The Messenger of Death



Seconds had gone by since Nana's great, great grandfather left. When Alex was sure that the surreal man had disappeared, he let out a heavy sigh. "Oh, God! That was suffocating!" He blurted out.


"Ouch! What was that for?" Alex cried out while holding the spot on his head that had just been hit by Nana.

"Because I felt like it, what? Do you have complaints?" Nana arched a brow at Alex.

Alex swallowed the words he had alongside his saliva, making a gulping sound as he shook his head. "Not at all, ma'am."

"Good, I would have thrown you into the sea if you replied differently. Now, let's go back to the academy." Nana said and reached out for Alex's hand.

"Wait," Alex stopped her.

"What is it now?" Nana complained as she looked at Alex with annoyance written on her face.

"Umm, Argus,"

"What about him? Be quick about it and don't stutter!"

"Well, he followed me here and was tasked with keeping me safe until the end of the whole thing. I'm not sure if he's still alive can you do a quick search, please." Alex pleaded.

He knew the real reason why Argus was here. Alex had no doubt that he was sent to keep him safe after he was sent to spend a month in the forest of prisoners.

['I told you that he can find his own way back, why do you have to stress Nana?'] Al questioned.

['Since when did you give a shit if I stressed Nana or not?'] Alex finished his sentence with a snort.

Nana rolled her eyes at Alex but she still decided to do as he asked.

Spreading her spiritual sense out, Nana was able to sense everything on the island below, and in a few seconds, she was able to find Argus.

Argus was passed out on a tree branch and next to him was a knocked-out Sakura. "Found him, he's still breathing. Do you have any other requests?" Nana asked impatiently.

"Well, can you bring him-"


Before Alex could complete his sentence, Nana pulled him along with her, and in a second they appeared in the sky above the Severance academy.

"Ugh!!" Alex forced himself to stay awake as he placed his hands on his knees and arched his back a bit. The movement was so sudden and faster than any other time Nana had carried him along with her.

"Blergh!!" Alex couldn't hold himself anymore and he vomited.

"Oh come on, stop being a weakling and suck it up. I sensed that something was wrong so I had to come here as fast as I could well just the right speed that wouldn't hurt you." Nana said in her defense.

"Hahaha, the right speed that wouldn't hurt." Alex laughed in-between his fits of throwing up. "You could have used your QI to protect me, you cra-" Alex vomited some more. "What about Argus?" he asked.

Nana pointed behind them and Alex turned his head to take a look at the still unconscious Argus. His body was floating vertically in the air.

"You said that you sensed that something was wrong. Now unless you are lying to me, what's wrong?"

"Why would I have to lie to a weakling like you?"

"Well Touch." Alex placed his hands on his waist as he came to terms with what Nana stated.

"Look over there." Nana pointed below them.

As soon as Alex looked at what she was pointing at, his face squeezed as he turned to look at Nana. "What is my vomit doing levitating in the damn air!? Are you doing this?"

"Stupid boy, do I look like I have a weird fetish? Why would I want to keep your vomit?" Nana retorted as she raised a hand to slap Alex's head.

"Ahh if you hit my head any more than you already have then my brain might start to bleed." Alex used his hands to cover his head before her hand could reach his head.

"Maybe if your brain starts bleeding your thoughts will flow better. It should help you stop thinking about nonsense."

"Why is my vomit floating though?"

"It is not floating, it landed on top of the barrier of a formation. A formation that is not meant to be on the Lower plain realm, although it is an inferior version of the original, it's still not meant to be here." Nana replied.

"What does the formation do?"

"It seals the cultivations of everyone within it except the marked people. It can also forcefully take the cultivation of everyone within it and bestow it all on another person. It is quite a devious formation." Nana explained.

"Oh, why is something like this being used on the academy when the continental competition hasn't ended?"

"Do you want to see what's going on within the formation?" Nana questioned.

"Huh?" Alex looked down at the Severance academy and saw that nothing was out of place. "Aren't I already seeing what's going on?" He stated with a confused expression.

