The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 55: The saint will decide

Chapter 55: The saint will decide

Whatever it is youre feeling right now, this must be the feeling of disgrace.

Ive heard that she has only a few emotions.

Im sure that I can say that because I dont have much emotion.

A person with normal senses would not be able to say such a thing out of nowhere.

The fact that she said it in the first breath, Reyes must have been in a rough state of mind, unlike the expressionless one on her face.

Well, well, well .

When Leeya overheard this comment, she tried to quiet Reyes, but her expression did not move a muscle.

Its your first time here, isnt it? Are you nervous? Dont worry, just lie back and close your eyes and it will be over soon Trust me. Im sure youll get more than your moneys worth out of that body.

Kunon Gurion, who is in front of her, around twenty years old, explaining to the older female magic school teachers about the business of sleep in a uselessly sweet way.

Reyes cant help but feel helpless at the situation where she is finally forced to consult even this frivolous person.

And more than that, she feels humiliated.

She really didnt want to rely on Kunon or anyone else if she could help it.

It was over two weeks into the school year.

The saint Reyes came with her friends to the classroom Kunon was renting.

Oh, Im sorry. You can come in, but can you wait a moment?

Kunon had heard from Seyfi, the assistant teacher who had come to visit the day before, that she was bringing the saint today.

But it was a bad timing.

It was right before he was going to explain to his first guests about providing a sleeping environment, so he had to ask the saints to wait for a while.

And the saints had to wait and watch Kunons behavior.

Thats all for now. The course of your choice the time of use is the whole morning. Option is the hairless rat. Okay. Please sign here: Yes, thank you. Then lets go to the secret garden.

Kunon took his new guest to the next classroom and came right back.

Here you go. I was a little surprised to see such a large group of people here.

Thats right.

The saint was not alone.

First, there was Seyfi, the associate teacher, who was supporting her.

I know this because Kunon also had Serph with him.

The problem is that she came with classmates.

Our classmates Hank and Leeya came with her.

Im the last person youve talked to, right? I feel hurt. You should have asked me earlier.

Thats what I meant.

Personally, I never wanted to rely on you. You never know what they might ask for in return.

Haha. A gentleman would never take advantage of a womans weakness. You owe me something, though.

Im talking about the fear of that lending and borrowing.

Is Kunon getting the message or not?

.. I think you have a pretty good idea of my situation, can you handle it?

The saints disbelief was strong.

How can I trust him after he showed me such frivolous things as soon as he came here?

However, she didnt have any regrets, and her expectations were high.

Two weeks have passed since I entered the school.

Kunons business is already going well, and its in this classroom.

I was told that it used to be an empty classroom, but it had already turned into a laboratory.

Books are strewn about.

There are piles of papers.

Catalysts, mediums, metals, and glassware are being brought in for who knows what purpose.

For all intents and purposes, this messy place was the laboratory of a dedicated sorcerer.

It was not the home of someone who had only recently been an apprentice sorcerer.

He may seem frivolous and full of problems, but Kunon is already a sorcerer.

He seems to be as capable as any teacher out there.

Thats why I cant help but have high hopes for him.

And its not just the saint, its also the same for her two classmates.

After all, Kunon Gurion is no ordinary person.

This was the common impression of the three of us.

Hes frivolous, though.

I dont know if its the situation or if its just that you have no hope of making money

Yes. There are a number of jobs available, but they do not allow me to earn one and a half million Nekka a month.

You cant use healing magic, can you?

Yes. My healing is a holy power given to me by my ancestors and God. It cannot be used for the mundane purpose of making money.

Is there a religious reason for that?

Yes, there is. Thats what you have to understand.

Can a saint get married? Can a saint get married or will she be celibate for the rest of her life as a priestess?

Thats not my question, so I have no comment.

Are you getting married, Miss Seyfi?

What? Ah, what? Marriage?

Seyfi, who was casually looking at the documents that were lying around, was surprised when she was suddenly asked to talk.

I want to get married, but first I need to get a boyfriend.. But first I need to pass the teachers exam. No, you dont need to worry about me.

A gentleman is always curious about the progress of an attractive woman. Right, Hank?

Oh? Oh, yeah, right.

Hank, who was also curious about the documents, gave a fresh reply.

Leeya is getting fidgety too, so it looks like everyone but the saint is out of the conversation for now.

