The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 73


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



I didn’t want to place great significance on revenge.

It wasn’t to vent what I had suffered, but I simply wanted to put an end to this relationship.

So I had let her live.

Although I was betrayed many times, I didn’t really want Theresa to die.

Because she was someone I sincerely loved at one point, when she first approached me.

Because I accepted it as salvation.

I had just tried to end it by excluding her from my life.

But looking back now, doesn’t it seem like a poor excuse?

The room next to Adriana’s room.

The sight of myself blankly staring at the desk without doing anything was simply pathetic.

I met Theresa.

To be precise, I had discovered her unilaterally from my side, but it was true that I had confirmed Theresa’s presence in the south.

…I had already prepared to meet her.

But what I was thinking about now were the memories of Theresa.

When I first met her, when I met her for the second time.

The fact that the end point with that woman, who had always been my fiancée without leaving my life, was not far away evoked various strange emotions in me.


If I were to remember when I first met her, couldn’t I say that?

It was similar when I met her again.

She was the woman who first approached me warmly when I was hated by everyone.

I thought that way without knowing it was a mask.

If I had known, I wouldn’t have been hurt.

My pouring sighs scattered in the wind.

Theresa was different from Miragen or Adele.

Her first impression was good, but as time passed, that emotion became twisted.

Now I think it was a relationship that didn’t hold any meaning to me.

She was just a woman who reminded me of my foolish past.

My past where I tried to embrace everyone and move forward, where I tried to walk a path with no glimpse of hope.

-Why are you crying here? What’s your name?

The lingering attachment I thought I had abandoned at some point bloomed again.

As I always say, this regression makes a person unable to look only at reality.

No matter what I see, the past is connected, and no matter what I do, memories come to mind.

Whatever action I took, it was no different from repeating what I had already done once.

Living in memories.

Living in the afterglow created by memories.

I didn’t know if there was anyone else besides me who repeated regression, but that life was simply terrible.

Unable to see only reality, what could be more cruel than this?

When I was with Adriana, I forgot about such things for a while, but not anymore.

The moment I came to the south, I had no choice but to face the past.

Now that I had seen Theresa, I could do nothing but put an end to this relationship.

-Call me Theresa. I’ve heard a lot of rumors, can I call you Robert?

I shook my head at the rushing memories.

The memory of when I first met Theresa was already quite embellished.

It was when I didn’t even know about the existence of the Moonstone, so didn’t I live for a while thinking it was the salvation that had come to me?

Getting up from the desk, I approached the window.

Along with the Moon Tower, this was the place where the moon could be seen from the closest.

It was not a tall tower, but a place where the strangely tilted moon was close to the ground.

The tree branches stretching towards the sky were intertwined like a net, and the moon was barely hanging on that green curtain.


As if it might shatter at any moment, the precariously frozen moon was carefully emitting its light.

Is it an exaggeration to think that the moon and I are similar?

In the midst of these repeated deaths, I thought that the one who might break soon could be me.

If I couldn’t endure a little longer, I might end this life without even knowing it.

Holding my trembling hand with my other hand, I looked at the pale moon like that.

I saw the cold moon.

I saw the chilly moonlight, enough to shatter like this and dye the sky in darkness.


Revenge is a sticky emotion.

No matter how many times it’s repeated, the name of revenge cannot be justified as something good.

The goddess is a villain.

Never good, wasn’t she born with the name of a villainess from the beginning?


Theresa’s lips twisted.

The Violet family had long since collapsed.

Even that barely survived, and everything had already shattered the moment her brother died.

Theresa, who wiped her cheek, muttered softly.


From the beginning, he was a man who she approached to use the Taylor family.

Without a bit of emotion for that man, she only wanted to revive the Violet family by using his family’s wealth and name.

In the process, she didn’t expect him to sincerely fall in love with her, but now she thought that feeling might also be a lie.

If he had truly loved her, would he have brought up the dissolution of their engagement first?

From the beginning, he knew everything.

The reason she was trying to approach, and everything she did afterwards, he had only acquiesced to destroy the Violet family.

Isn’t it the Taylors?

A place where only psychopaths who would do anything for their family gather, so she shouldn’t have let her guard down with someone who was called naive there.

It was her own fault.

If she hadn’t approached, if she hadn’t thought of using the Taylor name in the first place.

If she hadn’t, everyone wouldn’t have died like they did now.

She killed the butler who had been serving her since childhood.

She killed her parents who doubted her, and when she barely escaped from that madness, everything had already collapsed.

The world turned upside down, when she saw the crumbling cracks, if there was one thing she finally realized… it would be the name Robert Taylor.

Why did she think it was his fault?

Actually, it was all his actions.

It wasn’t her who killed the butler.

