The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 427 - Mordem's Auction

Soon after, an old man that looked nothing like Ling Xin's godfather appeared, dashing through the hallways like a child in school. He panted heavily, and seemed to be worn out after running all the way here to the front reception of the auction house.

"Hah… hah… quick… let me see the pill…" He gasped, pointing at the receptionist girl with a trembling hand, shaking uncontrollably in excitement and anticipation. The girl nodded and did as told, exiting from behind the counter and handing the box I had just gave her over to the old man.

Grandmaster Zun, panting heavily, slowly opened the lid of the box, sweat dripping from his face so much to the point where I was afraid it would get onto my pill and ruin the price of it. And as soon as he did, his entire body began shaking, a wide smile appearing on his face.

"I-It's real… it's not just a legend… someone… actually managed to refine it… a Golden Pill…"

Then, he turned his gaze on me, and hurried over. Back in his younger days, he may have been even taller than I was, but now, his slouched back made him a good head shorter than me.

"You, young man… was it you who refined this pill?"

I nodded.. "I trust there are no problems with auctioning this, yes?"

"No! Heavens, no! None at all! Please, follow me. You and your companions shall be treated like V.I.P.s here at the Mordem Auction House — I shall see to that myself! You have my word — as long as this old man is still breathing, I will allow no disrespect to come to you!"

"Heh… pretty good," I chuckled. "But you see… I was actually hoping to make money by selling these pills here… so could you tell me how much one could sell for?"

"Oh, you need not worry about that, young venerate!" Grandmaster Zun hollered. "Money is but a trivial thing in front of treasures such as this. Just the Low-Grade Golden Pill you have in this box could easily go for more than 1 million mordai at the very least!"

"Mordai is the currency used in the Death Realm," Ling Xin whispered helpfully into my ear. "1 million mordai would be the same as 1 million dollars in the Living Realm."

I faked a calm smile and put on a very refined persona, like I was the kind and mannered young master of some rich foreign country.

"I see. What about Mid-Grade and High-Grade ones?"

"A singular Mid-Grade Golden Pill could sell for 5 million, and a High-Grade could sell for 10 million at base," the Grandmaster said. "Don't tell me you have any Saint or Divine-Grade pills as well… those are worth more than any single power can handle."

Still keeping up the calm facade, I nodded as if satisfied.

"I see, I see… thank you. In that case…"

I pulled out a large box filled with the Golden Pills I had refined from out of my Space Locket and handed it to the old man, who accepted it with honor and reverence, as if I was some kind of deity.

"Inside is about 50 pills, ranging from Low-Grade to High-Grade. Do try to sell them for as high as possible, yes?"

"Of course, honorable customer. Please, allow me to show you the way to your VIP room…"

Grandmaster Zun turned around and began heading down the hallway he had came from, and Ling Xin, Axilia, and I followed. The receptionist girl watched as go, stunned speechless.

Although I kept up a calm facade on the surface, deep down, I was actually shocked to death.

What the hell?! I can become a millionaire from just a single Low-Grade pill?! After this auction, I'll have enough wealth to compete with the royal family!

"You seemed to be a foreigner here," the Grandmaster suddenly said as we walked while I was in my thoughts, and I immediately stopped walking, raising my guard. Him, noticing this, hurriedly spun around and bowed deeply.

"Please don't be alarmed, honorable alchemist! I do not mean any harm to you, nor do I intend on searching your background. I was merely curious, since you appear to be slightly surprised at the cost at which your Golden Pills can sell for. Young and inexperienced, yet so talented. You must have only awakened to your alchemic abilities recently."

"… How did you find out?" I asked, dropping the persona and continuing to walk.

"You attempted to put up a fake calm facade, but I have met many people over the years. Such an act cannot fool me, I'm afraid," the old man replied hesitantly.

"Huh… guess my acting skills need some work."

"Here we are," Grandmaster Zun said, coming to a stop before a door labeled 'VIP #69' on it and opening it, inviting the three of us inside. Naturally, we complied.

The room was luxurious and spacious, much like a 5-star hotels — the type that big CEOs and stuff stayed at. As expected of a VIP suite, the decorations inside were nothing short of exquisite and one side of the wall was nearly completely glass, allowing us to get a glimpse of what was below — a large stage, surrounded by an arc-shaped escalating audience chamber, with us at the top. All the other VIP chambers were up here as well, to our left and right.