- You can read whatever is around there if you like.

The important documents have been properly put away and put in order.

All thats around is what I wrote down from books and references.

More to the point, it was all information that was already in Kunons head.

Deciding that he was in no condition to talk to all of them, Kunon decided to just talk to the saint, not paying attention to his surroundings anymore.

The way a sorcerer makes money is through these documents.

These are the results of records that have undergone verification and experimentation regarding sorcery?

Yes. Someone buys it based on how important it is and how much it will affect the magic world in the future. Well, its still too difficult for us.

Kunon and the others are still mere apprentice magicians.

Our knowledge and experience are far from that of our predecessors.

Its not easy to catch up and surpass them in terms of abilities and ideas.

Most of the ideas I have come up with have already been thought of and passed by someone else.

No one would want to pay for a compilation or experiment of such things.

If you win, you can expect to make a lot of money, but, well, not right now.

One and a half million a month? Thats not an amount you can earn by working normally Then I guess youll have to do some kind of business instead of working for someone else.

I thought about that idea too. But what do you want me to sell? I know that selling magic is what a magician does, but my magic cant be used as a tool to make money.

I dont have the money to start a business, nor do I have the know-how to do so. It would take too much time to learn now.

Thats right. If I try my hand at a random business, I would fail and go into debt.

I think youve done quite well in that regard.

Providing a sleep environment? Its only the result of doing what I can, though.

Simply put, the saint is in a state where she is restricted in what she can do.

For religious reasons.

Its not an exaggeration to say that the saint is one of the worlds greatest treasures, but I never thought that the day would come when she would be in so much trouble with money.

A saint was once a non-entity against demon kings and demon tribes.

If you only take away their abilities, they could never dream of getting rich.

And yet, here we are.

Its a difficult time to be a saint.

Its just not possible.

I did a quick search, and am I correct in assuming that light magic specializes in healing and purification?

Thats right. If we divide it into two major categories, the magic I can use will be those two.

So, you cant use healing?


Is it safe to use purification for business?

No problem.

By the way, is there anything you want to learn here, Miss Reyes? Do you want to master magic or is that just a vague goal?

I want to learn everything I can. A magic school is the right place to do that, right?

Kunon nodded, I see.

So, why dont you work with me to make a magic tool? Ive got a few ideas, but I havent started on them yet.

I dont know if well ever finish it, but, you know, magic tools are big when they hit.

- Wait a minute!

It was Seyfi who stopped Kunon from speaking.

Isnt that about the rights to the new magic tool? No matter how much it costs, it is indeed a joint production..

If you win the rights to the magic tools, the amount is large.

Even if you dont win, if you get a good reputation, youll still get a lot of money there.

Its okay. Its something I was originally planning to create one day after going through various experiments. Its just to the extent that if we had light magic, we might be able to manage it right now.

And its not like Im going to raise all my powers separately. Besides, the main character is Miss Reyes, and its easy for me to just come up with ideas.

Just to give you an idea.

It was still a big story, but Kunon was in his usual light-hearted mood.

Above all, Im on the side of women. Its a gentlemans duty to cut himself some slack.

The tone was so light that I wondered if he really understood what he was saying.

What do you suggest? This is the only money-making scheme I can think of that I can offer right now.

Can I wait to hear what you have to say before I respond?

I dont think so. As long as Im talking about an idea, I have to talk about the concept and the finished product. I dont want you to take all the information with you.

I see. What is the success rate?

Its up to you. As I said before, youre the main person in charge of making the magic tools. Once its in your hands, theres nothing more for me to do but watch and wait. Of course, I will watch with passion until the end.

Can you make one and a half million Nekka a month with it?

I think you can. I think you can make a lot more money in the long run. Thats up to you, though. No, its our first time working together.

- Okay. Ill take you up on that.

Oh, okay.

After two weeks of thinking about this and that, I couldnt find a way to make one and a half million bucks.

He still hadnt told me what he was going to do, but here I was, finally coming up with a way to make some money.

Then there is no choice but to challenge.

The saint made a decision, even though she was prepared to go to the second class if it came down to it. Im trying to shut up Kunon, who is making a lot of noise.

Youre sure? Are you sure you want to do this? Yes! Its an experiment in light magic! I have to write it all down!

Id be lying if I said I wasnt anxious.

But now I have no choice but to do it.


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