The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 35:

Chapter 35:

In Ling Bi town in Xuzhou, on a yellow mud road from the direction of the town in the distance, came a young man with a heavy load on his shoulders.

The young mans head was wearing the usual hat used by woodcutters in the mountains. The eaves of the hat were low, and only the lower half of the face was exposed, but it was still clear that he had a handsome face. He was tall, with broad shoulders and a strong back. His bones were thick and strong, but his body was flexible. Although he carried a heavy load on his shoulders, he still walked with great strides, as if he had no loads. The clothes he was wearing were old but cleanly washed. There are neat patches at the elbows where they were torn, with neat stitches, showing there was a woman at home who was good at needlework.

This young man is Bi Zhi. He and Da Qiao had settled in the village at the bottom of the mountain. With help from Old Wang, he quickly became an excellent hunter. There was no shortage of meat at home, but the grain, salt, and other needs had to be exchanged at the market. He left the mountain this morning at the fourth period and came to the market with the furs he had saved and exchanged them for a bag of fresh corn on his shoulder.

If he exchanged it for the old corn, he could add one more kilo. It didnt matter to Bizhi himself. He could eat the bark and leaves without changing his face if he was starving.

But he exchanged it for fresh corn. He wanted to make sure that Da Qiao, who had been used to fine food, could eat properly. There were endless beasts in the mountains, and he had endless strength. To him, a bag of fresh corn was just a matter of hunting a few more animal hides.

The other day, he was lucky. He got a beautiful fox skin. The skin is neat and shiny. He wanted to keep it for Da Qiao, but Da Qiao didnt want it and told him to sell it at the market. He had to listen to her. After selling the furs in the morning, there was still some extra money left over, so he bought Da Qiao a few feet of cloth.

She will definitely complain about it when he goes back. But Bi Zhi is more than willing to let her lecture him.

There were still over twenty miles away from the village. He looked at the sun, which was sloping in the west. He feared if he went back late, Da Qiao would be worried, so he quickened his pace. At that moment, a column of people came from the opposite side. About ten soldiers dressed in black clothes, with swords at their waists and spears in their hands, urged a group of people linked by ropes, slowly approaching the city. The man at the forefront was on horseback and should be their leader. Those in the group whose hands were tied by ropes were all men. Besides the young men, there was an old man with white hair and a few skinny teenagers who appeared to be only eight or nine years old.

Chief army, have mercy, let this old man go This old man is about to turn fifty. How can I still be able to fight in the army?

They forced the old man to move forward with the spear behind him and kept turning back and begging. The soldier said: You registered your three sons, and now none of them is in the army. Obviously, they have fled. Your son does not come. It is only right for the father to take their place!

The old man cried: You dont know, sir. I have three sons. The eldest son died in the seventh year of Yanyou in a war against Qingzhou. The second son also died in a war in the third year of Dingkang. The youngest son died of illness last year. The head of the village can testify on behalf of this old man. It doesnt matter if this old man is dead, but there is still a woman in the family who is sick in bed

The soldier was impatient and gave the old man a whip: I told you to join the army. You will join the army. You were starving at home. Join the army and have enough food! Dont be so nosy!

The old man was in pain and did not dare to shout anymore. He wiped his tears and stumbled forward.

Bi Zhi knows this is the Xuzhou Governor Xue Tai forced to recruit soldiers again. In the town market, he heard people near him talking about it.

He looked at the sad and crying white-haired old man from under the eaves of his hat, and then looked at a few children behind the old man who were strung together with ragged clothes and bewildered eyes, and withdrew his gaze.

Xue Tai of Xuzhou is one of the most powerful family warlords in the Huai Shui area and often uses soldiers. In wars, people will die, and when they die, they will need to be replaced. When they run out of young men, even old men and children are not spared.

Bi Zhi sympathized with those who were forced to enlist in the army, but this kind of thing was not his concern.

Da Qiao was still waiting for him.

Bi Zhi pressed the brim of his hat and quickened his pace. When he passed the chief soldier, he noticed Bi Zhi. The chief soldier raised his halberd and blocked his chest.

Who is it?

A hunter.

Raise your head.

Bi Zhi slowly looks up. The chief soldiers eye bumped into his green eyes and was stunned. Then he poked the pouch on his shoulder with the tip of his halberd. Whats in it?


The sack had already been poked, and the new yellow corn was rustling out of the opening, scattering all over the ground.

The chief soldier looked up and down at Bi Zhi: Follow me to join the army!

Bi Zhi is not moved: Please let me go, sir. I am not a local citizen, so I have no responsibility to enlist in the army.

The chief soldier smiled. Do you know the ruler will attack Yanzhou in a few days? I love talent. Thats why I invited you to join the army. Once we capture Yanzhou, we can get the money and women at our fingertips. You really dont want to?

