The Misfit of Demon King Academy

Chapter 216.2

Chapter 216.2

Everybody, focus your <Sanctuary Aske> on me. Then use <Hero Battalion Asura> to make Ledriano-kun and Raos-kun into Chosens. Emilia said while using storage magic to change clothes.

Eleonore and Zeshia had also brought spare uniforms.

Got it! (Hero Academy students)

The students first used <Hero Battalion Asura> to strengthen Raos and Ledriano.

I will set up the <Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias> spell in that forst to halt the dragons advance! (Emilia)

But dragons have wings, dont they? What if they decide to fly on the way here? Ledriano asked.

According to Eldmed-sensei, dragons are creatures that live underground. Even though they have wings, they are primarily used for moving underground. They probably dont fly for prolonged periods of time on the surface. It was the same when you were playing tag with them the other day. (Emilia)

Emilia broadcast a <Thought Communication Leaks> message while flying toward the forest using <Flight Fless>.

Heine-kun. Our final trump card to wipe out the dragons once and for all depends on you. Im counting on you. (Emilia)

Well, Ill give it a shot. Im not really suited for this kind of stuff(Heine)

While twirling both of his holy swords on his hands, he turned not toward the forest, but toward the plains.

Im asking you gently, so just do it! (Emilia)

Yeah, yeah. (Heine)

Heine thrusted both of his holy swords into the ground.

You really are a slave-driver, sheesh! (Heine)

The ground was eroded by the power of the holy swords.

What Heine was creating was a canal for the holy water to pass through.

And it was shaped like the magic circle for <Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias>.

It was huge, He wasnt even done drawing the outer circle yet, as the whole magic circle would span several kilometers.

Of course, the students didnt have enough magic power to cast a spell using such a large-scale magic circle.

Which was the reason for bringing holy water all the way here from the holy lake.

It would turn the entire plains into one <Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias>, and round up the entire swarm of dragons headed in one go.

That was Emilias annihilation strategy.

That being said, the spell formula for <Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias> was complicated. Drawing it over a vast area would require lots of concentration and time.

Until that magic circle was completed, Emilia and the Hero Academy students would have to hold off the swarm of dragons in that forest.

If things went according to plan, they could wipe out all the dragons.

However, if they failed, they wouldnt get out of this unscathed.

The students resolve had taken them this far.

It would be a lie to say that they werent hesitating at all.

And they most definitely felt intimidated.

Nevertheless, after mustering up a little courage and shaking off their fears and doubts, they were now standing on the battlefield.

It shouldnt be too long, now. (Ledriano)

From the forest, Ledriano cast a grim gaze toward the meadow.

He could faintly make out the dragons shadows.

If he listened carefully, he could probably even hear the sound of dragons stomping on the ground.

EVeryone, please stay alert and listen closely. (Emilia)

Emilia was sending a <Thought Communication Leaks> message to her students.

You must have all heard about demon royalty in your studies on demon society (Emilia said while drawing the magic circle for <Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias> throughout the entire forest that would turn into a battlefield.

Well, I was born as one of them. I firmly believed that I was a noble demon who inherited the blood of the sublime hero of Dilhade, the frightening yet exalted Demon King of Tyranny, a perfect being. And I never doubted my title. (Emilia)

Every word she spoke sent pain to her heart.

But it was all a lie. I was just an average demon with nothing to my name, and I had that reality shoved in my face by the Demon King of Tyranny himself. He put a curse on me, stripped me of my pride as a royal, and deprived me of the relief of death. (Emilia)

Emilia may have to carry that pain for the rest of her life.

And yet, I kept running away, and averting my eyes. I ran and ran, wandering in search of a place where I could belong, and now, here I am, standing with you all. (Emilia)

A huge dragons head suddenly came into view.

Its cry echoed in their ears.

But dont worry. It may sound like Im telling you this for convenience, but please believe me. (Emilia)

With a heavy heart, she spoke.

I may have done nothing but run away until I was out of options, but from here on out, I wont move one step from here. Or rather, I cant afford to run away. (Emilia)

She looked straight ahead.

Emilia shouted while looking at the incoming swarm of dragons.

Because Ive finally found the place I belong. This is the place I want to protect! (Emilia)

She was standing at the very front of the battlefield.

Where she would be the first to fight the dragons.

Even now, you children are still the same foolish, vulgar, hopeless students I thought you were. (Emilia)

Emilias belittling words to her students were, however, overflowing with kindness.

Nonetheless, I was wrong about one thing. (Emilia)

The rumbling sound of the dragons footsteps began to echo.

They mustve noticed Emilia and the rest and accelerated.

You guys are definitely not trash, and well prove it to all the humans in Gairadite! By wiping out every single one of those dragons headed our way! Emilia shouted to encourage her students.

Im not about to die here today. Were going to make those monsters regret ever looking down on us. Lets kill them! (Emilia)

Emilias reverberating voice united their feelings as one.

Hahaha! Well said, Emilia! That was great! (Heine)

Yeah, lets do this. Well kill them all! (Raos)

Those vermin are no match for us. (Ledriano)

Heine, Raos, and Ledriano raised their holy swords.

Prepare to shoot bombardment spells!! Here they come! (Emilia)

With an earth-shaking roar, the light of <Sanctuary Aske> converged in Emilia and swelled up so intensely that it reached the sky.

She cast the<Dragon Binding Barrier De Jerias> spell, then countless magic threads were stretched through the forest and eroded the dragons power.

The swarm of dragons appeared clearly in front of their eyes.

Emilia pointed her hand straight ahead.

Fire!! (Emilia)

On her command, the Heroes bombardment spells rained down on the dragons like a hailstorm.


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