The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 66: Yesterday (2)

Chapter 66: Yesterday (2)

Things are getting kind of busy, arent they?


To Hank, who tilted his head, Kunon briefly explained, that Leeya was invited to do the same thing just now.

After Leeya was taken to the Rational Faction, Kunon had just come to check on Hank.

And just like there, Hank was greeted by the faction to see if he wanted to have lunch.

Since youre here, why dont you go, Hank?

Hank was welcomed by the Harmony Faction.

He has already told them he belongs to them.

Hank has been a student undergrad at the magic school for many years, and he knows many of the current students.

More specifically, the man from harmony who came to pick him up is a friend of Hanks.

His name is Ousdy.

He has the same fire attribute as Hank.

Really? Then Ill take your word for it.

After cutting out the bacon-making, Hank went off with his harmony friend.


After seeing Hank off, Kunon heads to the cafeteria with the smoked meat.

The saint is still supposed to be in the middle of an intake session with the teacher Sureya.

Leeya and Hank have gone before Kunons eyes.

This means that for the first time in a long time, he is alone for lunch.

After lunch, I organize my reports and do some reading.

Or go to the library to check out a book waiting to be returned.

His steps became lighter as he thought of all the things he wanted to do and the things he needed to do.

That was it.

Because I remembered something I didnt want to remember.

I have to make a cash book.

The maid of honor has requested again and again, I want to keep a household account.

I want to know the exact income and expenditure for the last month.

He needs money to live from now on, and he also needs to have some savings in case of an emergency. We have to manage it properly.

Kunon knows that.

But it is a hassle. It is very troublesome.

It is so troublesome that he cannot imagine doing it by himself, so he intends to leave all aspects of his life to his maidservant.

But before that.

There is no such thing as a cash book, so the first step is to make one.

This is the most troublesome thing of all.

There are records of a business.

The money we receive is thrown straight into the drawer, and the collection of the money that is on the tab because the customers dont have enough to pay for it is available.. Well, this is something you can ask someone to do for you.

However, we only have spent what we need from it.

Whether its the cost of meat for daily bacon or Hank and Leeyas salaries.

Last time I gave my wages to the maidservant, plus I bought a few small household items that I dont remember and a few magic-related items on impulse.

In case youre wondering, I keep track of it all.

The problem is that I keep all the cash in one place, but all the other records are just tossed around.

I put them away for later and never look at them again.

First, I have to collect them and do the calculations.

Just the calculations are fine.

Its the collecting the notes that is the hassle.

To begin with, the classroom that Kunon rents is in serious trouble after only one month.

The classroom, which looked spacious, is now overflowing with notes, papers, books, laboratory equipment, and other objects.

It has indeed been transformed into a cluttered space that is typical of researchers.

I even hate to think back on it.

I cant help it.

If I had my maidservant here, she would organize things for me, and I would at least know where everything is.

Here, there are no maidservants to rely on.

Kunon was determined.

He decided to spend the afternoon tidying up, which he disliked, and cleaning up a little.

After that, he spent the rest of the day as usual, flipping through a book he had planned to read at some point and reading a report he did not remember writing.

He could not do the cash book.

He could neither tidy nor clean.

Oddly enough, it was about the same time.

- We lost?! What the hell happened!?

In the dining room of the short tower where the Faction of Harmony is based a place he had been so many times during his lowly days Hank was told a startling revelation by a friend.

It was yesterday.

Yesterday, after Kunon had been taken there for lunch.

While dining with the members of Harmony, many of whom he was originally familiar with, he was asked what kind of a guy Kunon was, and he suddenly remembered.

It was yesterday.

I had forgotten that I had been taken there yesterday because there was no change in Kunon today.

I knew that the three factions I knew would not be so rough with me.

That is why I was not so concerned about it.

In fact, I heard that there was an incident that I should pay attention to.

I casually mentioned, By the way, yesterday, Kunon was taken away by the delegates messenger, and was told the truth.

Coincidentally, at the same time and in a different place, Leeya was also talking about this case.

I was there too. It was amazing, to say the least.

My friend Ousdy tells the story with a serious look on his face.

