The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The meal was eaten in relative harmony.

After the meal, Ye Jinmeng took Xu Wanwan on a tour of the school. He Junting had classes in the afternoon, so he went separate ways with the two girls.

After a quick tour around the campus, the two returned to their dormitory. The atmosphere was still somewhat awkward...

"Wanwan, tomorrow is the weekend. I don't have any classes this afternoon either. I'm going back home now and won't be back until Monday. Will you be okay here by yourself?" Ye Jinmeng asked weakly.

Indeed, whether she went home or not didn't really matter. Her parents were still away on their couple's vacation and her brother was busy with work too. Going home would mean being alone there as well. Moreover, she still hadn't figured out the right mindset to face Xu Wanwan with. Other than awkwardness, there was only more awkwardness...

Moreover, Xu Wanwan would occasionally look at her with those cold, icy eyes. To be honest, she was really afraid that she might never wake up again after falling asleep... Waa, so scary. So it would be better to go home and calm down to think of a strategy first.

Upon hearing this, Xu Wanwan also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, as archenemies in their past life, she certainly could not immediately face Ye Jinmeng with equanimity, no matter what. This worked out well then.

So she replied indifferently: "Ah, no problem. As a new student, I think military training starts next week anyway, so I'll probably have a lot of things to arrange over the next few days."

"That's good then, that's good," Ye Jinmeng breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll get going now."


Just as she reached the door, Ye Jinmeng stopped and turned back to Xu Wanwan, taking out her phone, "Why don't we exchange contacts, so if you need anything in the dorm, you can still reach me."

Xu Wanwan pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Family Villa.

Back in her bedroom, Ye Jinmeng flopped onto the soft bed and rolled back and forth twice before coming to a stop, gazing up at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

"Ah, it still feels best at home." The thought of the awkward atmosphere in the dorm made Ye Jinmeng shiver all over.

When Ye Jinmeng first started college as a freshman last year, her roommate was a beautiful and kind Finance senior named Lin Yijun, who was always gentle and polite to everyone. She was also extremely outstanding, ranking first in her major every year. In her final year, she had interned at Ye Corporation and was hired directly after graduation as the CEO's assistant.

"Waa, why can't my roommate be someone as gentle as Sister Yijun..." Ye Jinmeng felt wronged.

Ye Jinmeng had never interacted with someone who disliked her, because her personality was inherently very likeable. Moreover, given her identity as a Ye family heiress, even if someone truly disliked her, they would still maintain a facade of harmony on the surface. Someone like Xu Wanwan who clearly harbored animosity towards her was truly someone Ye Jinmeng did not know how to get along with.

After some thought, Ye Jinmeng picked up her phone and opened WeChat, tapping on her brother Ye Jinchen's profile picture.

Cute Chubby: Bro! Followed by an angry dragon emoji.

Zookeeper: Run out of money for food?

Cute Chubby: ...

Cute Chubby: I wanted to ask, what should you do if someone who is poor really dislikes someone who is wealthy, in order to avoid hurting each other?

Zookeeper: Have you been reading novels again that touched you?

Cute Chubby: Um...kind of, but not really.

Cute Chubby: It's just that my new dormmate seems to be hostile towards me, and I don't know why...

Cute Chubby: Oh right, she did a summer internship at our company over the holidays. Her name is Xu Wanwan.

Zookeeper: So you want to find a way to ease the relationship between the two of you?

Cute Chubby: Mm...

Sitting in his office holding his phone, Ye Jinchen frowned. He felt his little sister was still too naive, not even knowing where the other party's hostility came from, yet still wanting to befriend her.

Zookeeper: Chubby, don't let your guard down against ill intentions, but don't make preemptive judgments either. It's best to keep some distance from this kind of person. I'll ask the school to rearrange a new dorm for you.

Cute Chubby: Bro, I can still tell good people from bad. Like those two Xiao siblings, they were polite to me on the surface, but I could tell with one look that they were no good.

Cute Chubby: But I feel from the bottom of my heart that my new roommate isn't a bad person and she shouldn't be how she is now...

Cute Chubby: So I want to get to know her.

Ye Jinchen squeezed his brow. Since that was the case, it might be better to just let Chubby interact with her. After all, he could ensure Chubby's safety. But if that person truly intended any harm towards Chubby, he, Ye Jinchen, would definitely not let her off either, and it could teach Chubby a lesson too.

After brief consideration, Ye Jinchen dialed an extension, "Bring all the personnel files of the summer interns at headquarters to my office." He then picked up his phone again to continue messaging his little sister.

Zookeeper: Since that's the case, then just ignore her hostility for now and treat her as someone with a bad temper...

As she read the advice and long lecture on protecting herself that her brother sent, Ye Jinmeng felt much more lighthearted.

Right! No matter how hostile her eyes are towards me, as long as I ignore it, it can't hurt me. As long as I treat her with sincerity, she'll definitely be moved by me someday!

With this thought, Ye Jinmeng soon fell asleep. When she awoke, it was already dinner time.

Returning from work, Ye Jinchen told Ye Jinmeng about the information he had investigated on Xu Wanwan. The information was simple - Xu Wanwan came from a poor family, became an orphan at thirteen when both parents passed away...

After reading all the information, Ye Jinmeng had complex feelings. To think Xu Wanwan had such a difficult life. However, the records showed that the villagers and teachers all spoke well of Xu Wanwan, describing her as optimistic, vivacious, upright and kind. So why would she harbor animosity towards her?

Ye Jinmeng could not figure it out.


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