The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 41: Farewell and Encounter

Chapter 41: Farewell and Encounter

During my stay at my parents house, I learned to ride lightly with my grandfather, and he showed me his wealth by asking me if he could secretly buy me a casino or something. Kunon spent most of his time with his grandfather during his stay at home.

Since it looked like he wouldnt really be able to see him for a few years, Kunon stayed with him as much as he could.

It was still too early for him to be picked up, but he was very old.

No one knows what will happen when.

I tried to keep up with him as much as I could, but as expected, I couldnt stay up all night.

I asked my grandfather to lie down on the super soft water ball.

He fell asleep immediately.

The scented water bed is reputed (by Zeonly) to be so comfortable that it can ruin a persons sleep.

Two days of such a stay were quickly gone.

Master Kunon, its time to go.

After breakfast with my grandfather, who was reluctant to leave me, I went back to my room to prepare to leave, and Iko came in.

I hadnt seen Iko for two days.

Kunon was handing over the job to her sister, who would be his next personal maid.

I could see her here.

In other words, this is where we say goodbye.

Iko. Thank you for everything.

We can meet again when I come back, though. Ill continue to work as a servant at the villa in the capital after I get married.

Yes. It will be a few years before I see you again. See you soon.

The two of them hugged each other.

For Kunon, it was the person who had supported him for more than half of his life.

She was the one who taught him how to live.

She gave him a goal to live for and made him look forward.

She was never just a servant.

I dont know what to call the feelings I have.

Gratitude isnt enough, and its not big enough to be called love.

But I guess its okay not to know.

The feelings Kunon has now and the feelings Iko has now are probably the same.

Im sure theyre the same, and I can believe that theyre being understood even without words.

Then lets go, shall we?


There were no tears.

That kind of thing is not appropriate for our relationship.

So Kunon, who was carrying the luggage, didnt hear Iko sniffling behind him, and Kunon never took off the eye patch with the handkerchief between it.

Are you sure you want to go? You dont have to go, okay? You can stay here with your grandfather.

Kunon said goodbye to his crying grandfather with a vague smile and got into the carriage.

Well, then! Im off!

Iko passed the button to her younger sister, Linco, who also got into the carriage.

Are we really going? Grandfather is such -

You can go.

The carriage, whose wheels were protected by the water ball a ori, began to move smoothly as Kunon called out to the guardians.

Its a good thing, isnt it? Mr. Edrew, hes still talking.

If youre in a serious relationship, youre in it for a very long time.

The journey is mostly predetermined.

The weather can be a factor, but we have to move forward when we can.

My grandfathers goal was to prolong our stay due to various delays, so this was fine.

Hey, Linco, I'm looking forward to working with you.

Yes, thank you! Ill work hard for the money!

These are very encouraging words.

Im not familiar enough with her yet to develop feelings for her, and Im not the head of the Gurion family, so expecting her to be loyal to me is a little odd.

For Kunon, the immediate nature of the situation is easy to understand.

Yes, we are still strangers.

Theres no hurry, but we must get to know each other properly.

Did you finish the assignment?

Yes! Ive been told that if I think Master Kunon is tired, I should definitely let him rest! I was told that this is the golden rule!

Thats it

Im sure that if he was engrossed in magic, reading, or paperwork, like Iko, she would try to interfere with me in some way so that I could rest.

The new maid of honor seems to be a tough nut to crack.

Is everything okay with Lincos fiance? Hell have to wait a few years.

Weve discussed and decided to be patient until we get the big money!Does Master Kunon know about this? In addition to the monthly salary, Ill receive an additional payment equal to my previous salary when I complete my studies at this magic school.

Additional pay.

Ive never heard of such a thing.

In other words, in the end, youll get double the amount of the salary offered?

Yes! Thats big money! A lot of money just for taking care of a child for a few years! I thought it would be the best job ever, so I jumped at the chance!

She jumped at the chance.

I want to open a store, so I dont care how much money I have! As soon as this trip is over, were going to set up the store and run it as a couple!

I see. Its nice to have a dream. What kind of store are you going to open? A family business where people are kept in the dark?

I was torn between the two. But in the end, my fiane and I both like to eat, so we decided to open a restaurant. We both like to eat, so we decided to go with the most legitimate one.

I guess so. Theres only a small difference between keeping people alive with food and killing them in the dark.

Where there are encounters, there are also partings.

There is a certain anxiety that Iko will not be around from now on.

However, as we start a new life, we cannot avoid parting with someone.

I had to say goodbye to my family.

I also said goodbye to Milica and Zeonly.

Its been a long time since I left Genie and Baroness Fullara.

I also left Iko.

And Im sure there will be many new encounters in the future, just like the one with Linco.

-The only time I feel lonely is now.

On the way, Kunon talked about many things to deepen his friendship with Linco, who he would be staying with for the next few years.

It was a lonely time, but not a bad one.


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