It reminded me of the black market auction house back in The Fortress, except on a far larger scale. And… well, it wasn't black market.

"Do you wish to know why Golden Pills are so expensive?" Grandmaster Zun asked, closing the door behind him so that no one outside would be able to hear.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because alchemists are rare in the first place, young man. Of the entire population, less than 1% have an aptitude for alchemy. Of that 1%, even fewer are able to concoct and refine anything beyond Low-Grade, much less forming pill veins and pill clouds. Do you understand now, just how rare Golden Alchemists — and Golden Pills — are? They are legends, spoken of only in fabled alchemic myths and legends."

"Hm… I see," I muttered.

"Now, before I leave, allow me to say one final thing," the old man said, clearing his throat. "When auctioning the Golden Pills, we will keep your identity a secret. No one will know it was you who refined them, but they might be able to guess based on a new face sitting in a VIP chamber. If they do, they will undoubtedly want to recruit a Golden Alchemist like yourself into their ranks — it is free profit."

"I'm aware of that," I replied. "I don't intend on joining anyone else. I like being solo."

"I was actually going to recommend joining one, as it would spare you from being targeted by other factions, but… whatever you wish. Just be careful — they may use force if necessary."

"Thanks for the heads-up," I said blankly. "I'm more concerned about my money though — how will it be sent to me?"

"You had a storage device earlier when pulling this box out, yes? Does it have a limit?"

Ah, the Space Locket… looks like such things exist in the Death Realm too, even though Space Essence did not.

"Nope, it's infinite."

"Then we will hand all the cash to you through that when the auction is over. Worry not, we do not go back on our word."

Oh, I'm not afraid. If you do, I'll just stop time and steal someone else's wallet. No big deal.

With that, Grandmaster Zun left to prepare for the auction. As soon as he did, Ling Xin and Axilia pulled me down onto the couch, one on either side of me.

"What did I say, hubby~? You have a talent for alchemy," Ling Xin giggled. "Now… best start thinking how you're going to repay me~"

"Yes, yes… but I already agreed to taking care of you for life… what more do you want?" I asked, stroking her hair.

"Hm… let's see… how about agreeing to that competition Axilia and I were speaking about earlier?"

"Hehe~ I support that~" Axilia added. "Agree, agree!"

"You mean… seeing which one of you could please me better in bed?" I raised an eyebrow. "I mean… sure, if that's what you want as a reward."

The two girls merely smiled and hugged my body tighter, as we waited for the auction to begin.

"To think one of the IMF's Council of Arcanity members would be lying in my arms right now… I never expected this to happen," I chuckled.

"Ara ara~ and you think I did?" Ling Xin laughed. "Most people would admire me, fear me. But you didn't even know who I was, when we first met — only that I was strong. You are the first and only man to have captured my interest like this, hubby~"

"… Right. But what's with the… 'hubby' thing? I thought that was just a one-time nickname you were using to try and get me killed in front of your godfather… speaking of, don't ever do that again, or else…"

"Or else…?" Ling Xin licked her lips seductively. "You'll punish me, master~?"

"… You're just going to keep calling me weird nicknames, aren't you?" I sighed.

"Axilia can call you one. Why can't I?"

"Whatever… but can you settle on just one?"

"Hm… master it is~"

Well… Mei Gui will probably be pissed off hearing that, since that title is kinda reserved for her to call, but oh well. I'll let those two deal with it on their own.

Flaria might be jealous too… oh, right. Flaria.

When I first entered this realm, I had noticed my phoenix hadn't come with me. She had been quiet silent ever since the previous exam at the university was over, but I never really checked on her. That was my mistake.

I had felt her inside my body up until that fall down the cliff… so I have no idea what happened to her or where she is now. I could only hope that she was safe — I don't think she died or was injured, since I would've felt that. So… what could've possibly happened to her?

I was worried, but right now, I needed to first get out of the Death Realm myself. Once I was back to the Living Realm… I could begin searching for her once again.

That little phoenix… catching her the first time was pain enough. Do I really have to do it again now?


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