The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 53: Enrollment Information

Chapter 53: Enrollment Information

Im not convinced.

Im here to learn magic, said the saint to Serph and his assistant, I dont have the time to make my own living expenses.

Well, first of all, congratulations on your admission. Now Ill tell you all about it.

Serph was calm as if he had been expecting it.

Well, its a good opportunity, so Ill go ahead and explain.

You know what I told you when you took the entrance exam?

The special class is a course that cultivates first-class sorcerers.

Its just that earning money is included in the requirements for a first-class magician.

Let me put it plainly. If you cant make money, you cant be a top-class magician, by the standards of this magic school. Right, Seyfi?

Im not the best, but I still need the money. The more advanced the magic, the more money youll need.

For Kunon, there are many aspects that make sense.

Ive been studying and researching magic for a while now, and I know how expensive it can be.

Gathering materials.

There are many things that can be used for magic, such as medicines and items that can be used as media for magic.

Even a single component of a magic tool is custom-made to respond to and act on magic power.

I dont know if Id call it a good thing or not, but mages who cant make money tend to go in the wrong direction.

They start to rob and kill people to pay for their research.

This is bad because magic is all about power.

In the past, there were many stories of people being tricked or threatened by bad people, or being drawn into bad things for the sake of a reward.

It seems that it is easy for professionals in the field to deceive naive people who have studied only magic.

There are people everywhere who want to take advantage of the power, right?

Serph continued, Learn advanced magic. Learn it. Reyes, have you thought about what youll do once youve achieved that goal?

No, I havent. My future is set.

Then you should go out and work. Find out all you can about what you can do with your magic. Your future may be set, but there are many things that are not.

In particular, find out what you want to do. It doesnt matter if its something youre interested in or something you love.

It will also help you grow in your magic well, its okay if you dont believe me right now, just think of it as a trick and try things out. Right, Seyfi?

There are some things you can only do when youre young.

Kunon knows.

I heard it from my mentor, Zeonly.

He told me that he started making magic tools to earn money.

He had started out lightly and found himself completely absorbed in it.

Now I understand.

It was here that my master first encountered the art of making magic tools, and then made it his profession.

He found what he wanted to do as a sorcerer.

That was to be Zeonly Finrole, the magician of our time.

He found his lifelong profession.

I think he was lucky and happy to do so.

Hes got that unique personality, and in a proper sorcerers job, theres a good chance he wouldnt get along with the people around him.

I need to earn one and a half million bucks a month to make a living, do you have such a job?

The saints words surprised Serph.

What? One and a half million? Thats huh? Why is it so expensive? Food?

I have two servants who also serve as my bodyguards. That and living expenses.

Oh, I see thats a bit of a problem. Right, Seyfi?

Its a price that makes me sick only when thinking about paying it myself.

If you also have a guard, he cant be removed so easily.

But the saint is obligated to earn and pay for the servants wages. Thats how it works in the special class rules.

Understandable why she is unconvinced.

If you want a quick fix, there is a way.

There is? There is a way to earn such an amount of money?

No, but you can move to the second class, where you can get money sent to you. Well, you can go to a higher class, but if you go to a lower class, theres a rule that you cant go up again.

Is there any difference in what we learn?

It depends on your motivation.

In the first place, you are free to learn whatever you want in the special class. If you want to learn, you can learn as much as you want, and if you want to slack off, you can slack off as much as you want.

In the second level class, the range of what you can learn is narrower. Thats the only difference.

You can take your time. Theres a bit of a grace period, and you might want to talk to the teachers about it. Right, Seyfi?

Yes, thats right. Ill help you in any way I can, so dont give up so easily.

Thank you. Ill think about it.

There is also the option of moving to the second-level class.

The saint has just started her life at the magic school, but she has a big financial problem.

Backwards and forwards, I was once again given the admission information by Serph and his assistant.

Its not much to say, though, since there arent many restrictions on the special class.


Im in the second class, said Leeya.

I wanted to be in the second class! I dont know why I got an invitation for a special class!

Ive heard of such cases.

Ive decided that youre good enough to do well in the special class. Youre not happy?

No, I mean I want to work in my spare time and earn enough money to send it home to my parents.

I see. You can change your class immediately, so why dont you stay in a special class for a while and see how it goes.

Based on your current situation, I dont think youll be hindered by the special class.


If you want to work in order to send money home to your parents, it would be rather easier to get time in the special class.

I understand. Ill see how it goes

Thats good, Kunon thought.

Its a good thing were classmates because Id like to hear more from her.

Ill add a few things, but students in the special class are recognized as mages at the other end of the spectrum.

