The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 77: Nothing Special! (2)

Chapter 77: Nothing Special! (2)

An air of excitement washed over everyone as the cube landed in the city. Everyone was eager to get a look at Bridgend. However, Jason felt a bit lost since Dani seemed to have no intentions of talking to him again anytime soon. 

The door slid open as the man who had examined them led the way. Jason joined the small group in looking around with wide eyes. There were a whole bunch of signs that marked this spot as a shopping area.

What really got to Jason about it, though, was the sheer number of different craft stores. Some were even stacked on top of one another! However, their guide had no intention of giving them the time to marvel at their surroundings as he marched off without saying a word!

Their group followed along behind him while occasionally pointing at something they had never seen before. Jason had to admit that the city was far more advanced than his home town. Some of the shop signs were illuminated using electricity, and he was even able to see long cables connecting most of the stores.

'That must be how they deliver it to all of these buildings, but how do they create it?' Jason was soon questioning a lot of the things that he saw around him. It was like an itch that he just could not scratch no matter how hard he tried.

"There are so many Guardians on the street." Adam suddenly said with some surprise in his tone.

"Hm?" Jason suddenly glanced around and spotted at least a dozen people wearing the armour of the Guardians. "Damn, is it to make the place feel more secure or is it some kind of warning?"

"Who knows?" Adam frowned. "I just hope I don't end up serving as a glorified guard."

Jason chuckled at Adam's worries. Even if he was groomed to become a Pillar in the future, Jason was sure that they would make him go through this kind of duty so that he could appreciate his position. 'Hopefully, they don't do the same to me.'

At that point, the group had entered what seemed to be a square in the street meant for meeting up with others. Benches and some plant life were spread around as a group of fifty Guardians stood at attention. The man standing in front of them marched towards the examiner, serving as their guide.

"Is this the new recruits?" 

"Sure is. They're your problem now." The examiner grinned as he turned towards Jason and the others.

"Listen up, you soft sacks of shit! I'm Captain Hyde, and I'll be your instructor from now on! Now! Get your asses in line!" Captain Hyde roared at them. Jason found it hard to believe that such a scrawny man could make so much noise!

Everyone rushed forward to find a spot amongst the Guardians who stood stock still. However, Jason remained where he was. After all, he was not here to be a Guardian, so he ended up flashing an inquisitive look towards the examiner.

"What's wrong with you? You deaf? Get in line!" Captain Hyde roared at him when he saw him waiting behind.

"Ah, this one isn't for you, Bill. This self-important asshat is going to Captain Joiner." The examiner rolled his eyes as he glanced at Jason with disdain.

"Joiner, huh? Another smart ass, then? Yeah, take him away then. People like him are useless when a fight breaks out." Captain Hyde sneered at Jason before returning to his unit that now included everyone else from Highrise.

Jason frowned at the arrogant Captain's words. 'Why does it sound like they don't think much of people who have Super Intelligence?' Jason was rightfully growing concerned as he followed the examiner further into the city. 'And why am I going to a Captain? Shouldn't I be joining a civilian business or something?'

As they came close to the halfway point of the entire bridge, high walls came into view. The buildings behind them looked pretty basic as Guardians passed by. 'Is this a military base?' Jason was actually shocked. He expected something grand that looked like it could withstand a heavy assault for a few months.

"You're finally here!" A young woman in her mid-twenties rushed out from the gate in the walls.

"Hmph, here's your new member. Have fun with whatever it is you do!" The examiner waved at Jason in a dismissing manner before ditching them.

"Hi, you're Jason, right?" The woman flashed a bright smile towards him as she brushed a lock of her black hair behind her ear. 

"Yes, I'm guessing you are Captain Joiner?" Jason replied with a smile of his own. After all, she was the first person from Bridgend that had been polite to him since he had landed here.

"That's right! We were so excited to hereabout you from Lady Rust when she stopped by! We can never get enough people!" Captain Joiner was obviously excited to put him to work. "Now come with me so we can introduce you to everyone!"

Jason felt a little helpless as he followed along behind her. He had no idea what to expect, and nobody had even adequately explained what was expected of him yet! It only took Jason one glance to immediately lose interest in the base once he entered its walls. Nothing was exciting about it all. All the buildings were highly plain and low profile.

Jason clicked his tongue as they passed through a few hallways in the compound. It was mostly full of people performing paperwork of working out. Seriously! What was there here for him to be a part of?

"Ok! Now don't be nervous." Captain Joiner announced as she stopped in front of a heavy door. "They can be a little overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it."

As she opened the door, Jason's senses were assaulted by overbearing noises and strange smells. The door led to a very long and wide hall that, at first glance, held more than two hundred people working on different projects.

'I guess this is the logistics or research department or something?' Jason glanced around and found a few things that interested him. 'But why haven't they completed some of them?'

Jason frowned as he spotted a few incomplete projects, but his skills were already showing him how to repair or finish them. It was already evident that he would have his work cut out for him if this was where he was assigned to.

"Is something wrong?" Captain Joiner asked him when she noticed the disappointed look on his face.

"No offence Captain, but where are the others?" Jason asked while trying to sound polite.

"Others?" Captain Joiner became thoroughly confused by Jason's question as she looked around. 

"Yeah," Jason hesitated. "You know. The others with Super Intelligence"

Jason glanced around again at the people who should obviously be those assigned to help others like him.

"This is it." Captain Joiner frowned as she glanced at Jason with a displeased expression. "Everyone here has Super Intelligence! I'd advise you not to act like you're superior. That isn't how we work around here. Each of us has worked extremely hard on our projects for a long time. So don't act like you understand them with a single glance!"

'Huh?' Jason was now the one who was extremely confused as he looked around again. There did not appear to be anything special about these people at all! 'Is this some kind of joke!'

Even Syssie frowned as she floated between the various projects that were nearby. She was commenting under her breath about how useless half of the things were. As far as she could see, they would be better off scrapping a lot of the stuff and starting from scratch!

"Come on." Captain Joiner said with an annoyed tone as she led her way to the centre of the room. "Everyone! Can I have your attention, please!"

The noise suddenly died down as people began to gather around and stare at Jason with curious eyes.

"This here is our newest apprentice. Mr Wright! Now you all know what to do, right? Help him get to grips with what's expected of him, and have him help you out. He seems to specialise in melee weaponry and medium weight armour, according to Lady Rust. Now. Who wants to be his first mentor?"

A few of the stares lost interest immediately, and only around six people seemed to be studying him seriously. 

"Captain! I think he could be of some use on my project. Plus, there's already a new apprentice on my team, which should help him to get settled in more quickly." A bald man with black stains on his clothing suddenly shouted out.

"Alright then! Since you spoke up first, he's all yours! Jason, this is Lieutenant Holland. You'll join his team for now. You can apply for a transfer to a different project if you think it's not suitable for you. Have fun, guys."

Jason raised an eyebrow as Captain Joiner quickly walked off towards the far end of the hall. Jason turned to study the man and noticed many shallow cuts and scratches on his weathered hands and arms.

"Hi. Forget about using titles and such. Just call me Jack. Do you prefer Jason or Mr Wright?" Jack grinned, revealing that he was missing a few teeth.

"Jason's fine." He replied while shaking Jack's hand. "So, what is it that I'm supposed to help you with?"

"Straight to the point, eh? Good! You'll fit in around here! Come, let me show you what I've been working on for the past two years!" Jack gestured enthusiastically for Jason to follow him as he walked off towards a corner of the hall.


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