The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 279: Advising Madame Yuan_l

Chapter 279: Chapter 279: Advising Madame Yuan_l

Translator: 549690339 |

“It is already late, and I shouldn’t be disturbing you at this hour. However, I was afraid that you might be busy during the day and lack spare time, so I took the liberty of asking Qingyi to invite you over to the Military Prefecture.” Madam Yuan apologized.

“Madam, you need not to be so formal with me.”

“We are well acquainted by now, so I won’t beat around the bush. Given Ruoruo’s intelligence, you probably have guessed why I have invited you here today.” Madam Yuan said candidly.

“I probably have some idea. Recent weather changes leading to crop damage must be causing concerns for both the honorable Yuan and Madame Yuan.” Wei Ruo replied.

“That’s right, Ruoruo. Grain yields have been poor around the country in recent years, our national treasury is nearly empty, and food supply has always been a top priority for the court. Officials are rated primarily on this issue. That’s why the recent cold spell has the Government Office on tenterhooks and directly affects the promotion prospects of my husband next year.”

“But that’s only part of the story. Apart from considering my husband’s career, I am genuinely concerned about the suffering of the common people. Moreover, if there are widespread starvation leads to unrest, the suffering will not be limited to the common people alone. Therefore, both personally and from the standpoint of my husband’s official position, we do not wish to see such a situation.”

Wei Ruo believed what Madam Yuan said. When there was an outbreak of infectious disease in Taizhou prefecture, Madam Yuan had generously contributed time and resources to call in local doctors and discuss measures to combat the disease.

“I understand, Madam Yuan. In fact, before you invited me today, the seventh prince had already visited me,” said Wei Ruo.

“Did the seventh prince also approach you for this matter?” Madam Yuan hurriedly asked.

“Indeed. The prince hopes that I can help him improve the impoverished terrain in Taizhou prefecture, open up farmland and increase productivity,” replied Wei Ruo.

After pondering for a moment, Madame Yuan said to Wei Ruo, “That seems to be a viable approach. Ruoruo, you could try it. If successful, it would greatly benefit both you and the Wei Family.”

“Do you think I should agree to it, Madam?”

“Helping the seventh prince would undoubtedly benefit your family, even if he might not be able to reward you handsomely due to your female status. Nonetheless, it would be wholly beneficial to the Wei Family,” Madam Yuan analyzed for Wei Ruo.

As long as something is good for the Wei Family, it is also good for Wei Ruo. As long as Wei Ruo is a member of the Wei Family, this relationship won’t change easily.

“I understand, Madam, but I don’t want too much interaction with the seventh prince. The heir to the throne is not yet decided, and becoming too closely involved with any prince would put me, and the Wei Family in a delicate situation which we cannot afford,” Wei Ruo stated.

Whether considering the bigger picture or personal feelings, Wei Ruo has been resisting any extensive interaction with Chu Lan from the bottom of her heart. The last time she was involved in land improvement in Xingshan County, she took the initiative, but Chu Lan jumped in later and left her no option. Now that she has an option, she prefers to keep her distance.

“You are right. It is rare for you to consider these factors.”

Madam Yuan was somewhat moved. Wei Ruo’s striving to consider a broader perspective and not be blinded by immediate temptations was a step up from most girls of her age.

Madam Yuan continued, “The initial reason for my asking you here today was to seek your help. However, if you refuse the request of the seventh prince, I will not be in a position to ask you for advice and help.”

No matter what, Madam Yuan couldn’t openly go against the seventh prince, especially considering the position of Wei Ruo.

If Wei Ruo rejects the prince on one hand and helps Madam Yuan on the other, it would be a direct offense to the prince. This scenario would put Wei Ruo in danger, and Madam Yuan certainly wouldn’t want such a situation to arise.

“Madam, there’s no need for worry. I have given thoughtful consideration to certain things on my way here. I know how to handle this without offending the seventh prince and still alleviating worries for your household.” Wei Ruo assured.

“Really?” Madam Yuan was ecstatic.

Wei Ruo explained, “I can provide some solutions for Madam. If you and the honorable Yuan find them feasible, you can implement them according to my method. My involvement isn’t necessary during the process, thus not deceiving the prince.”

Chu Lan wanted her to improve the land, which required her to understand the actual conditions, run ground surveys, interact with people, among other things. Hence, she used this as an excuse to refuse.

But now, she was just advising Madam Yuan, an entirely different context.

“In that case, I’ll listen with great interest,” said Madam Yuan.

Wei Ruo began outlining her approach, “This year’s weather is unpredictable, and we know it won’t be good later in the year. Increasing farmland is one course of action proposed by the prince; increasing the productivity of existing farmland is another.”

“Indeed, Ruoruo, you’re absolutely correct.”

“Taizhou prefecture doesn’t have a lot of farmland to begin with. There are saline-alkali lands, sandy land, and a lot of mountainous terrain. Even among the existing farmland, the majority have poor soil conditions. Improvement of soil is a major project and cannot be done quickly. The saline-alkali land reformation in the south of Xingshan County alone took almost half a year. Therefore, by the time the soil improvements are finished and crops are planted, it might be too late for this year’s autumn harvest. At the earliest, wheat could be planted in August or September for next year’s harvest,” Wei Ruo analyzed.

“That is indeed a problem,” Madam Yuan agreed.

“So, right now, if we want to ensure this year’s autumn harvest, our best bet would be to protect the existing farmland and the crops already planted,” Wei Ruo suggested.

“Please, Ruoruo, tell me how we can protect the crops.”

Without any rush, Wei Ruo started detailing her meticulously crafted solution for Madam Yuan, “Firstly, we need to add fertilizer to the soil. The Government Office should take the lead in this. I propose that the Government Office establish a large compost field where they can buy sheep manure, cow dung, straw, rice straw, and even some rotten fruits and vegetables.”

Wei Ruo continued, “If the Government Office can buy these materials, it’ll help provide the peasants with some income to alleviate their immediate pressures. When the compost is ready, the Government Office can sell it at a fair price. It can be sold to farms as well as to wealthy families. At this point, sir Yuan should persuade the city dwellers who own large amounts of farmland and landlords to buy this finished compost. Also, they should be taught how to properly add fertilizers.”

Madam Yuan was intrigued, “Ruoruo, this idea of yours kills two birds with one stone. It can provide the peasants with some money to tide over the hard times, and also enhance the productivity of the farmland owned by wealthy families and landlords.”

Wei Ruo continued, “This is one aspect. Secondly, we have some remedial measures for the saplings that have already been frozen. Depending on the type of terrain, I have two different measures.”

“What are those two measures?” Madam Yuan inquired eagerly..


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