The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 431 - A Mysterious Egg

For the rest of that auction, there were plenty of treasures that piqued my interest. From cute souvenirs to bring back for the girls to random pieces of artwork, I bought them all. Most of the weapons here were quite weak though, according to Ling Xin, so I didn't bother buying any of that. Apparently, it was because the people here rarely used weapons anyway — most wielded ones forged with their own True Essence.

Since True Essence could be molded into any form and shape their wielder wished, this was the go-to option for most people. However, because of this, the weapons also crumbled to dust when their owners died, so the only actual 'weapons' that existed here and could be used by anyone weren't actually meant for combat at all, but mere decoration.

I also noticed that whenever I placed a bid on something, none of the other VIPs followed. The two girls and I found this amusing, since we knew full well what their intentions were. All of them just wanted to get on my good side with the hopes of hiring me into their family or organization. Sorry, but I work alone.

Still, I wasn't about to refuse these free benefits. Sadly for them, though, I had something known as Space Magic. They could try to confront me outside my door after the auction all they wanted, but they'll wait for hours only to see no one. Too bad.

As the 'millenium-old' teacups that were just auctioned were cleaned off the stage, a new masked container was brought up to take its place. It was quite small, even more so than the ones that had contained my Golden Pills. 

"Now, for the penultimate item of this auction, we have a mysterious egg that was found near the peak of Mount Necria, the tallest mountain of the Death Realm. Experiments conducted on it have been unsuccessful, and no one was able to find out what kind of creature lays inside. As a result, please bid at your own risk. The starting bid will be 10,000!"

The audience began stirring, murmuring quietly to one another as they debated whether or not to bid on this. In a place like the Death Realm, danger was everywhere. Whatever creature lay inside that egg could either bring immense power to its owner, or get them killed without even batting an eye.

"A mysterious egg, huh?" I murmured, stroking my chin. "Do you two know anything about this?"

Observing the completely black egg that lay within the glass cubicle storage on the stage, Ling Xin fell into thought.

"Hm… can't say I do. Sorry master~ but I've never been one to read books or study animals, really."

Meanwhile, Axilia merely had a frown on her face as she tried to figure out what that egg was. After several seconds, though, she could only give up.

"Sorry, darling… I don't think I've seen something like that either…"

"Well, if even Axilia doesn't know, then it's a lost cause," I said with a sigh. "But that said…"

Staring at the egg, I smirked. "The mysterious, the unknown, interests me. Even if that egg is dangerous, and whatever will leap out it will try to kill me… heh. Let it try. I'm always up for a challenge."

Well, the real reason is that I'm trying to get Flaria a playmate, so she won't feel so lonely anymore after I get her back, but there's no point saying that out loud when these two don't even know who Flaria is.

Down below, someone in the audience made a bid of 11,000. Without any hesitation, I pressed on the button to speak after changing my voice.


"D-Damn it… why is it always him?!" The poor guy down below weeped in despair. I smirked, thinking it was in the bag, but-


From a few VIP chambers down, I heard the voice of none other than Prince Auldren. Oh? He wants to bid against me?

"12,001," I said, waiting to see what he would reply with.

"15,000," Auldren replied, voice calm and unwavering. "Mr. Alchemist, it would seem you wish to have this mysterious egg. Why so? If you tell me the reason, I will consider letting you have it. Of course, the offer to join me still stands. Should you accept, this — and anything else in this realm — shall be yours."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again — offer declined." In other words, that's me saying 'fuck off' in the politest way possible. "Now, as for the reason I wish to have this egg… would you believe me if I said I was simply curious? 15,001."

"20,000. Of course, I am well aware alchemists are a curious bunch. However, if you wish to have this egg, I want something in return."

"Oh?" I taunted. "Let's hear it, then. 20,001."

"Your identity. I have connections with every renowned alchemist in this Realm, yet you, able to refine Golden Pills, appeared out of nowhere. Tell me — who you are."

After some thought, I replied.

"Very well. However, not in front of all of these people. Shall we host a private meeting tonight? Just you and me."

Several seconds later, he responded.

"Understandable. I am Prince Auldren Von Eista, though you seem to have already figured that out already. That is all you need to know to contact me, correct?"

"Correct, Prince. I will send you the details of our meeting later."

"You should know what will happen if you go back on your word, I trust."

"Naturally. I am a man of my word, as all honorable alchemists are. Such is the law of the Alchemic Way."

"Good. Then, I look forward to our meeting… unnamed alchemist."

Since Auldren did not make another bid, I won the fight for the egg for a cost of 20,001 mordai. After shutting off the comms, Ling Xin raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're thinking of doing it this soon?"

"Originally, no," I said with a shrug. "But since I now know he's already back in action, and such an opportunity has presented itself, I might as well."

"Fufu~ fair. But you know… it won't be easy. He will definitely have hidden troops all around, with the intention of threatening you into joining him."

"So?" I laughed. "He has hidden troops… I have hidden traps. Home field advantage."

Ling Xin giggled before leaning into my ear and whispering seductively.

"Fufu~ that's my future husband~"


"And now, dear customers and guests… I present to you, the final item of this auction!"

The auctioneer removed the piece of cloth draped over a glass container similar to all the others. Inside, a black rock lay. That was literally all it was. A black rock.

It was cut baguette-style with expert craftsmanship, but it wasn't even a gemstone. It was just a rock, completely opaque and useless. At least, on the surface.

"I know you are all confused, but this is not just any rock. This was found deep underground, embedded within the very core of the planet! It is a treasure only made possible with tons of excavation and time. As such, the starting bid will be 1 million!"


Immediately, the audience erupted into a fit of roars and cries.

"A mere rock for 1 million?!"

"We don't even know if what you're saying is true!"

"Yeah, yeah! What a scam!"

But on the contrary… I pressed on the button to speak, changing my voice.

"1 million and 1."

In an instant, the entire audience chamber fell silent, shocked at my words.

"I-Is he crazy…?"

"What kind of idiot would pay 1 million for a rock…? Even if you're rich, that's just excessive!"

Even Ling Xin and Axilia were somewhat shocked at this, and looked at me with widened eyes.

"1 million and 1, going once, going twice, going three times — sold! Congratulations, VIP Number 14 — the item is yours!"

"Darling… why did you…?"

"Relax," I said calmly. "I know what I'm doing."

To everyone else, that was merely a rock. But I could feel it. Something about that piece of stone called to me. It resonated with the energy deep inside my body, the power I wielded — Chaos. I couldn't be sure what the connection really was just yet until I got my hands on it, but I could feel the instinct to buy it.

If only Mei Gui was here…

One way or another, that rock was related to Chaos. I needed to obtain it and investigate, no matter what. After all, it's a common saying that useless waste to one person may be a hidden treasure to another.

With that, the auction concluded. The twins were dubious of my decision to buy that rock at first, but after hearing my words, they believed them wholeheartedly and didn't question any further, although they were curious to hear what my goal here was.

I hadn't explained the whole Chaos thing to them yet, so I couldn't reveal too much right now. Not because I didn't trust them, but because I didn't want to overload their minds with this matter. Once we got back to the Living Realm, the other girls could fill them in.

But still, that rock… I get the feeling I'm onto something.


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