Bi Zhis eyes moved slightly, and he pushed away the halberd that was still lying on his chest: Please let me go. I have something else to do, so Ill go first.

He pinched the hole in the grain sack on his shoulder and walked around the chief soldiers horse to continue forward. The chief soldier seeing that he spoiled his face, got angry and swung his halberd at his back from behind. Bi Zhi turned around, grabbed the halberd with one arm, and pulled it. The chief soldier fell off his horse and hit the ground. The rest of the soldiers immediately ran up and surrounded Bi Zhi, attacking him together.

Bi Zhi knows things can not be easy today. He put down the bag on his shoulder. He grabbed the halberd and swept toward the soldiers surrounding him. A vicious fight. More than a dozen soldiers fell to the ground with the strength of one man. The wounded rolled and screamed, moaning and groaning. The chief soldier did not expect him to be as tough as a fierce beast. His heart was scared. When he saw him carrying a halberd towards him like he was about to thrust himself to death, he got scared, got up, and fled on his horse. The remaining soldiers saw their chief had fled. How dare they stay and ask for trouble? They followed and ran away. In the blink of an eye, only a few spears and swords were left on the ground.

The fight was so vicious that the crowds were dumbfounded. When they saw the soldiers had fled, they kneeled and kowtowed to Bi Zhi. Calling him a brave man and asking for help to loosen the ropes.

Bi Zhi picked up a fallen knife on the ground and cut the ropes that bound the people. The crowd was released, thanked him again, and dispersed.

Bi Zhi took back the corn that had fallen to the ground. He took off his coat and used it to wrap the torn bag. He put it back on his shoulders and left quickly.

When he returned to the village, the sky was about to get dark. The birds were returning to their nests in the mountains, and people were returning to their homes. Da Qiao had already cooked dinner and was waiting for her husband at the fence. When she saw his figure appearing on the mountain path, she ran to meet him. The two of them ate a simple dinner together under the lights. Bi Zhi told her a few words about what he had seen in the town during the day. He did not mention the accident on the way back and took out the cloth he had bought.

Da Qiao was happy in her heart, but her mouth chided him for squandering the money. Bi Zhi just laughed and let her give a lecture. Da Qiao put it away and took out a new pair of shoes. She said his feet were big. He climbed and walked every day. The old pair was worn out. She asked him to change into new shoes.

The moon rose over the mountains, and the spring insects cooed. They are young and have just united for a short time. They were deeply in love, and almost every night, they were making love. After tonights intimate affair, Da Qiao closed her eyes and pillowed on Bi Zhis chest, asking, Is there something in your mind that you are hiding from me? I see after you come home from the county, you speak less than usual.

Bi Zhi has always been quiet. He talked little, but tonight is even less than usual.

Bi Zhi hesitated and said, On the way back, I overheard that Xuzhous ruler, Xue Tai, was going to attack Yanzhou.

Da Qiao was shocked and sat up. I have never heard of my family having a grudge against Xue Tai. How could Xue Tai suddenly want to attack Yanzhou? Youre not mistaken?

Bi Zhi briefly told her about the accident on the road. Da Qiao immediately panicked. If my father is unaware and unprepared, what should we do?

Bi Zhi said, Dont panic. Maybe its just a statement from the chief soldier. Tomorrow I will sneak into the town to investigate. If this is true, I will send a message to Yanzhou as soon as possible. The governor can prepare for it.

Da Qiao calmed down. Bi Zhi comforted her again. They waited until dawn. Early the next morning, Bi Zhi entered the city again. When he returned, he told Da Qiao that he had caught an officer during the day. After the interrogation, he learned that the news was true.

Xue Tai was preparing provisions and sent 100,000 troops to seize Yanzhou. Now that the provisions are ready, the army is leaving the next day.

On the 12th day of this month, the East County market was, as usual, still bustling and peaceful. However, the atmosphere in the council hall of the governors office was heavy.

Qiao Yue, Qiao Ping, and a group of strategists and generals in the governors office were discussing information like a bolt of sudden lightning from the sky.

A few days ago, there was an anonymous report Xue Tai of Xuzhou was sending 100,000 troops to Yanzhou. They traveled 50 miles a day and would arrive in half a month.

Qiao Yue did not believe it at first. The Qiao family and Xue Tai had never been at odds with each other. Although Xue Tai is ambitious and has a notorious reputation, his strategy has always been aimed at the Huai Shui area. Why would he suddenly send an army of 100,000 to attack Yanzhou? He immediately sent out spies. This morning, the spies reported that the news was indeed true. Xue Tais army has already arrived in Tengdi and will be arrived in Yanzhou in another ten days.

