The Messenger of Death



After Nana left the underground bunker, everyone in the underground bunker was staring at Alex.

By now, that had lost count of how many times Alex had surprised them one way or another.

"Why didn't you tell us that you possess the bloodline of a Dragon?" Drake, who had recovered, asked with red swollen cheeks.

"I didn't see any point in doing that. Now that you are aware of it does it change anything?" Alex replied.

"Yes, it does. I will pledge my loyalty to and my future will be secured. You can just bestow a tad bit of your bloodline to me and then all will be well. Even if it will be a pseudo-Primordial bloodline, it will be comparable to that of a Class-2 Legendary bloodline." Drake dreamt.

Drake mentioning this put the thought in the minds of the rest. They all stared at Alex, waiting to hear his reply.

"Haha," Alex laughed nervously.

['I Would like to do that, but I don't know how, moreover, you all might die as a result of that.'] Alex thought.

He wouldn't mind doing that for his friends, but he was certain that the Dragnel bloodlines had already merged with his innate bloodline to some extent. Even if his innate bloodline didn't affect the Dragnel bloodlines after merging, he was sure that if he bestow a bit of his bloodline to anyone, they would die.

"You know what? Let's wait for Nana to get back first." Alex mentioned.

"Don't you guys want to know about the Midas petal that I was talking about?" Alex quickly changed the subject.

"Ah, there's no need for you to do that, Gustavo told us about it when you were imprisoned," Camron said.

Alex turned his bead and faced Gus and said; "Just how much do you know?"

"Not much, only a few things. For example, I don't see how it is possible for us to compete for the Midas petal when we are not Midas seed carriers I think that's what you were talking about with Nana." Gus answered with a proud smile.

['Smug much?'] Alex thought as a proud smile appeared on his lips too. "You guys can't compete for the Midas petal without being a seed carrier, only I can do that.

However, there are other opportunities now and you guys will have a chance to get them." Alex revealed.

['If their Karma isn't as bad as ours.'] Al reminded.

"Guys, do you think you have good karma?" Alex asked.

This sudden question had them thinking for a few seconds. "I don't see myself as a bad person in the sense that I haven't gone against my morals and will remain true to myself, so yeah, my Karma should be fairly good." Adrian was the first to speak.

"Same here," Emma said.

['These two look like they will be alright.'] Al commented.

"Mine should be alright," Katherine stated after thinking.

['With every pain, you have caused for Drake, I doubt that little missy.'] Al said before he began laughing.

"I don't know," Drake uttered with his swollen cheeks. He didn't sound or look like he was disturbed by this.

['Yup, Drake's going to die to his bad Karma. Hahaha,'] Al seemed to be enjoying himself while making these comments. Alex chose to ignore the annoying alternate ego making noise in his head.

"I think mine's pretty good," Camron answered.

['For sure Mommy's boy is going to be alright, he's a goody-two-shoes. Even if he does have a bad Karma, it going to be because he's too good.'] Al intoned.

Alex bobbed his head, agreeing with what Al said before then turning his gaze to Gustavo, waiting for him to reply. "To be honest, I am not sure, but I think it is safe to say that my Karma is bad, perhaps the worst you've ever seen," Gus replied with a heavy smile.

['Ha! You wish! That title has already been awarded to us, unfortunately.'] Al snorted.

"Why do you say so?" Alex questioned.

"Because of my ancestry, We somehow offended the Heavens and every one of us has been struck with some level of bad Karma that hasn't left the people of my clam for thousands of years."

"What, Why?" As he was the only one in the Seraphim team who wasn't aware of Gustavo's past, he couldn't think of a reason that will warrant such.

"It's a long story, but I'll make it short. A certain ancestor of mine chose to stand alongside a Class-0 Mythical beast an abomination, and fight against the Heavens. In anger, we were cursed and banished-"

"What!? An Abomination?!" Alex exclaimed in shock, interrupting Gustavo.

"Yeah, he was called Penny, a very peculiar beast that defied the Heavens, not of his own violation but just by being alive."

"The Heavens is such a bitch," Alex uttered.


Everyone gasped in shock and started expecting something bad to happen to Alex.

"Don't go against the Heavens, at least not directly. Don't you know that things can go bad for you because of this statement!?" Gustavo warned Alex.

"Why not? Call a spade a spade. I and the Heavens aren't in a good relationship in the first place, what else can it do to me that it already hasn't done?" Alex replied stubbornly.

"Divine lightning, that was what the Heavens used to end Penny. It is a type of lightning that vanquishes any form of life, the most destructive lightning known. It not only ends a person's life, but it also obliterates a person's soul, making it impossible for that person to ever reincarnate as anything. Even Penny, an abomination was killed by it, if you really enrage the Heavens then you will have to face Divine lightning, in other words, obliteration." Gustavo explained.

Alex frowned after hearing this.

['If what he is saying is the truth, then doesn't that mean that the Heavens have been going easy on us? I mean, we are just like Penny, an abomination.'] Al thought.

['He has to be joking right? If such a thing existed, wouldn't I have been killed by the Heavens the moment I got on its nerves? Unlike Penny, I have a very high affinity with lightning, it shouldn't be able to cause that much damage to us, right?'] Alex refused to believe that such a type of lightning existed. Admitting that would mean that he was resigning to the fact that he was nothing but a game to the Heavens.

['Denying it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are other flames that can hurt Al, for example, the flames of that Prince he fought. The flames from the Prince gave Al heavy injuries despite his bloodline purity being the highest amongst the three Dragnel bloodlines within us. The Divine lightning definitely exists we have just been a joke to the Heavens all this while.'] Xander reasoned. He sound angry when he mentioned the last sentence.

['Mom, Dad, Sheila the Heavens took them away from us and it is still messing with us for its entertainment!'] Lex bellowed.

Of all the Alternate egos in Alexander, Lex was the last person that they would ever expect to react this way, but this is just how angry they got when they thought of how the Heavens have messed with their lives. The four of them were furious, but ultimately, they felt powerless. With the strength that they possessed, Alexander truly wasn't much bigger than an ant in the eyes of Heaven.

Seeing Alex's expression, Gustavo noticed that this was the first time that Alex was hearing something like that. "Don't tell me that you have never heard of the Divine lightning before," He uttered.

Alex ignored Gustavo's question as his attention was had dived deep into his thoughts. Alex felt an invisible pressure weigh down on him. Realizing that he wasn't any different from entertainment to the Heavens, Alexander had never felt such a strong urge of rebellion since the day he was born.

['I refuse to accept this!'] Alex thought in anger.

['I also do not conform to this, my destiny, our destiny should lie in our hands and not the Heavens.'] Xander concurred.

['Fuck the damn Heavens! We will devour that so-called Divine lighting when it presents itself.'] Al cursed out.

['Whatever it takes, I won't cower in the face of this Divine lightning'] Lex swore.

Unknowingly to Alexander, this mindset had broken several barriers in his head and had stimulated his Class-0 Mythical bloodline. His innate bloodline churned and unknowingly to Alexander, it was starting to affect his demeanor.

"So what? The Heavens will have to suck up to my balls. I don't care about what it thinks, it is my life and I will live as I see fit. No one shall be able to take that away from me." Alex said.

Above the Severance academy, thunder, struck the sky, shaking the 3 plain realms. The trees wailed as the skies turned grey, the mountains sunk, the seas sundered and the earth shook, it felt as if the entire world was going to end.

All of this happened because of one person, Alexander the Abomination. Unknowingly to Alexander, today is the day that the Heavens recognized his banner of war and it wasn't going to accommodate it anymore.

This is the true start of a disaster


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