The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 757

Chapter 757

[I don’t know if this suggestion will be of help to you, my lord. But the situation in the Red Void remains the same—it is still in a constant state of hunger.]


[This is a space created by the Primordial God’s sin. Because of that, it has always been in an unstable state. In fact, it is always in a state of transition. This place that is teeming with overwhelming power is constantly longing for any and all traces of Goddess Freyja. A trace just like you, a living being.]


[Become the ruler of this place. And if you bring her here and make her into your subordinate, then...]

“Arbit. I asked you about the method to tear Thanatos apart.”

[Forgive me, my lord. If I were to be honest, your goal is a bit too ridiculous. That is why the only method I know of to offer you is so odd.]

Arbit spoke calmly.

[Many strong men have existed in the past, but none of them dared to fight and go against the Primordial Will. The World Coordinator or the Creator is created after the demigods assimilated with the world. The concept of fighting and winning against a god has never been a possibility in the first place—the only viable method was bridging the gap by becoming strong enough to wrest away some of their authority and throne.]

A god was not exactly a living being. In a way, it could be considered to be a product of nature. After all, a god was no different from a concept or a collection of transcendental wills. Of course, there was a chance that it was possible to wipe out a transcendental will, but doing so would be equivalent to destroying an entire world. This was the same concept behind why the forced destruction of one of Neltarid’s sides would result in Earth’s destruction.

“Did Hercules become the ruler of this place?”

[During the rule of the First Lord, this place was filled with nothing but chaos and confusion—the world that you see before you now is the result of all of his long and hard work. It’s incredibly difficult for a world to be born like that ever again.]

This world was created by the sin of god after the three way battle between the Absolute God and the two gods who dared to rebel against her. Because of that, the Red Void needed a being that could coordinate and tune its space.

“So, this is how a god is born?”

[Although it’s been 30,000 years, I still can’t confidently give judgment on that matter. But there’s one thing for sure—unlike Goddess Freyja, Neltarid and Thanatos were both made by a god’s hands. They were demigods who became gods. Of course, the same is true for you, my lord. You have already escaped from the cycle of human karma once, no?]

Then, Arbit whispered as if he wanted to persuade Davey.

[Please become the god of the Red Void. My lord, you are already a demigod. If you can handle and take control of the power of the first lord, then you will be able to easily become the master of the Red Void.]

“Then you’ll be able to go and rest?”

[Hoho. Of course.]

A grin curled at the corners of Davey’s lips when he heard Arbit’s laughter, then he beckoned to him. Arbit slowly lowered his huge head to his level.

[Is there something that you want to say?]

“I just had this weird thought: why do you know so much about this, hmm?”


“Shall I take a guess? The method that you’re proposing seems like it would put me in the same situation as you and Hercules, no?” Davey slapped the silent Arbit’s snout.

[It’s not good to introduce reckless changes.]

“Come on, give me a different way...”

[I have been waiting for 30,000 years, my lord.]

“The one who has kept you waiting for so long is Hercules, not me. Remember that, Arbit.”

Arbit’s expression changed when he heard that.

[And you’re the one who can save me now—I have been waiting for you to grant me eternal rest! But now you’re saying that you’re going to continue ignoring me like this?!]

Ah. Can’t you wait for a hundred more years?”

[Whether it’s waiting for 1,000 or 10,000 years, the fact that each year already feels like a very long time does not change!]

The two continued to stare at each other for a long time. The one to break the silence was Arbit.

[Then... does it really mean that I have to wait for another hundred years?]

“Nope... Let’s have you wait for 500 years instead.”

[My lord!!!]

“You should let me enjoy my newly-married life, you damn punk!”

[If this fails, then everything, including your newly-married life, will also disappear!!!]

“If you’re not going to be of any help, then keep your mouth shut.”

Arbit snarled and turned around after Davey told him off harshly.

[Go on, then. I’ll try to find a way. But remember, Thanatos is a god—he doesn’t have a fixed body. If only there was a body that can be used to replace him... Ah, of course it would not be easy. There’s nobody in this world that can contain a god.]

In the end, Davey was forced to return without any gains since the now-screaming Arbit did not know anything.


With the Abyss’ sudden retreat, the situation on Earth fell into a lull. The Earth had suffered too many casualties from their large-scale invasion—the once glorious and splendid global village of the past could no longer be seen. Now, they could only wish that the monsters would not invade their world.

