The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 39:

Chapter 39:

Wei Shao is sitting on the couch behind a desk. There are heavy books stacked on the left side of the desk. Some have been opened and read, some are still well-tied. On his right-hand side, his long sword lay flat. He was holding a volume of scrolls in his hand when he heard Xiao Qiaos footsteps and raised his eyes slightly.

Xiao Qiao walked straight up and bowed slightly toward him. She got on the couch without asking and sat down on her knees opposite his desk, right across from him.

Wei Shao was slightly stunned and looked at her.

Xiao Qiao said, Husband, this morning I came out from Grandmothers place and learned about the military situation in Shiyi and Yanzhou. I know my uncle has asked you for help. My uncle also wrote a letter to me, asking me to plead in front of you. I know I dont have such a favor or face in front of you. Even without my uncles letter, I still need to talk to you. At home, I waited for a long time and did not see you back. I was afraid you were going on a journey, so I took a risk and barged into the government office. Please forgive me if I did anything wrong.

Wei Shao said indifferently, What do you want to say to me?

Xiao Qiao looked straight into his eyes: I am looking for you, naturally, to beg you to help Yanzhou and solve the Xue Tai military disaster.

Wei Shao smiled, put down the book in his hand, slowly sat up straight, and said, How can a woman be an official? What makes you think I can help Yanzhou escape its military disaster?

In his tone of voice, there was a slightly sarcastic tone that Xiao Qiao was familiar with, which came out again inadvertently.

Xiao Qiao said, I know Im a weak person. The Qiao and Wei families have a history of grudges. The death of my father-in-law and uncle was related to my Qiao family. My Uncle insisted on marrying me off and hoping to make peace, but this is like covering your eyes to catch a bird, only to deceive ourselves.

Wei Shao narrowed his eyes: Then, what else do you want to say?

Xiao Qiao slowly raised her eyes: I know the reason you married me because you followed the order of the elders. I dont dare to ask you to let go of the hatred of your father and brother. But since the Wei and Qiao families have formed a marriage, in the eyes of the world, it is the same as entering into an alliance. The Qiao family is in danger, if you stand by and do nothing, you will be in disgrace. Moreover, the Wei family is strong and the Qiao family is weak. If Yanzhou is lost, it will be a loss of face for you.

Wei Shao did not make a sound and had an indifferent look.

Xiao Qiao paused to exchange a breath of air in her chest: The East Sea is wide and deep, but it is humble enough to accommodate a hundred rivers; although the five mountains are tall, they do not oppose dirt and dust. I know you have aspirations that are higher than the nine heavens and have the ability to tread on the sea. Speaking of the Wei family in Youzhou, everyone in the world knows. The first reason is that the Wei family has a reputation for resisting foreign invasion. This makes the Wei family special. For four or three generations. One after another, and today, in your hands, you will not lose the prestige of your ancestors. This time, if you can save the people of Yanzhou, not only will the people of Yanzhou be grateful, but the people of the world will also spread the word that you have a big heart.

Wei Shao laughed, If I dont help, then I will become a narrow-minded person. I dont care about these false reputations. The king is victorious and the enemy is defeated, dont you know this principle?

Xiao Qiao shook her head, her tone sincere: I have no such intention. If you really dont want to save, I think its not because youre obsessed with your grandfathers old grievances. I heard from Grandmother this morning that 150,000 people from Bingzhou are coming to Shiyi. You are facing an attack from the enemy, so you cant spare your troops to take care of Yanzhou.

Wei Shao looked at her.

Im just a girl from a boudoir. I have no extra knowledge. I would like to suggest a strategy to relieve Yanzhous troops, and if you think it is feasible, you wont have to divide your troops. I dont know if you will allow me to say it?

Wei Shao seemed stunned. His brows twitched slightly.

Speak up. His tone was a bit careless.

When I was still living in the East County, I heard in the Huai Shui area, besides Xuzhou Xue Tai, there was another family led by Yang Xin, the ruler of Huainan Yangzhou. Xue Tai and Yang Xin have been fighting for land and people. They have always been at odds with each other. Chen Xiang used his marriage to ally with Xue Tai and instigated him to attack Yanzhou, so why not return the favor and join Yang Xin to attack Xuzhou? If Xuzhou is in danger, Xue Tai will have to retreat to save its own troops. As long as we can get Yang Xin to send troops, regardless of how much food and money it takes, I will send a letter to Yanzhou, and my uncle and father will definitely give the money. There is no need for you to spend any money. When I got married, my family prepared a trousseau for me, and I would like to give all of it, even though it is a small amount.

Wei Shao looked slightly moved but did not interrupt.