What was the butler’s name?

She couldn’t even remember now.

Maybe it was Robert’s doing.


…That’s right.

It wasn’t her fault.

If anyone was at fault, it would be Robert Taylor.

Why was she thinking it was her fault again?

Because everyone was watching her, didn’t she make her own decision?

Thwack, Theresa hit her head that had been momentarily possessed by madness.

Her disheveled hair was stained with blood, but it wasn’t her own blood.

The blood of those who were sacrificed, she was trying to gain power through those sacrifices.

She needed a lot of people anyway.

She cried a lot when she sacrificed her mother and father.

They loved her so much, but how did they get fooled by Robert and try to kill their own daughter?

The voice that denied it, saying what kind of nonsense that was, was kind.

Theresa hated liars.

Robert, who whispered that he had done nothing, was the liar she hated and feared the most.

Splat. Splat.

Lightly stepping on the puddle made of blood, she climbed the mountain of corpses.

Her feet slipped and sank, and even when she stepped on someone’s intestines and cut them, she didn’t care anymore.

All of this was for revenge.

“Lady Theresa, have you come to perform the ritual again today?”

As she turned her head at the sudden voice, she saw a masked man bowing his head to her.

Was his name Cain?

He was the first one to approach her, introducing himself as a magician.

Saying he knew her circumstances, he asked if she would attempt revenge.

Of course she was suspicious, but that suspicion had to be dispelled surprisingly easily.

He even gave her information that the princess was in the northwest, so would someone like that really harm her?

Princess Miragen was indeed in the northwest.

Thanks to Robert personally going to rescue her, she could quickly let him know that she was still alive.

She spread her name to the tribes and scattered patterns containing her mark here and there.

If he didn’t come to the south even after seeing that, he would probably be a fool or an idiot.

But she thought Robert would come.

He had prepared everything to bring her down, so wouldn’t he come all the way to the south to finally destroy Theresa Violet?

“Robert has arrived in the south. We will probably encounter him soon.”

“He came faster than I thought. I thought he would come a bit later.”

“I heard he’s with the church, but it would be dangerous to target the saint anyway.”

Targeting the saint was almost impossible.

How could they kill Cardinal Verod?

Temuzin, the previous leader of the tribes, was also strong, but Verod was on a different level.

He was someone who could single-handedly exert the power of dozens of knights.

So she gave up on the saint and planned to only lure in Robert.

“Let’s perform the ritual first. How much time did you say was left?”

“Three days will be enough. Besides that, we have our own troops, so wouldn’t it be more than enough to subdue just Robert Taylor?”

“…I always wonder, but I don’t know why you’re helping me like this.”

“Everything is for the sun. Because the moon is too feeble an existence.”

The masked man had the pattern of the sun engraved on him.

Theresa, who laughed at the mention of the sun in this country that worshipped the moon, sat on top of the mountain of corpses like that.

Now such things didn’t matter at all.

If it was for her revenge, for the sake of taking revenge on Robert Taylor who had destroyed her everything.

Even if it was the Four Dragons, she would hold hands with them.

As the flowing human blood soaked her body, Theresa’s waist bent at the power flowing in through that blood.


Blood spewed from her mouth, and her eyes rolled back white, relishing the pain.

Her mind still hadn’t broken.

This ritual was a process of breaking free from the human body and gaining new power.

A piece of the power that the goddess of the moon once feared,

Cain, who was watching Theresa embrace it, smiled slightly.

“It’s going very well. Very smoothly, everything will go well.”

Theresa laughed softly at that voice.

Even on a face distorted by pain, the smile that bloomed with difficulty made the viewer’s body shudder.

From the blood-stained face, a purple darkness seeped out.

The pale and bony body twisted even more, and the disheveled hair fell out and dropped downwards.

By the time this ritual was over, the ‘woman’ named Theresa would probably no longer exist in this world.

Theresa herself wished for it, she only wanted to take revenge on Robert.

A small flower bloomed on top of the mountain of corpses.

It was such a small flower that no one noticed, so none of those watching the ritual noticed its existence.

The flower, blown away by the wind and falling, scattered its petals one by one like that.

Purple petals, sometimes white, sometimes yellow petals, flew in the air like that and fell into the pool of blood, turning red.



The existence of a flower that no longer remembered its own light disappeared so futilely like that.

Even the woman who was once pure in her purpose was disappearing like that.

Violet, the name symbolized the violet flower.

The violet flower that no one could remember anymore disappeared like that.

Even the last petal, futilely.

Like that, it withered.

When Theresa raised her head, what she saw was the moon visible above the wide open ceiling.

An unusually chilly full moon was shining down on her.

As if blessing her rebirth, that light felt rather refreshing.



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