The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

"I overheard Miss Xiao Jianren say she wants to help Young Master Xiao maintain Xiao's Company?"

Ye Junwen swirled his wine glass, eyes twinkling with amusement.

Xiao Jianren's gaze hardened. "So what if I did? You're not going to tattle on me to my father, are you?"

Ye Junwen immediately put on an innocent expression. "Miss Xiao, how could you think that! I have no such intention."

His tone then shifted with a derisive scoff. "But from what I understand, Miss Xiao doesn't seem to have much talent for management. I wonder what you have to bargain with your father."

Xiao Jianren felt a sense of humiliation, as if she was being publicly executed. Instantly enraged, she snapped, "Ye Junwen, don't think you can insult me just because you're from the Ye family! What I do is none of your business!"

"Miss Xiao, don't be angry. I didn't mean to insult you. I just wanted to ask if you're interested in working together?"

"Working together? With you?" Xiao Jianren sneered. "Don't think I don't know your position in the Ye family. You're nowhere near as capable as Ye Jinchen. Why would I want to work with you? We're both small players!"

Ye Junwen hated being compared to Ye Jinchen. A cold glint flashed in his eyes, and his tone chilled.

"Since Miss Xiao is unwilling, I won't disturb you any further. Excuse me."

Ye Junwen stood up to leave, but Xiao Jianren called out to him. "You haven't even said how we would work together. How can I know if you're reliable?"

After a pause, as if considering something, her gaze flickered.

Tossing her hair, her voice became coquettish. "Or perhaps Mr. Ye is simply using the pretense of 'working together' to flirt with me. Well, that's not entirely unacceptable. Why don't you tell me how you propose we 'work together', hmm?"

When Xiao Jianren called him back, Ye Junwen's lips curved into a slight smile. After all, the fish was hooked, and she could help him accomplish many things.

But upon hearing her subsequent words, Ye Junwen couldn't help but roll his eyes hard.

This damned Xiao Jianren was audacious to even think such thoughts. He, Ye Junwen, had inherited Old Master Ye's youthful good looks. Would he really stoop so low?

Didn't she ever look in the mirror? She couldn't even compare to a single strand of the adorable Nan's hair, no, fairies couldn't have body hair. She couldn't even compare to a single strand of Nan's hair. Yet she dared to be so conceited in front of him!

No matter. In his eyes, Xiao Jianren was just a pawn. As long as he could utilize her well, she could think whatever she wanted.

With that thought, Ye Junwen took a deep breath to calm himself. Turning back, he returned to the sofa and gave Xiao Jianren a warm smile.

"Miss Xiao, your aim is to help your brother maintain Xiao's Company. Although I'm not prominent in the Ye family, I am still Old Master Ye's most favored son. I should be able to help you."

Xiao Jianren's eyes lit up, the alcohol's effects wearing off.

That's right! Although Ye Junwen wasn't exceptional, he was still Old Master Ye's son. Even Ye Jinchen, who currently held power, had to address him as 'Uncle.' If he could help her, her father would certainly be willing to let her manage the company!

Ye Junwen had been observing Xiao Jianren's expressions. Seeing her eagerness, he glanced around and leaned in, his voice low and persuasive.

"My goal is the same as yours - to gain control of Ye's Company. No one wants to remain under someone else's control forever, especially one's own nephew."

Xiao Jianren's eyes widened, surprised by Ye Junwen's grand ambition.

Just as she was about to speak, Ye Junwen continued, "Think about it. Ye's Company is currently the leading business giant in Hai City. If I gain control of Ye's Company and you gain control of Xiao's Company, our two families combined would allow us to rule not just Hai City, but the entire Hua Country!"

"Doesn't that pique your interest?"

Xiao Jianren was enthralled by the future Ye Junwen painted - to become the ruler of Hua Country's business world, holding sway over the entire nation's commerce. She could practically laugh herself awake from such a dream!

She immediately grabbed Ye Junwen's arm, excitedly asking, "Then what should we do?"

A flicker of disdain crossed Ye Junwen's eyes, but his voice remained gentle. "That will require careful planning. Success doesn't happen overnight. Only with a perfect plan can we achieve our goals while avoiding any consequences!"

"But no matter what, you must obey me. Any misstep, and we're both doomed!"

At that moment, Xiao Jianren trusted Ye Junwen implicitly. Once he became the nation's wealthiest man, she would be the wealthiest wife, and little Nan would securely sit atop Xiao's Company, able to relax and do nothing.

And so, the two reached a friendly agreement and left the bar separately.

Upon returning home, Ye Junwen noticed Ye Jinchen's absence, likely visiting Nan at the hospital. Catching a whiff of the alcohol on himself, he decided to take a shower first, then visit the hospital after work tomorrow.

As soon as he entered his room, his phone rang.

The husky male voice on the other end spoke. "The paternity test results you asked me to conduct are in."

Ye Junwen paused in undressing, suddenly recalling the paternity test.

The night Ye Jinmeng was hospitalized, Ye Junwen was the only one home. He took advantage of everyone's absence to enter Ye Jinmeng's bedroom bathroom.

Obtaining Xu Wanwan's hair or blood would have been difficult, but her toothbrush was an easy target.

Xu Wanwan happened to be using the toothbrush provided by the villa for guests, different from Ye Jinmeng's. So it was easy to identify hers.

He bagged it, replacing it with a new one, ensuring no suspicion.

Similarly, Ye Junwen went to Ye Junli and Gu Qi's room, taking their toothbrushes and swapping them with the spares in the cabinet. Even if they noticed, they'd assume they were mistaken.

Marking the three samples, he contacted someone to retrieve them.

It was only due to Ye Jinmeng's incident that Ye Junwen had forgotten about this.

"What are the results?" Ye Junwen felt a twinge of nervousness.

"Sample one and sample three share a 99.9999% biological relationship."

"Sample two and sample three share a 99.9999% biological relationship."

As he listened to the voice on the phone, Ye Junwen was overwhelmed with excitement. "Good, I understand."

Hanging up, Ye Junwen couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, I knew it! Xu Wanwan is the Ye family's child!"

Sample one was Ye Junli, sample two was Gu Qi, and sample three was Xu Wanwan. This meant that the child Gu Qi gave birth to at Hai City First Hospital was Xu Wanwan!

As for why there was a mix-up, Ye Junwen didn't care. As long as Nan wasn't his niece, that was all that mattered.

As for the rest, he'd let Ye Junli and the others discover the truth themselves.


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