The Messenger of Death

Chapter 15: itsy bitsy

Chapter 15: itsy bitsy

As soon Alex saw Camilla right in front of him he knew that she wasn't there to give him kisses on his cheeks. Before Alex could utter any words, he saw that his surroundings had started changing.

Alex felt a burning pain coming from his abdomen like he had been hit on his stomach hard.


He was hit so hard that he flew back several meters away from his initial position and crashed into a huge tree.


The tree that broke his flight was also affected by the impact and it fell. The tree was so big it took down other trees as it fell.


Alex vomited a sizeable amount of blood. He tried to get up, doing so he felt more pain than he did when he was hit. Seven of his ribs were fractured. He fell back on his chest

'Cough, cough.' He coughed out more blood.

'Did this bimbo shatter my kidney?' Alex thought to himself in pain.

"I told you that you would pay. I wouldn't kill you or cripple you because of my aunt, you should be very grateful to her. But I will not journey with a liability like you. I will leave on my own. And oh, there are beasts around here that are stronger than you, if you are lucky enough, you would survive a few days with your injury if you are attacked." Alex heard Camilla say.

Alex, who was lying on his chest in a puddle of blood, forced himself to get on his knees, he had his hands on the ground trying to support his weight. He put a hand on his chest and raised his head. He started to feel the urge to kill Camilla.

"Growl" He looked up and growled like a beast. Unfortunately for him, Camilla was nowhere to be seen in the vicinity. Alex took in deep breaths, trying to bear with the pain and calm his rage a bit.

He put a hand into his jacket and into a hidden pocket. He brought his hand out.

"F*ck, my serum. Only a few left." He grumbled.

What Alex had in his hand was a healing serum in a syringe the length of an adult's middle finger, an advanced version of the one Kain used to heal his hand on the first day they met. Out of the nine serums Alex had on him, only 4 remained. The rest broke due to the force from the punch that Camilla gave to him.

Alex injected one of the serums into his nape. After the serum safely went into his body he removed the syringe and threw it away, he closed his eyes and estimated how long it would take for his injuries to heal.

"With just one serum it will take about an hour or two for most of the injury to heal. I'd better use one more to speed things up."

He raised another serum and was about to stab his nape with it when he started feeling funny. The burning pain he had been feeling from his abdomen and chest had subsided greatly.

"Huh?" Alex was confused for a minute.

"Did the healing process accelerate? Or is this due to the fact that my body's anabolism has transformed? This isn't just a serum anymore. Hahaha, I'll call you Lazarus from now on." Alex said as he looked at the three intact serums left.

He put the serums in his ring, he didn't want to lose them the same way he lost the rest. Alex sat down and folded his legs, he looked around and saw the aftereffect of his predicament.

"That itsy bitsy b*tch. She really left me here. So much for my protection." Alex cursed out. He looked at his surroundings again.

"I have to admit, the bimbo is strong and fast." That fact started to piss him off once more.

"I'm going to get stronger than you and have my revenge." He said to the air, making a mental note to not spare Camilla in the future if they cross paths.

He got up and cleaned the dirt from his cloth. He looked at his shoulder and saw his blood, blood that he vomited had drenched that part of his jacket. He removed the jacket and stored it in his ring. Alex looked to his east.

"East it is." He started his journey in that direction.


Alex had been walking for a few hours now and all he saw were trees and weird fruits that he had not seen before. He also saw lots of weird-looking animals, most of them avoided him, and some died on the spot. He could not understand why those animals died or why they avoided him.

"How big is this forest, I have been walking for six hours. Strangely I don't feel tired physically but I am mentally stressed at the moment and all these green and death loving animals are not helping matters." He complained.

He walked for a few more hours and finally he was out of the forest. He was standing on a pathway that seems to have been created crudely. It was filled with bumps.

"Should I be happy that I have seen a pathway or frustrated from the sloppy civil engineering? No, I should be happy, at least I'm not lost in a strange forest with weird animals, in a world I know nothing of."

"Neigh!!!" Alex heard from afar. It sounded like several horses were heading his way.

"Looks like my luck just keeps on getting better. With this amount of horses, there's bound to be people, and where there are people, there is food. I mean they should at least have a map and some information."

He smiled as he said, feeling relief wash over him.

Alex stood by the side of the road, waiting for the horses to reach where he was.


A young man sat at the front of a carriage. He was the coachman of the carriage. The coachman was taking his young master to the capital city.

The young man strained his eyes and saw a young boy standing by the side of the road, the boy looked like he was still in his early teens, good facial looks, and was a fifth-rank Origin Realm cultivator.

"An average talented individual, he can't possibly create any meaningful troubles for us." The young coachman said.

"Young master, a teen is standing by the side of the road ahead, he seems to be waiting for help. Should we pass and leave him be?" The coachman asked.

"How strong is he?" a voice asked from within the carriage.

"He is just a fifth-rank Origin realm cultivator. He is not a threat to us."

"Then there is no reason for us to ignore him is there?" the voice from within said.

"I understand." The coachman replied.

A figure appeared and sat beside the coachman. The figure had a calm demeanor. He had brown short hair that was neatly styled. Arched eyebrows and soft black eyes. He had a smile on his face. This figure could be considered to be good looking, a ladies man.

"Young master you don't need to come out, I can take care of this."

"No, I want to do this. I have been sitting in there for hours now."

The carriage suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

"Neigh!!!" the horses pulling the carriage cried out in fear. Their legs started to shake.

"Evan, what is wrong with the horses, why did they suddenly start acting like this?" The young master asked his coachman.

"I don't know, they only act like this when they see creatures they cannot confront or people with strong and pure bloodlines," Evan answered.

"But there's no beast around here or any.." The young master stopped halfway through his sentence and stared at Alex.

'This person might have a very strong bloodline. I have to be careful with this one.' The young master thought.

The young teen had a smile on his face as he took the initiative to go closer. An unbearable pressure landed on Evan and his young master. The pressure forced them both to the ground and made the horses pass out.


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