I was surprised that Kunon had the audacity to say that he wanted to cross factions, but I was more surprised by the way things have been going since then.

When he heard what the game was about, he said, If its a game of magic, Im confident that I can win the first time.

He also said, Its the same no matter how many people show up, so if you want to participate, please do.

It is an incredible story.

Both that Kunon said so and that he actually pulled it off, story-wise.

Hank acknowledges Kunons brilliance.

But the special class itself seems to be made up of people as talented as Kunon.

Each individual may have a different area of expertise.

However, many of them are already as good as teachers in terms of knowledge and magic.

That is what the special class is all about.

Hank seems to have made careful preparation for the special class by knowing the reality of the special class.

He has made up the difference in talent with the special class through years and efforts, and here he is now.

The reaction was mixed. Some saw him as cocky, others expected him to do well if he was that big of a talker.

Both reactions are understandable.

Hank is the latter.

As a fellow magician, I cant help but wonder whats going to happen next in the situation as far as Ive heard.

So several of us ended up taking Kunon at his word and decided to join in.

From our Harmony group, there was Atma and Shuri. From Rationality, Sandra, Cassis, and Unity. And Elia, Niju, and Garrige from Competence.

I remember that Sandra and Cassis were especially antagonistic to me. I think they were at least willing to let us hurt them a little.

I can see why Sandra, who has a lot of blood on her hands, would get on board, but it is unusual that even Cassis would get angry.

Basically, he/ she is shy, even though she keeps her distance from new people and doesnt even approach them until shes comfortable with them.

Perhaps Cassis personality, which seems to put women first, may have offended him in some way. It is easy to imagine that.

So what? What happened?

A moment. One-sided. It happened so fast.

Youre kidding, right? That is indeed a lie.

Hank didnt believe it.

He knew Knon was brilliant, but still.

The names that Ousdy just mentioned are magicians who are at the top of the special class.

In particular, Sandra, who is not good at fine manipulation but has a lot of magical power anyway, is a well-known adventurer.

She is feared as the Sandra of Tsunami, and her powerful water magic can wash away anything with the volume and force of water.

In some cases, even her allies.

Special class magicians, including Sandra, have been defeated in an instant, one-sidedly, and in a flash, according to a friend.

Thats the thing

The timing couldnt have been better. Let me explain.

It was Shiroto, a representative of Harmony, who entered the conversation saying so.

He just came to the diner right now.

In fact, until just a few minutes ago, Bail, Lulu, and I were discussing the matter. We were going to talk about the future of Kunon Gurion, but the main topic of conversation was a reflection on yesterdays battle.

In other words, the magic of yesterdays Kunon Gullion was revealed.

Hearing these words, the magicians of the faction who were eating separately from Hank and the others came up to them.

In fact, even for those who had witnessed it, it was an unbelievable battle.

I really wanted to know what had happened.

The method of the match was the standard one.

The magic circle was developed for dueling magicians in the olden days when magicians had a heart-to-heart struggle with each other.

Since it was not possible to actually kill each other, the magic circle was a simple ward, so to speak, that would cancel out lethal attacks until the magician was hit by a lethal offensive magic.

It is a simple game where players shoot magic at each other and win if they destroy the others magic circle, and lose if their magic circle is destroyed.

In that format.. it seems more and more that Kunon has no chance to win.

The first thing to remember is that Kunon can only use two spells, and neither of them is for offensive purposes.

Hank. You know the red rain that Kunon uses, dont you?

Ahhh. I know.

I saw that one at the entrance exam.

As a result of the process of elimination, Kunon won by breaking down Serphs defensive wall.

By the way, Shiroto and Hank are also good friends in their own way.

Early in the match, there was a red rain in the area. Everyone turned bright red. Then it was over.


Just because it rained?

Just because they were dyed all over?

What I dont understand more is that the magic circle wasnt even broken and all the magicians voluntarily surrendered.


More and more I dont understand.

Sandra is not the kind of personality that would surrender to being killed.

We interviewed the participating magicians. They were all saying different things, and I couldnt understand what they were saying. They all said that the water wouldnt go down, or that their bodies were too heavy to compete.