This strategy to save Zhao from Wei, since I thought of it, naturally, you can also think of it. I also understand that it is easy to say but difficult to do. Yang Xin attacked Xuzhou at this time, which means he and Chen Xiang will be enemies. Chen Xiang is powerful, although Yang Xin is greedy for money, he may not be willing to offend Chen Xiang for food and money. Persuading Yang Xin is the most difficult thing. I think in the world, only you have the favor and prestige to move Yang Xin.

Husband, do you think it is feasible?

Finally, she asked in a soft voice.

The study room fell silent.

Although Xiao Qiao tried to calm herself, when she looked into his eyes, she still unconsciously showed a hint of nervousness. Her hands are slightly damp and sweaty.

The life and death of Yanzhou and Qiao family, perhaps within this thought.

Wei Shao looked at Xiao Qiao and seemed indifferent. However, in his heart, he was surprised and even shocked.

Brilliant strategy.

Like she said just now, last night after Wei Liang left, and he was alone while waiting for dawn in this office, Wei Shao actually had this plan of driving away the eagle and chasing the fox.

The eagle he thought of was the same as what she said, Yang Xin, the ruler of Yangzhou.

As long as he made arrangements and promised generous benefits, it was not hard to get Yang Xin to send troops to attack Xuzhou.

But like he said this morning when he went to see Mrs. Xu, there is a barrier inside his heart.

He hesitated between saving and not saving, momentarily difficult to decide.

Whenever he thinks of the Qiao familys betrayal of trust, hatred spreads in his heart.

The poignant scene of his father and brother dying together when he was a teenager was inscribed in his bones, and as time passed, the shadow did not fade, but only became more deeply rooted in the depths of his heart. Only, sometimes it did not come up.

He gradually realized this Qiao daughter was not only beautiful but also pleasing to his heart. At some point, her inadvertent expressions and small movements can provoke his heart and made him think of something unusual.

He was willing to be nicer to her, to a certain extent and within limits, such as within the room. Out of the room, those sensual pleasures she brought to him did not dilute his disgust for the Qiao family.

It was because he was hesitating, or rather, he needed a reason to convince himself to help the Qiao family in accordance with the marriage alliance, which was why he went to see his grandmother this morning.

Although his grandmother did not explicitly say anything, Wei Shao could understand.

When he left the gate of the Wei Manor, he had already made up his mind.

In the front of the hall, Wei Liang and another 20 to 30 people have been summoned. They were waiting for him to issue orders.

He was ready to get up and go to the front hall when she suddenly arrived.

If she knew Yanzhou was in danger, she would come and ask for his help, which he had expected.

What he didnt expect was she came to the government office and appeared in front of him with her rare bright makeup, a new dress, a fairy-like appearance, and trying to convince him in such a way.

Needless to say, she is very clever, clever beyond his imagination. The words are layered and persuasive.

Even if he didnt decide to move at first, after hearing her words, there was no reason to object anymore.

Wei Shaos mood at this moment is somewhat hard to say. Not sure what the feeling is. Surprise? Joy? Maybe there is a bit of unspoken disappointment

After Xiao Qiao asked Is it feasible?, she waited for him to answer. After waiting for a long time, he did not reply.

He was sitting opposite her but did not say a word. After waiting for a long time, he did not reply. She looked at his expression, it was like water.

She could not guess what he was thinking in his heart.

She couldnt help but be more anxious.

On the way here, she planned what she was going to say. She felt that she had some convincing power.

As long as Wei Shao had a bit of patience to listen to her, she felt she had a better chance of convincing him.

But now it seems that her words did not seem to have any effect.

Perhaps he is still hesitating?

He can hesitate, but she can no longer hesitate. There is no such capital. She will definitely do her 100% best to convince him.

She was sitting on her knees across from him. Suddenly, she straightened up and pressed her fingers gently on the desk.

Husband married me, it is for Yanzhou, too. Yanzhou is now like the meat on your plate. If you can protect it, I cant think of any reason why you should give it away and take it back from someone else later?

Wei Shao and her looked at each other, still without expression.

Yanzhou and Man Man will be very grateful if we could rely on you to save us this time.

Xiao Qiaos tone was soft, and she suddenly leaned over toward him. Her lips gently touched his tightly closed lips.

The two faces were close together in an instant. Xiao Qiaos delicate and pretty nose touched his cheek lightly, and their breaths almost mixed together, like they were murmuring with their necks.

Wei Shaos throat knot moved slightly.

Husband should be busy with business. I didnt dare to disturb you again. I will leave first.

Xiao Qiao moved away from him and sat back, slightly bowed towards him, then got up from the couch and turned towards the outside.