Nana raised her hand again and Alex quickly covered his head with his hands, thinking that Nana was about to slap him again. "This slap isn't for you so calm down." Nana chuckled and dropped her hand.


Like a bubble bursting, the formation that was over the Severance academy shattered easily in front of Nana's slap.

Slowly, the true view of the academy came into view, shocking Alex. He watched the massacre happening and the only thing that could come to his mind is if his teammates were still alive.

"The effects of the formation are useless now that I have broken it," Nana muttered.

"Nana, do you have anything on you that can return me to my peak state in a matter of minutes?" Alex asked.

He looked worried and Nana could see that. She wanted to tell him that his teammates were alright but decided not to tell him about it anymore.

"I do, but you won't like the state that it will put your body in after using it." Nana placed her hands behind her back as she smiled playfully at Alex.

Seeing her playful expression, Alex shuddered in fear, but he couldn't dwell on that thought for long. "I'll still use it as long as it doesn't kill me after using it,"

"Quite a decisive disciple I've got. Close your eyes." Nana ordered and Alex did as she said.

Alex felt her palm touch his chest, "Remember, don't try to absorb or refine this energy if not it will kill you." Nana whispered in his ears before sending a minuscule part of her QI into Alex's chest

Within the now ineffective formation covering the Severance academy, those that were still alive started to feel their cultivation rise to the level that it previously was.

"Argh!! You bastards! I'm going to kill every single one of y'all." One of the earliest people to notice that her cultivation had returned, screamed with a tear in her eyes as she charged at the assailants that had been pursuing them for their lives.

Not long after this lady, others began noticing the return of their cultivations, and soon, they too let their wrath fall onto the assailants.

"Kill all of these bastards!!" The voices of enraged people echoed out as they stopped running from the people that wanted to kill them and started fighting back

"What's going on?" Shi Li, who had been in battle against Camron for a while now, noticed the auras of other cultivators returning. He then looked at the sky and saw that the formation that they placed on the academy had been broken.

"How how is this possible?" He uttered in shock. Then he felt a tingling sensation on the top of his scalp. Shi Li's body shuddered as he continued to look up at the sky, his gaze landed on Nana who seemed to be smiling at the figure that was descending from the sky.

'I have to get out of here," Shi Li thought. The feeling of danger that he got from seeing Nana alone surpassed every sensation of danger he had ever felt before. His instincts screamed at him to run, to the extent that Shi Li's body subconsciously made his ears deaf.


Shi Li turned and ran with his tail between his legs. This new development confused Camron, and although he wanted to give chase and continue the fight until he kills Shi Li, he didn't want to leave his siblings' side at the moment.

"Camron." Arabella went beside her brother and hugged him.

"Bella, are you alright?" Camron worriedly probed.

"I will live through it," Arabella replied lightly. "I can feel my cultivation returning." She then added.

"Me too," Benjamin stated. Oliver and Sara also announced that their cultivation had returned.

Camron then looked up at the sky to search for what made Shi Li scurry away. His gaze then landed on Nana, and then suddenly, Camron let out a sigh. He was relieved to see her.

Alex had told them a few things about Nana, and about how incredibly strong she is.

'Even Gustavo was saved and brought to the Lower plain realm by her.' Camron thought. 'With her here, everything will be fine'


A crater appeared on the arena as Xander crashed on it.


Lightning flashed through the air and then subsequently, the bright clouds in the sky started to turn dark as if it was going to rain. Thousands of rose-gold-colored lightning swam through these clouds like they were schools of fish.

['Goddamn Xander, since when did you get this strong?'] Al questioned upon seeing the phenomenon that Xander's lightning-caused.

On the way down, Xander decided that he wanted to take over and Alex allowed him to. After switching with Alex, Xander activated his bloodline QI.

"I don't know why this is happening, however, I think it has something to do with what Nana sent into our body. It's not affecting our cultivation, but it is stimulating our bloodlines instead."

['Fuck these people up while looking for the guys.'] Alex chipped in.

['Language, Alex. And don't worry, I will only kill those that deserve to be killed.'] Xander replied and his entire body got shrouded in his lightning.




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