The growth of the Awakened was limited while the monsters’ invasion was neverending. This was the case even after what happened to the Malicious Spirits. Davey did not know how or why, but he was sure that the monster invasion would not end for at least a hundred more years.

“I have to find a way...”

In the meantime, he was spending all of his time and effort trying to prevent Perserque from being dragged back into the Abyss.

He had stolen the seat of the Demon King, which spelled certain death for Perserque. His attempt had later even antagonized Goddess Freyja. He became a demigod to stop Perserque's power from going out of control. Forcing her to undergo metamorphosis was also to protect her—but so what? In the end, he couldn’t save her because she was Thanatos herself?


Davey gritted his teeth in anger as he destroyed an entire forest in the less populated Gangwon Province. He came here because he needed a quiet place where he could think and organize his thoughts, but it wasn’t much help.

“There must be a limit to playing these jokes.”

Goddess Freyja had shown Davey that nothing would change even if he repeated the same thing a thousand times over. Back then, he had confidently declared that he would change the future. But then what happened? The truth that he was forced to learn later was very upsetting.

Even if he could block Thanatos’ will, in the end, Perserque would be completely devoured by the Twilight God. No matter how hard Davey struggled, that fact was impossible to change. But the thing that Davey found to be the most upsetting was the fact that she did not trust him enough.

“Why didn’t she tell me...”

Perserque was fully aware that Thanatos was gradually devouring her sense of self. If she had told Davey earlier, then time would have been on their side. Perhaps she wouldn’t have spoken of it until the ritual was completed.

Why? Because she was afraid that Davey would be in danger, afraid that he would make an unreasonable choice. That was why she insisted on keeping quiet until the very end. Nevertheless, Perserque’s actions and behavior made Davey mad.

Blocking Thanatos’ will? That might be possible. The reality was what it was but Perserque had always been by Davey’s side and it was hard for him to imagine a life without her anymore.

Ha...” Davey exhaled as he gulped down the Nirvana that he had taken out of his Pocket Plane, emptying the entire bottle into his throat.

Hiss, hiss...

At that moment, a faint sound registered in Davey’s ears. When he turned to look in the direction of the sound, he caught sight of a group of goblins staring at him nervously with daggers in their hands.


Kieek... kieeeeek!!!

Despite trembling from nervousness, the group of goblins surrounded Davey as if they were about to launch a raid. Even though they were terrified, they were still willing to fight—that bravery was praiseworthy.


Davey smashed the empty and sturdy bottle of Nirvana on a rock. Then, he raised the bottle, which now sported a sharp end, toward the goblins.

“Don’t come near me.”

The language that Davey used was something that anyone could understand, regardless of their race. And the goblins who heard him? They could not help but look at him in confusion at first, but when they heard his next words, they all turned pale.

“I’ll come to you.”


Davey charged forward and easily stabbed the neck of one of the goblins.

“I’ll find a way to solve it.”

If Davey could not find a way, then perhaps his will would be destroyed right away. He could not forget how Perserque, who had always tried to maintain her own calm, wept in his arms. He would never forget how she cried while saying sorry and telling him that there was nothing that they could do, that she no longer wanted to see him be in danger because of her.



The goblins shrieked as they began to flee. It seemed like they all understood that they did not have the slightest chance of winning this fight. Although they tried to run away with tears and snot dripping down their faces, Davey still ran them down one by one. He looked like he had been possessed as he absent-mindedly slashed their throats with the broken bottle in his hands.


Surprisingly enough, one of the goblins was able to run away from him. While chasing after the desperately running goblin, Davey realized that the air around him had changed.


Davey had dealt with the Malicious Spirits and trampled the Abyss.

I won against all of them, but...

Everything should be over, and yet...

The only thing that he should have to be worrying about was to return to Heins Territory, bless Baris and Winley in their weddings, and take Per and Aeria to live a leisurely life in their pastime. So why had it come to this?

The moment the situation reached this point, Perserque began to avoid Davey. Perhaps it was because she did not have the courage to look in his eyes. Davey did not need the rest—he would be happy if she could just hug him and tell him that she loved him.

“Tell me. Why are you doing this to me?” Davey wondered to himself.

