The Messenger of Death

Chapter 376: ITSY BITSY II

Chapter 376: ITSY BITSY II


The bolts of lightning in the clouds rumbled before going silent as if they were the ones that bore the brunt of Nana's slap. Nana then placed a hand on Camilla's shoulder before bringing her along. The two of them reappeared in front of Xander.

'Who who is this woman?' Camilla thought in fear. She thought that Nana was someone that her uncle sent to find her. Camilla tried getting out of Nana's grip, but her body wasn't listening to her mind. Cold sweat formed on her forehead.

"Boy, from the conversation that the two of you had earlier, I realized that the two of you have some bad blood between yourselves. Nonetheless, I am sorry to say, I can't let you kill her." Nana mentioned.

"Why?" Xander asked coldly.

"Because I can't afford to fight off her aunty when the news reaches the Celestial plain realm that my disciple killed the heir to the chieftaincy of the Sky Fox race," Nana answered. "While my clan's people don't fear her clan's people, I do not like to rely on my clan for protection."

"Is Grace that stronger than you are?" Xander intoned.

Nana was shocked when she heard Xander call out Grace's name. 'He even knows her aunt. This boy is keeping a lot of things from me. When will he open up to me!?' Nana wondered, a bit frustrated that her disciple is still keeping secrets from her.

"That stronger? Alexander, when you reach my level of strength, you will be able to understand that crossing cultivation ranks and realms to battle is almost a difficult thing to achieve, even with the support of bloodline QI. Her aunt is over 2000 years of age, she's even older than my father. And she is also a cultivator at the peak of the Emperor realm. That's seven ranks ahead of me!" Nana explained.

Nana admitting that she couldn't take Camilla's aunt, Grace, is the first time Alexander had heard Nana admit that she couldn't take on an opponent. That gave Xander an Idea of how strong Grace is. However, what made Xander frown was the age difference between Grace and Nana.

['Wait, Nana is just in her 40's and she's almost as strong as someone that's over 2000 years of age. Now either Grace wasted most of her youth on other things than cultivation, or Nana is just that terrifying.'] Al commented.

['The Emperor realm, that's the realm before the Immortal Realm, the last cultivation realm within the constraints of the 3 plain realms.'] Xander thought.

['Nana really is a terrifying woman. Thank goodness she's not an enemy of ours.'] Alex chipped.

['Grace did say that she was going to try and break through to the Immortal realm so that she could go against the last Dragnel brother and Camilla's treacherous uncle Al, Xander, it is better if we don't think of killing Camilla for now. Besides, she didn't exactly put a knife to our throats.'] Lex mentioned.

['I'll put this thought aside for now. But that doesn't mean that it won't resurface in the future, when we are strong enough to fight Grace.'] Xander replied.

['Hmph, itsy bitsy bitch got saved by her aunt this time.'] Al muttered grumpily.

"I understand," Xander said to Nana.

"Good, I will advise that you end this party with a bang. If you haven't noticed, what I gave to you is wearing off even as we speak. And while I've been enjoying you being creative with your lightning, I won't be giving you more of what I gave you, it can mess with your foundation and the purity of your bloodline. Do what you can and I will take care of the rest. And also, all your teammates are alive and kicking, they are also in a battle of their own." Nana smiled at Xander.

She could hear the disappointment in his voice when he spoke. "And you, young woman, we have a lot to talk about," Nana said to Camilla before they vanished from everyone's sight.

Few people here had an idea of who Nana is, those that didn't, began thinking that the Severance academy was rearing monsters disguised as people.

Camilla's teammates were worried about Camilla's safety but they didn't know where Nana had gone off to. "Don't worry about her, I won't harm her." Nana transmitted her voice to the ears of Camilla's teammates.

Xander looked at his surrounding, marking everyone that needed to die. He was going to unleash another strong attack before the energy that Nana placed in him dissipated. Xander would have loved to unleash another lightning Dragon, but the energy in him couldn't support that kind of move again. He wanted to see how devastating that attack would be.

The lightning Dragon is the strongest move he has ever thought of, but unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to see it in action any time soon.

Xander retrieved one of the twilight swords from his storage ring, the one with the white helm. As soon as he grabbed onto the sword, the aura around him transformed completely. Before the aura coming out of Xander was wild and ready to ravage everything, now his aura had turned sharp and refined.

The bolts of lightning in the clouds started to change too. They began transforming into swords. Soon, thousands of lightning swords covered the entire arena, waiting for Xander's command.

"Slash," Xander uttered gently, but his voice reverberated in everyone's ears.


The swords tore through the air and showered the arena. Screams filled the air as random bystanders thought that they were going to be hit by the swords, not knowing that Xander was only going for the criminals from the syndicate.

Drake, who was in battle with the carnivorous Pam, shook to the core when he saw the lightning swords raining down. 'Don't tell me that Alex is trying to get rid of me like this!' Drake thought to himself. He quickly placed his hands on the ground and conjured an earth shield to protect himself. But this was pointless because he was never a target in the first place.

Pam, who is a target, manipulated the gravity around him, trying to affect the trajectory of the lightning swords, but his efforts were futile as the lightning swords weren't affected one bit by the gravity he manipulated.

The same thing happened over at where Adrian and Gustavo were. The two of them were fighting against Irimm, while Emma and Katherine were going against Desire. Irimm and Desire did all that they could to stop the lightning swords from reaching them, but they couldn't stop or avoid all these fast swords.

Eventually, they got hit and their bodies were riddled with holes. Soon enough, they died.

The clouds in the sky started to dissipate and the day returned to normal with sunlight shining down on the whole arena.

"Puff!!" Blood suddenly spilled out of Xander's mouth as he fell on one knee. His body began returning to normal, leaving him in a more weakened state than he was before Nana placed that energy in him.

"Alex," Camron ran to Xander's side. "Are alright!?" He asked when he arrived before Xander.

['This idiot's favorite line.'] Alex mentioned.

['Talking as if you don't like the concern that Camron has for you.'] Al teased.

['How does that concern you? Xander let's switch back.'] Alex urged. He wanted to avoid having this conversation with Al.


Alex took over and a mind-crippling pain assaulted his brain. "Argh!!" Alex let out in agony.

"I'll be able to live through it," Alex replied as he tried to stand on his feet, only to end up staggering. Camron immediately held Alex's shoulders and held him in place. "I don't think you should be trying to stand at the moment," Camron stated.

"Told you that it was going to leave you wrecked. Anyways, time to end this whole shenanigan." Nana's voice reached Alex's ear.

"I shouldn't interfere in the old man's fight. He should make the decision himself." Nana muttered underneath her breath when she sensed that old man Fang was in a battle too.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind fell on the entire academy, it was then followed by little snowflake crystals. The crystals drifted with the gust of wind and landed on the members of the criminal syndicate that was spread around the Severance academy.

Nana's control was so precise that when a random person that wasn't a target tried to touch the snowflake crystal, the snowflake would dodge them and head for a target.

Everyone that got touched by a snowflake crystal turned into an ice statue before fading alongside the gust of wind. In just a few seconds, Nana ended everything.

"Miss Natalia made it back on time." The steward informed Xiao En. He had been keeping an eye on everything that was happening over at the island where the portal to the Ordain plain realm is, right until the Great Guardian of the North appeared.

The steward quickly retracted his spiritual sense when that happened, not wanting to offend the man.

"That is good.." Xiao En said with a little smile hanging on her lips.


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