinery and strangeness, a mysterious creature with strange tentacles all over its body and an indescribable feeling looked at him.

“Unknown civilization. I am the Brain Insect of the seventh fleet of Insect Girl Clan. I represent the supreme ruler Lo Ya to speak to you.”

The old man was speechless.”

His slow brain seemed to be in a daze. When he finally regained his senses, he realized that he had encountered an alien.

However, what was even more terrifying was that the alien was looking at him from hundreds of kilometers away.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he might have thought too much, because there were no cameras installed in the ship. Unless the other party used his Heavenly Eye, it was absolutely impossible to see him.

He hesitated for a moment and directly replied, “I’m the captain of the Rooney Civilization’s exploration ship. I’m very happy to meet you, Lord Brain Insect.”

An indescribable creature looked too strange, just looking at it was a bit scary. The old man carefully looked behind the creature. In the seemingly endless darkness. It was as if there were eyes emitting a gloomy light that were coldly staring at him.

How could there be such a terrifying creature in this universe?

Indeed, the novels he had read in the past were right. There were some things that only existed in fantasy, and it was not impossible to encounter them in reality.

The Brain Insect slowly waved the tentacles on its body. It opened its eyes and said, “Our fleet and planet are about to fly over your territory. On behalf of the supreme ruler, I request for military access.”

This was the best way to avoid war that the Brain Insect had come up with. It was originally meant to cross the road. At most, they could see valuable planets along the way and excavate them at the same time. If he could avoid provoking the galactic civilization, then he wouldn’t provoke them. Otherwise, he would suffer huge losses.

Right now, the Insect Girl Clan’s production scale was expanding, but there was no increase in the number of fleets. This made them have more experience in increasing their genes. Occasionally, a very powerful insect would evolve, but it was not in a hurry to breed. Instead, after many experiments and modifications, the number of insects would slowly increase.

Doing so would inevitably allow the insect population to accumulate enough resources at one time, forming a relatively strong combat strength.

Lo Ya estimated that in about two years, a portion of the excess frigate would be eliminated from the main fleet. It would become a fleet to escort the transport ships, and the destroyers and cruisers would be combined into a larger scale. A stronger fleet.

The request for the Brain Insect obviously needed the approval of the government. Although he felt that the other side would not be weak, as long as he followed the other side’s request, he would be able to ensure his own safety.

“I understand. I will inform the government above. Please wait for me to contact them.”

“Alright, I will contact you in a while.” The Brain Insect replied with a few words and hung up.

The old man took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. His mind was filled with thoughts about what had happened earlier.

This was too inconceivable. If he had been dissatisfied with buying the boat late, this dissatisfaction would have disappeared by now.

The first time he met an alien, this matter would definitely be recorded in the history of civilization.

“I have to contact the government.”

This was rather troublesome. Fortunately, the government itself had control over every precious battleship. At crucial moments, such as a fleet malfunctioning, they could request official assistance.

He found the customer service website and logged in. Then, he said in a voice voice, “Hello, I have something important to report to the fleet’s communication department. Please help me pass the message.”

“Okay, please wait a moment.” The customer service staff answered with a very good attitude.


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