But Goddess Freyja would probably only have one answer for him, no? The future would not change even if you repeated it a thousand times over. If that was the case, then would he make the same choice over and over again? Back then, he said that he would—even after the countless failed attempts, Davey never abandoned that goal. But he never expected that he would get caught in a quagmire like this.

“This is why you have no mercy.”

‘If you’re a god, then please do something. Do not let a human being fight against a god.’

Goddess Freyja and Davey were in a business transaction. He had only caught her interest and had never gained the goddess’ love. She might just mercilessly take away Davey’s divine power once the battle between the three gods was over—but Davey had no intention of just giving it away like that.

Davey, having finished off the last goblin who was running away, threw the blood-stained bottle away and grumbled to himself, “There’s no grave without a story.”

And Davey had no intention of making Per’s grave.

“Benevolent Goddess Freyja, your lamb is begging you. I cannot think of anything to get out of this trial...”

‘So, give me some cheats. If you help me, then good. But if you don’t, then...’

“I’m going to stick to the Abyss.”

During his protest, which wasn’t really a protest, Neltarid’s stigma on Davey’s wrist shone brightly.

[A trial is called a trial because you can challenge and overcome them.]


[Freyja, who received my holy stigma, remember this. A god is a concept. They do not have a body.]

The revelation from a god, who could not interfere because he was busy struggling for power and fighting against his side of destruction, rang in Davey’s ears.

Davey pondered over the words that sounded quite similar to what Arbit had said. What did those words mean?

[Freyja, who received my holy stigma.]

“My name is Davey. Do not call me by that name.”

[You will have an opportunity.]

Du-talk! Du-talk!

Davey, who heard Durian Talk’s ringtone for an incoming message, grabbed his phone. That was when he saw the urgent messages sent by United States’ President Donald Drumper on the app.

Davey was not sure about group chats, but he was very sure that all personal chats were blocked on his phone. Did he get hacked? Considering America’s capabilities, he supposed it wasn’t impossible.

[Please help us! I will do anything. Millions of people are going to die! Help!]

A few pictures popped up—in those pictures was a very familiar figure. It was a girl wearing a dark purple gothic lace dress who was carrying a matching dark purple parasol.

She was currently the most threatening and most powerful being from the Abyss. Unlike the fallen Abyss, she was still putting pressure upon Davey after eventually being freed from Alf Online.

What was she doing? It seemed like she would not leave this place until all of the humans on earth died. Davey, who pondered over this matter, suddenly thought of something else.

“Wait. She’s also from the Abyss.”

Even Sleesia, the highest ranking Princess of the Abyss, dared not cross her path. They were no match for her with how strong she was.


Normally, Davey would have let them do their thing and wait for his turn. Not this time.


When Davey clapped his hands, his friends in nature began to gather.

“Heed my call. Summon.”

[The wind of beginning.]

A strong and powerful wind blew.

[The light echo that carries the words of god.]

The source of life and the one in charge of all creation was being summoned with Davey’s call. As a huge amount of spirit energy gathered, Davey looked at the overwhelmingly strong cyclone that had gathered in front of him and said, “I’m going to cross the sea, so give me a ride. Ah, wait. There’s no distance-based surcharge, right?”

The cyclone fluctuated when it heard Davey’s words.

To summon a Spirit King, one had to have a strong power and a great desire. Davey did not know if the summoning would be possible this time. But it seemed like the three slave Spirit Kings, who thought that they should not be the only ones being beaten and treated this way, did their best to disguise Davey to allow the summoning.

‘Welcome. Once you’ve been caught, you will never be able to go back.’

[Hmm? How can a human summon me... What the hell is this? Gnoass, Ellaim and Iffrit’s power?!]

“Alright. Just sign a contract, you dodo.”

Furious at Davey’s words, the Wind Spirit King created a powerful storm.

[Silence!!! You insignificant bug! How dare you call the Wind Spirit King with such a vulgar word like dodo...]


Wind Spirit King Sylphid flinched at Davey’s word. He, who took on the form of a dodo, looked at Davey with wide eyes when he felt the pressure weighing down on him.

“Are you signing it or not?” Davey picked up the bottle and pointed the sharp end at him. “I have to cross the sea right away, do you understand? Right now, the only one I can mobilize among those who can fly is you.”

‘Eclipse, I’m coming to meet you right now.’


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