The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 47: Practical test (1)

Chapter 47: Practical test (1)

Hank Beat.


The adult candidate was called to Serph.

Are you no longer Dr. Rhetts assistant?

Yes, sir. I decided that the time was right. I just didnt take the exam because I wasnt sure I could pass it

Apparently, the examiner and the test candidate know each other.

And it seems that he is the one who is most shocked to learn that there are no failures in the exam.

As you can imagine, there must have been a time when he was a novice.

I cant help but feel that there is more than an unspoken agreement when no one tells you about the exam.

I know most of it, but since its a formality, Ill ask. I need to know the attributes of your sigil, its rank, and the number of sorceries you can use. Oh, and your preferred class.

Two stars for the fire emblem. I can use seven sorceries. I would like to be in the special class.

Hank Beat.

Two stars on the fire emblem, seven magic points.

You know what, Seyfi?

Im listening.

The assistant Seyfi wrote on the form.

At the same time, Kunon also kept in mind the information about this person, who is wrapped in a red lizard. Everything is a sample for consideration.

Lets get down to the practical. Try to use the magic youre best at.

With Serphs words, Hanks magic power runs on the ground.

Fire run!

As if to follow the magic power that entered first like a fuse, the fire runs through the ground at a great speed.


Kunon was impressed.

This is the first time Ive seen this kind of magic, although I know it from books. I havent seen it.


Its a less difficult magic that fire magicians learn early on.

Its the kind of thing where the fire burns along with the magic you put ahead of it.

It seems that the magic power in place of the oil that determines the route ahead is more important than the fire itself. Thats the secret of this magic, I guess.

With the speed at which it burns, it should be possible to start a fire of a much larger scale.

Its a simple structure that can be applied in many ways. This will be useful, Kunon thought.

The fire ran in a spiral from the outside to the center in a circle and disappeared in the middle of the vortex. White smoke rose from it.

Yeah, not bad. Especially the control.


This is a magic that requires control, control of magic power.

And I can sense Hanks sense of style when he chose to show us an elaborate magic trick rather than just a magic trick with strong firepower.

Kunon thought that he and Hank seemed to be on the same page.

Leeya Horse.

Yes, sir.

When Hanks practical test was over, the confetti-covered boy was called next. Hes probably a year or two older than Kunon.

Please state your attribute, rank, the number of magic you can use, and your preferred class.

Well, my attribute is wind, and Im a two-star. The number of magic I can use is eight. I would like to be in the second class.

You can use eight magic at your age? Thats great. Hey, Seyfi?


Thats great, Kunon thought.

I can still use only two sorceries.

Im a little worried about the fact that I cant use as much magic as the other test takers

And this time, as the assistant fills out the form, I will also memorize the information about Leeya in my own head.

Im a wind sigil too, you know. I feel like I want to support him personally.

The examiner said something that sounded like he was going to favor him, but since everybody was going to pass anyway, it didnt really matter.

Then show me the magic youre most confident in. 

Yes, the Wind King Fugaru!

Its a magic trick that causes magic power to stagnate in the sky above, gathering air and releasing it as wind. Its a higher version of the Wind Fa Ga.

The huge air bombs shot down from above greatly damaged the ground.

It was incredibly powerful. If a person was hit, he would surely be blown away.

This is quite impressive. You can even use intermediate magic at your age?

Its simply a lot of magic power to use.

Kunon, who was still only able to use the first two steps, was surprised by the amount of magic power used.

Intermediate magic, as it is called, seems to be quite different from beginner magic.

Its interesting, Kunon thought.

Reyes Centrance.


Next up was the saint.

The previous statement that light is higher than other attributes has caused a bit of animosity from the candidates other than Kunon, but still, she is the most interesting person in the room.

The light attribute is very rare.

Aside from the examiners, all of the test takers had never even seen light magic before, let alone used it.

What is your attribute, rank, how many spells can you use, and in what class do you want?

The attribute is light, three stars, and there are five magic techniques that can be used. I would like to be in the special class.

Three stars on top of the light attribute.

Kunon became more and more interested.

Im a saint, in case you were wondering.

Apparently. But inherent magic is not a subject of practical training, so it doesnt really matter if youre a saint now.

I see. Can I ask you one more thing?

Yes? Sure.

Im not really aware of it, but Ive been told that due to the Heros Scars, Im missing a lot of emotion.

My words and actions may make you feel uncomfortable, but it is not my intention.

A heros scar.

Like Kunon, he was born under the curse of the Demon King. I had never met him before.

Im suddenly very interested.

I see. That sounds like a lot of work. So far, Im not uncomfortable. What about you, Seyfi?

No problem.

There was one such incident, but that was it, the test proceeded without any problems.

The Holy Light.

I said that my strongest point was healing, but I couldnt perform it without someone being injured, so Reyes showed the only magic she had that wasnt healing.

It was a light-attribute rudimentary magic that fired a high-speed beam of light and heat from a raised hand.

Im not sure how powerful it is, since it didnt hit anything, but its notable for its speed.

It was terribly fast.

If you dont react before its released, its a ray of light that you cant avoid.

Kunon was already so interested in it, anyway, it was impossible not to be interested.

Kunon Gurion.


Finally, it was Kunons turn.

Well Ive been asked to give you special treatment if thats okay.


Oh, you hadnt heard anything. W feel sorry for you, dont we, Seyfi?

But it cant be helped anyway.

Its hard to see whats going on, but for a moment now, I think I felt a little bit of malice from the assistant.

To cut a long story short, your mentor asked me to make your exam more difficult.


Speaking of Kunons mentor.

Miss Genie?

Ah, no, not that one. Zeonly.

When the name of Zeonly, who had recently made a name for himself as a magician, was mentioned, the three examinees reacted.

For someone who is still an apprentice sorcerer, anyone who is a successful sorcerer would be someone to admire.

Zeonly said that his apprentice can take any test, so he wants me to be extra strict. Ill show you what my disciples are capable of, you fools, he said.


I think I know a little more about the reason for the assistants malice.

She must have some kind of connection with Zeonly, not Kunon.

I see. If Master says so, then it cant be helped.

I dont want to go along with Zeonlys boasting about being a disciple.

But if Master wants me to do it, I have no choice but to do it.

Masters orders are absolute. Thats what being a disciple is all about.

Do you want to do it? Ah, yes. You are indeed the disciple of Zeonly Your confidence is different. Hey, Seyfi?

Lets drop her and send her back to her man.

Malice toward the master will spread to the disciples.

Kunon was at the mercy of his master.

You cant say what you think, can you?

Shrugging his shoulders with a sigh of relief, Serph asked the usual question.

Attributes of the sigil, rank, number of available magics, and desired class.

Kunon replied proudly.

Im a two-star water attribute. Two usable magics. Special class, please.




Everyone in the room, with the exception of the saint, mumbled or thought, What?

Two magic that can be used..?

Kunon replied proudly to Serphs fearful question.

Yes. There are two. The first is the water ball a ori and the second is the wash foam.

The water ball a ori creates water, and the wash foam removes dirt with water bubbles.

The above is the magic that Kunon can use.

Are you going to do a practical test with those two?

Kunon replied proudly.


It was a great atmosphere.

It was unbearable.

He was disappointed with the response that went against his expectations of being Zeonlys disciple.

He cant find the right words to say to Kunon, who is standing there with so much confidence in this situation.

He wanted to knock down Zeonly for confidently promoting such a disciple.

All sorts of thoughts and feelings intermingled without words, and the atmosphere became rather amazing.


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