Thats why teachers sometimes ask us to do experiments and research, so we can earn some money.

Thats why the teachers ask you to consult with them.

If they think you are the kind of person they want, they will offer you a way to earn money even if you dont want to. The amount is up for negotiation, though.

In short, youre a freelance assistant, Serph summarized.

The special classes are basically free.

You dont have classes every day at a certain time like the second and third level classes, and the school doesnt force you into anything unless its a personal commitment.

The special class has the right to freely use the school facilities. I want you to take advantage of that right and immerse yourself in witchcraft, work, and whatever else you like, as much as you like.

It seems to be a class where you have a lot of freedom to do what you want.

However, you need to accumulate about ten credits a year by doing research, experiments, or by doing what the teacher asks you.

If you fall short by even one point, youll be placed in the second level class the next year.

I said earlier that you can skip as much as you want, and thats not a lie.

However, if you dont get enough credits, your special class privileges will be taken away, thats all.

The point is, you can do whatever you want, but you have to manage your own schedule, and you have to decide how youre going to get credit.

As for the other classes, many people enter the special class because they want to.

It was based on their ability and motivation.

It will be assumed that you do what is necessary for you, even if left alone.

Thats about it. All you have to remember is that you have to get ten credits in a year. There are many ways to earn credits, so you should ask your teachers.

With this, the admission information was brief and to the point.

This is a special class with no particular restrictions, so I guess youll just have to get used to living here from here on out.

Thats all for now. Any questions?

There were a few questions, but none that came up that I should be concerned about.

Yes, Kunon.

When the other three had finished their questions, Kunon, who had waited until the end because he thought it would be too long, raised his hand.

Is it permissible to do business with the teacher?

You can do whatever you want, You are free to sell your assistants, and you are also free to sell what you have acquired or created. However, if you offend the teacher, you may be expelled from school, so please be sensible within the limits of the law and common sense.

Im glad.

Kunon patted his chest.

Ive thought about it a lot, but this is the most effective, safest, and proven way for Kunon to get out there with confidence.

It would also give him a chance to make acquaintances with various teachers, and he would be thrilled if one of them was Satori, the water sorceress he admired.

So, what kind of business do you run? If you dont mind me asking.

I offer sleep. And if youre a woman, I want to heal your heart with my words..


Its the only magic my master approves of. The rest of the magic is not much different from that of an ordinary water magician, but he said that this is the only one that he would accept. Also, if its a woman, I want to give her my heart.


The fact that it is the words of Zeonly that came out of thin air makes it a case for a hundred minutes and a glance.

If that man, who rarely praises others, says he approves, then surely he can use it for business.

But I didnt know what it was like just from hearing about it.

What kind of sleep do you offer?

But if its a form of business Ive never heard of, Im even more interested.

You see, when a magician starts serious experiments and research, their life becomes irregular, right?

If you get carried away, its not uncommon to work two or three hours straight, and there are even some people who have trouble with it people who dont start work until just before the deadline.

Those who forget to rest or eat and immerse themselves in their work.

And there are those who cant get motivated unless they are pushed.

There are those people.

Thats for sure.

Especially those who dont get motivated until close to the deadline, there are many of them in this magic school.

If they just did a little bit of work every day, they wouldnt be pushed to the edge of the cliff like this.

There really are not a few people who do their work while lamenting like that.

There are many of them.

There are people who have this annoying tendency.

If I were to use an analogy, I would say that its like someone who has to do an assignment in the middle of a long vacation, but leaves it untouched until the last day of the vacation, and then puts it together in tears.

Such people.

Its a nap that these trapped people take for a brief moment. I thought it would be good business to provide an environment where they can sleep better, deeper, and more soundly.

However, I have no idea how much money I can make from it, so Im not sure if its a viable business. Id like to discuss that with you. Preferably to a woman.

Well try that right away.

Serphs mind is filled with the faces of several teachers who are already being driven into various corners.

They all had earthy faces that looked like they were about to die, and he wanted to give them a break right now.

The basic principle of business is to provide what is needed to those who need it.

Whether its goods or services, thats usually how it works.

Also, if youre a woman, Id like to heal your heart with my sweet words.

Ive been daring you not to ask, but I dont think you want that.

Alright, then. If you insist, Ill make it easier for men if they want it.

I didnt say anything about that. Right, Seyfi?

What is a child saying?

The assistant also looked at him to tell him something, and with a serious look on her face, she let out a murmur that felt like a strong reminder, A promising sorcerers child.. if I were only five years younger.

Okay, thats the end of the admission information. Have a productive school life, everyone.

Serph pretended he hadnt heard that.


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