The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 85: Solving A Problem! (5)

Chapter 85: Solving A Problem! (5)

Jason found himself alone and sitting in a seat across from a stern-faced Colonel Harris as he studied the reports that the researchers had delivered to his desk. They had been staring at each other for a while now, which was making Jason feel awkward.

"Um, sir? Sorry, but could you tell me what's going on?" Jason was unsure what to make of the current situation.

After all, Colonel Harris had not spoken a word to him since he had entered the office except offer him a seat. 'What's this guy's deal? He had the Captains bring me here but then doesn't say anything?'

"We're waiting for someone Also, you don't have to call me sir anymore. Colonel is fine. Sir." The Colonel's tone was stiff and professional sounding as he spoke.

"Well, Colonel" Jason began slowly. "Why did you just call me sir?"

"Because of your position, sir. It would be inappropriate of me to call you anything else." The Colonel became silent again after saying that, giving Jason the impression that he would not get anything else out of him.

'Something's changed. He's acting like I'm his superior officer instead of the other way around.' Jason was trying to figure out if there was something that he could say to get the Colonel to open up.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by a man suddenly screaming for mercy outside of the office window. Jason frowned as he somewhat recognised the voice. 'Why does he sound so familiar?'

Colonel Harris stood up and closed the window when he noticed the noise was disturbing Jason's thoughts. He was cautious in sitting back down to look at Jason.

"Excuse me, Colonel, but what's going on outside?" Jason asked as his left eyebrow arched up in curiosity.

However, before the Colonel could answer his question, a thunderous humming noise penetrated the walls from outside. The room was suddenly dyed red by a flash of crimson light as the sound of a small explosion followed it.

'Holy fuck!' Jason panicked and jumped to his feet. His first thought was that the base was under attack!

"Please, sit back down, sir." Colonel Harris gestured to the now empty chair as silence ensued. "It's nothing to worry about. Your new mentor was just executing the examiner who took care of your entry into Bridgend for treason."

Jason's eyes bulged as he stared absentmindedly at the Colonel! 'What the hell kind of execution was that?' Jason did not fail to notice that a hint of fear had entered the Colonel's tone during his explanation. 

'Who the hell is it if they can make a Colonel afraid and openly execute people?' Jason naturally felt a lot of pressure bearing down on him right now. He was beginning to wonder if he had made a grave mistake in coming here at all.

However, that ship had already sailed, and he was now trapped here waiting to meet a perilous person! 'The Colonel will probably do everything he can to keep me here if I try and make a run for it' Jason's eyes darted around the room as he tried to spot anything that he could possibly use if he had to protect himself.

"There's nothing to worry about, sir." Colonel Harris suddenly said as a solitary bead of sweat ran down his forehead. "You're too valuable. Now, please have a seat."

Jason noticed that the Colonel stressed the word please as he said it. It was almost like he was pleading with him. 'Damn, don't tell me his life is at risk as well?' Jason began to wonder if the Colonel was not more afraid right now than he was!

The noise of footsteps quickly approaching the office came from the hallway outside, and the Colonel's complexion became significantly pale at that sound. His eyes had a pleading look about them as he kept gesturing to Jason to sit down.

Having no time to really think about it, Jason quickly slid into the seat in time for the door to be thrown open. A giant of a man strolled in, and Jason promptly guessed that he was roughly six feet seven inches tall. 

Jason let out a small gasp as he studied the man. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and cargo pants with black boots. Exactly like himself! However, the newcomer had slicked-back grey hair with short stubble lining half of his face. This was because the right side of his face was made entirely of metal!

A strange-looking weapon hung on the man's hip as the red cybernetic eye on the right side of his face zoomed in and out as he focused on the room. Colonel Harris quickly got to his feet and snapped to attention.

"Lord Sentinel! Welcome!" Colonel Harris's voice waved as he performed a botched salute.

Jason felt the need to swallow a lump of saliva as the man called Sentinel completely ignored the Colonel and focused on him instead. It gave Jason the creeps how Sentinel's cybernetic eye seemed to be scanning him from head to toe.

Sentinel frowned for a moment as he seemed to be fixated on some particular detail. His eyes moved away from Jason for a split second, but that action gave Jason the chills. That was because the seemingly random spot that Sentinel had glanced at was exactly where Syssie's avatar was standing!

"Are you Jason Wright?" Sentinel finally asked. His voice was a mix of some kind of synthetic mechanical sound undertoning a regular gruff human voice.

"Yes, I am," Jason answered the question as simply as he could. He was too afraid of saying the wrong thing!

"You're pretty young Good." Sentinel nodded before he gave a slight pause. "You need some physical training if you want to keep healthy, though. Don't worry. We'll soon fix that."

The Colonel was still standing at attention as if he hoped that Sentinel would completely forget about him. However, Sentinel had other ideas as he turned his attention on Colonel Harris.

"Thank you, Colonel. You've found me a worthy apprentice. I've waited too long for this. I'll beat him into shape quickly. He should be able to take my place when I'm gone."

"Take your place? What do you mean?" Jason's curiosity would not let him keep silent at this point.

The Colonel glanced at Jason nervously. However, that was because he was now terrified of what Jason might become in the future. "Sir, Lord Sentinel, here is the Lord Commander of the five pillars!"


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