But everyone decided that it would be dangerous to continue.

It certainly sounds dangerous.

Hank is well aware that there is no way that Kunon is going to make it rain for nothing.

I think the magicians who came down to the game also sensed the danger intuitively because of their exceptional talents.

Thats why we considered it. I want you to listen, and give me your opinion too.

When we come to a conclusion, we will ask Kunon Gurion to answer the question.

No one knows what that red rain means.

Even the people who received it just had a gut feeling that it was a bad idea, but they dont know the specifics.

That is why everyone is so curious.

There is not a student in the special class who does not get excited when he or she hears about new magic.

Hank is no exception. He is now filled with nothing but surprise and curiosity.

What? The identity of that red rain?

We talked about this and that for a while, and it was already evening.

Hank and Shiroto came to Kunons classroom to check the answers to yesterdays questions.

The room was in such disarray that the meticulous Shiroto could hardly believe it. If he is not careful, he will spontaneously start tidying up the room.

But thats not the point right now.

Leeya and the others came to ask me a while ago. If youre so concerned about it, why didnt you ask me yesterday?

Kunon is reading a book while relaxing on a water bed in such a classroom.

The owner of a dirty room is an elegant one.

It is as if he does not care about the mess around him.

No, isnt that red rain Kunons trump card? You wouldnt tell me if I asked, would you?

Normally, the magic that one has developed independently is the trump card of the person in question.

Normally, its not something you can ask about, nor is it something you can teach.


Not at all. I came up with it the first time I played with my master, so its not something I have to hide.

I almost forgot.

Kunon was not normal.

Even the master handled it right the second time. After all, I had never won a game since that first lucky victory.

Im curious to hear your memories of Zeonly, but right now I want answers.

If you dont mind me asking, Id like to know.

Shiroto, who found himself picking up papers spread out on the floor where he thought a pile had collapsed, came to himself and asked.

Of course. If you came all the way to this filthy place to ask me for a favor, there is no way I wont do it.

It seems that he was aware that he was a small, dirty person.

Though it was beyond the level of dirty.

The rain is sticky water, he said, Its highly viscous Yes, its like a rain of slime. Oh, the color has nothing to do with it. Its just an easy-to-understand color.

Rain of slime.

We wont know what its like until we actually get it, but at least it will be very different from just water.

And by the way, its not rain either.

Rain falls to the ground.

But that is Kunons manipulation to make it dance.

So it is more like a mist than rain.

It was bigger than actual fog, though.

I thought the seniors who got out of the game right away were as good as they could be. Even though they didnt know what it was, they must have instantly decided that it wasnt the same as just getting drenched.

whatever it was, as it continued, the slime clung to my whole body. Eventually, it would swallow you up.


Water soaks in, bounces off, and falls off, but viscous water does not.

If it adheres, it stays.

If it adheres again, the droplets will grow larger and larger.

It seems that the magic was more malignant than I had imagined.

But the essence is different.


Its also defensive. Its a combination of offense and defense. It was also meant to impede the magic that the seniors had unleashed.

Yes, of course the rain of slime adheres to any magic that is unleashed.

For example, if a flame was released that would explode if touched, it might have exploded the moment it was born into the world.

For example, if you were to create an improvised creature, the rain would interfere with the process of making it.

More to the point, if it got on your face, especially your eyes, it would simply blind you.

Thats the nature of highly viscous water.

Its still quite vicious.

The magicians who surrendered apparently did not think of turning to attack from the moment they felt it was a bad idea.

That is why, even though that many people participated in that game, only one magic was unleashed.

The only magic that was released was Kunons Red Rain.

And the most terrifying thing of all

The reason it passed through the simple warding magic circle was because the magic used for that rain was weak, right?

Yes. I dont know of any magic that consumes large amounts of magical power yet.

In other words, the magicians could not recognize it as offensive magic.

Thats why the rain passed through at a bare minimum level.

You knew about that magic circle, didnt you?

Yes, he said. Ive been through this many times in my games with my mentor.

Of course, Zeonly would know

He was once a student at this school, spent time in the same special class as us, and graduated successfully.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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