Your personal money from that little dowry, its better to keep it for yourself to make two pieces of clothing!

When she reached the door, she suddenly heard Wei Shaos voice behind her, in a light tone, with a hint of flirtation.

She stopped walking and turned her head.

Wei Shao got up from the couch, brushed his sleeves and walked past Xiao Qiao, stepped over the threshold, and headed for the front hall.

In the front hall, the 20-30 officials and generals of Yuyang had already been waiting anxiously. Finally, they saw Wei Shao from behind the hall and turned around. They stood still, divided into two classes to wait for their orders.

Wei Shao gave the order to make Li Dian the Great General and to lead 150,000 soldiers and horses to Shiyi in five directions. The first road was led by Li Chong on the left, the second road by Zhang Jian on the right, and the other three roads also had their own generals, all of whom were loyal generals of the Wei family who were capable of conquering and fighting. The five generals led their men to depart.

Wei Shao ordered Wei Quan, the chief secretary, to be the lieutenant, to supervise the grain and provisions on the road, and he himself led a separate elite army.

All the generals took their orders to get their military symbols and left one after another. Wei Liang was left on the sidelines, seeing that everyone had dispersed and he had not been called, he thought Wei Shao did not trust him because he had accidentally failed to protect his wife on the road at the end of last year. He was very anxious. He asked, Could it be my lord doesnt trust Liang?

Wei Shao laughed and said, There is a great use for you, general. I kept you at the end.

Wei Liang did not understand. Wei Shao attached to his ear and whispered something. Wei Liang was surprised.

I have decided. I will fight in Shiyi and Yanzhou must also be protected. Chen Xiang married his daughter to Xue Tais son. The man and the promise of sending ten thousand drachms of grain and one thousand gold are already on his way. I will give you 2,000 men and horses, go and rob all the food and people for me. I will send a messenger with my secret letter to Yangzhou, allowing him to attack Xuzhou, and Yanzhou will be freed, and then we will send food and silk to him, plus a thousand horses from the north. Yang Xin already coveted Xuzhou, and with my support, he would not let go of such an opportunity.

Wei Liang laughed out loud: Excellent plan! If Xuzhou is lost, where can Xue Tai stay? He will definitely return to save the city! Chen Xiang has lost his daughters grain and silk, and Xue Tai has lost his chance to steal a chicken, lets see how they can still make a good couple!

Wei Shao smiled slightly: This matter is related to Yanzhou. There is no room for mistakes. General, you must be careful.

Wei Liang said, Please dont worry. From the previous lesson, Wei Liang must be a hundred times more cautious and never fail the task.

From the morning, the people in the city felt the atmosphere began to be gloomy. Large groups of soldiers were constantly passing through the city gates from the north, south, and east to the wilderness outside the west gate, with dense troops and banners covering the sky. The news spread, saying the ruler was going to send a large army to Shiyi to fight against Chen Xiang. The people, who had always loved Wei Shaos army, rushed to the west gate to send rice and food. Wei Quan, the chief secretary, thanked the people but politely refused.

The atmosphere in Yuyang city was thick with preparations for war, and within the high walls of Weis Manor, the atmosphere was different from usual.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Zhu learned that Wei Shao was going on another expedition. The vanguard was already on its way. Although they had long been accustomed to such partings, they each felt reluctant to leave. Knowing that Wei Shao would come back to say goodbye before he left, Mrs. Xu waited in the front hall with Mrs. Zhu and Xiao Qiao from late afternoon.

Mrs. Xu looked no different than usual, just sitting quietly and waiting. But Mrs. Zhus face was worried, and her eyes seemed a little red, and she secretly turned her face away and wiped the corners of her eyes.

Mrs. Xu saw it and was a little unhappy, but she didnt say anything.

Xiao Qiao followed the two of them until it was dark, and only then did they get a message. Wei Shaos military situation is busy, probably cant return at this time. Afraid of his grandmother and mother waiting, and let them rest first. He will come back later and pay his respects one by one.

Mrs. Xu then ordered everyone to disperse to their rooms.

In the morning, although Wei Shao did not explicitly say it, the words before he got up should indicate he decided to help Yanzhou. After returning from the government office, Xiao Qiaos mood finally relaxed After Mrs. Xu told them to go to their own rooms, she waited in her room.

She waited until very late. After the early hours of the morning, nearly dawn, she could not stay up any longer and lay down on the edge of the bed and narrowed her eyes for a while. When her consciousness was hazy, her ears drifted to the sound of Chun Niang outside the door talking with someone, followed by the sound of familiar footsteps

Like a reflex, before Xiao Qiaos eyes fully opened, she sat up from the pillow.

Wei Shao is back.


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