The Leviathan System

Chapter 39: The Heist (part 1)

Chapter 39: The Heist (part 1)

Silas watched as chaos unfolded around him. The banshees' wails pierced the air, their ghostly forms swooping through the ballroom. Students and faculty scrambled in panic, their elegant attire now disheveled and torn.

Amidst the mayhem, Silas's eyes locked onto Jace. His friend stood frozen, horror etched across his face as he witnessed a terrifying scene unfold. The girl he'd been dancing with moments ago now dangled helplessly in the grasp of a banshee. The spirit's skeletal fingers curled around her waist, lifting her off the ground with unnatural strength.

The banshee's face contorted, its jaw unhinging to unleash a bone-chilling scream directly into the girl's face. The sound was deafening, even from a distance. The girl's eyes rolled back, and her body went limp as consciousness fled.

Jace's expression shifted from fear to determination. Without a word to his friends, he sprinted towards the banshee and its victim. Silas felt a surge of admiration for Jace's bravery.

Jace reached the banshee, his hands already moving in the familiar patterns of his duplication magic. In an instant, three identical Jaces surrounded the spirit, each one reaching for the unconscious girl.

The banshee shrieked in confusion, its grip on the girl loosening just enough for one of the Jace duplicates to pull her free. As the real Jace caught her in his arms, the other copies began to harass the banshee, drawing its attention away.

Silas watched as Jace carried the girl to safety, dodging other fleeing students and stray spells from the academy personnel.

Silas watched as the girl in Jace's arms stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. She gazed up at Jace, confusion giving way to recognition.

"You... you saved me," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the chaos.

Jace nodded, a bashful smile tugging at his lips. "Are you alright?"

"Thanks to you," she replied. "What's your name?"

"Jace. Jace Sterling."

The girl's eyes lit up, and without warning, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. Jace froze for a moment, caught off guard, but then returned the kiss.

Silas cleared his throat, breaking the moment. "Jace, we need to go. Now."

Reluctantly, Jace set the girl down on her feet. She swayed slightly but managed to stand.

"I have to leave," Jace said, his voice tinged with regret.

"Wait!" the girl called as Jace turned away. "Will I see you again?"

Jace hesitated, glancing back at her. For a moment, Silas thought his friend might change his mind about their plan. But then Jace's expression hardened with resolve.

"I'm sorry," he said, before turning and following Silas, Rowan, Nadia, and Lyra out of the ballroom.

As they slipped through the doors, Silas heard the girl's voice one last time, pleading for Jace to wait. But they were already gone, leaving the chaos of the banshee attack behind them.

Silas and his friends burst through the ballroom doors, only to find themselves face-to-face with a swarm of banshees. The ethereal creatures floated menacingly, their haunting wails filling the air with an otherworldly cacophony.

Silas's mind raced, searching for a solution. In that instant, he recalled a technique they'd been practicing in mana manipulation class - the mana beam. While his friends had made progress, they hadn't yet mastered it. Silas, however, had perfected the skill using his system.

Anytime he learned a new technique and performed it correctly once, the system took over in the future and allowed him to perform it perfectly every time through the application of his 'learn' skill.

Without hesitation, Silas stepped forward, his hands moving in a complex pattern as he gathered his mana. He felt the energy building within him, a torrent of pure magical power begging to be released.

Every time they trained, Jace, Lyra, Rowan, and Nadia would pour mana into Silas to fill up his mana points before training. They did the same before every mission, this one included.

"Everyone, get behind me!" Silas shouted over the banshees' screams.

Jace, Rowan, Nadia, and Lyra quickly complied, forming a tight group at Silas's back. They watched in awe as a brilliant light began to emanate from Silas's palms.

With a grunt of effort, Silas unleashed the mana beam. A dazzling stream of pure magical energy erupted from his hands, cutting through the air like a blade of light. The beam struck the first banshee, and to everyone's amazement, the spirit disintegrated on contact.

Silas swept the beam in a wide arc, carving a path through the spectral horde. Banshees caught in its radiance vanished with unearthly shrieks, leaving behind nothing but wisps of ectoplasmic mist.

The drain on Silas's mana reserves was immense, but he gritted his teeth and pushed on. He could feel sweat beading on his forehead as he maintained the beam, methodically clearing their escape route.

"It's working!" Nadia exclaimed, her voice a mix of relief and excitement.

Jace and Rowan exchanged impressed glances, while Lyra's eyes narrowed in concentration, studying Silas's technique.

As the last banshee in their path dissolved, Silas finally allowed the mana beam to dissipate. He stumbled slightly, the exertion catching up with him, but Rowan quickly steadied him with a strong hand.

"That was incredible," Jace said, clapping Silas on the shoulder. "You've got to teach us how to do that properly."

Silas managed a tired smile. "Later. Right now, we need to move."

Silas watched as his friends followed his lead, their hands glowing with mana as they attempted their own beams. Though weaker than his, their combined efforts effectively dispatched the remaining banshees.

"We need to find the observatory," Lyra reminded them, her voice hushed but urgent. "It should have a glass roof."

They moved swiftly through the corridors, eyes scanning for their target. Silas's enhanced senses proved invaluable as he guided them through the chaos. Finally, they spotted the distinctive dome of the observatory, its glass panels glinting in the moonlight.

As they ascended the tower, eerie balls of light began to materialize around them. Will-o'-wisps, Silas realized with a sinking feeling. These spectral entities were known for their ability to drain energy and lead travelers astray.

"Stay focused," Silas warned his companions. "Don't let them cloud your minds."

They attempted to use their mana beams again, but the wisps were faster and more numerous than the banshees. Despite their best efforts to remain calm, fear and frustration began to creep in. The wisps, sensing their emotional turmoil, swarmed around them in a dizzying dance of light.


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