Qiao Yue was shocked and hastily called a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Pu said, Dont be alarmed, my lord. I have the plan to solve this problem. Qiao Yue asked what it was.

Xue Tai has a reputation as a vicious tiger, with a powerful army and strong horses. Yanzhou is no match for him. We need to send the news to Marquis Yan as soon as possible. The two families are related by marriage. If he doesnt save us, he will betray our trust and righteousness. He will be reviled by the world.

Qiao Yue was instantly remembered. He hastily ordered the secretary to write a letter, seal it with lacquer, and deliver it to Wei Shaos hand using a fast horse.

Xue Tai of Xuzhou suddenly raised an army to attack, and Qiao Ping is also confused. He was reluctant to ask Wei Shao for help again. Last time, he had to send out his beloved daughter because of the Zhou Army of Ren City. This time, when Xue Tai came to invade, he had to ask Wei Shao for help again. If Wei Shao loved his daughter, he would only disgrace himself as the head of the Qiao family. But if Wei Shao did not love his daughter, these repeated requests for help would only make him despise her more, and her position in the Wei family would be even more shameful. But his brother was weak. He was alone, and the 100,000-strong army was pressing down on him. Yanzhou was really at stake. He could only go back gloomily. His son Qiao Ci was missing. Then he knew that Qiao Ci was worried about his sister, and he had already gone to Youzhou with the messenger without telling him. He was so shocked that he called someone to chase him, but Qiao Ci had already left the city gate on a fast horse. How could he chase him back?

On that day, Wei Shao finished his inspection of the border cities and finally returned to Yuyang from Mayi.

It had been half a month since he had gone out. With the sound of his horse hooves, he passed through the northern gate of the city of Yuyang and returned to the familiar city.

He was in a good mood. After entering the city, he dismissed his entourage and did not go to the government office, but went straight back to his house. He entered the west house, but Xiao Qiao was nowhere to be seen, and Chun Niang was not there either. When he asked the servant, he found out that she had been invited to the West King Golden Mother Hall in the citys east to inscribe a mural of the Queen Mother.

At present, Buddhism and Taoism are flourishing together. There are many people who worship Taoism besides Buddhism. The Queen Mother is the head of the female immortals, who blesses the wind and rain. The local people have been living in peace for many years. There were many wealthy families, so they pooled their money to build the temple. Although Mrs. Xu is a Buddhist, she heard the news and generously helped. Just a few days ago, the hall was completed and beautifully repaired. In front of the main hall, there is a mural wall painting based on the image of the Queen Mother. The person who painted it is the Bohai Crown Gao Heng, who came to congratulate Mrs. Xu on her birthday last time. Gao Heng was invited to paint. He was interested in leaving his painting in Yuyang and happily accepted. The mural was about to be completed. When he inscribed it, he thought of Lady Weis good handwriting. If she inscribed the mural for the Queen Mother, it would be a perfect complement to his own painting. He was a strange man. He did what he wanted. Two days ago, he visited the house. When Mrs. Xu learned of his intention, she agreed. Since Mrs. Xu nodded, Xiao Qiao did not refuse. These two days, she went out for a visit there. Today she went over there and has not returned yet.

Wei Shao was disappointed. His heart was unhappy, but he didnt show it on his face.

He had been out for half a month, moving from city to city every day, and came back covered in dust. He cleaned up his appearance, changed his clothes, and went to the north house to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu was happy to see him back and ordered him to sit next to her to talk. Wei Shao accompanied her but said little. Occasionally agreed with Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu mentioned Mrs. Zhu. Two days ago, she allowed her to come back from the ancestral temple. She said: Zhong Lin, your mother is the head mother of my Wei family. I shouldnt have acted like this for your faces sake. But what she did this time was too much. I hope she will remember her lesson and not make any more mistakes in the future.

Although the incident had been over for some days, Mrs. Xus tone was still clearly annoyed when she brought it up.

Wei Shao agreed with her.

Mrs. Xu glanced at him with flashing eyes. She thought for a moment and with a faint smile on her face, she said: You should know. Grandmother lent your wife out two days ago. Its getting late. If she hasnt returned yet, you can go pick her up and bring her back. No need to accompany the old lady here to grind her teeth.

Wei Shao looked serious. I will see if the situation is appropriate. If everything is fine, I will go there as Grandmother has instructed.

Mrs. Xu nodded. She urged him to leave. Wei Shao paid his respects to his grandmother. Then he got up and came out.

He walked out of the north house, and his steps gradually increased. When he reached the fork in the road leading to the east house, he stopped and turned his face to look at it. He hesitated but continued on. He went straight out of the gate and ordered someone to prepare a horse and go to the east of the city.


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