The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 45: Black Arrow (5)

Chapter 45: Black Arrow (5)

Jason eased his way between the alleyways until he found a dark area that allowed him to keep an eye on the camp he just attacked. Those who had tried to catch him were now slowly gathering back here again. The crowd seemed to be making way for something, which turned out to be a makeshift stretcher carried by two men.

The woman who had survived getting shot by Jason was moaning on top of it every time the men took a step. At this distance, Jason managed to identify the group's leader, who had spoken to him before. He seemed to have an anxious expression on his face as he spoke briefly with his comrades before he and several others followed after the stretcher.

'Seems like it's showtime' Jason thought as he did his best to silently tail them. He guessed that these guys were heading back to wherever their gang operated out of to get the woman treated. With a bit of luck, this just might be the same place that Jason would be able to find Sam.

The Red Steel Gang was sure to keep up the pressure on his business unless he could make those at the top feel threatened. Jason thought he was almost caught a few times as he dove behind different street furniture whenever it seemed like someone was about to turn around. He could not be sure if it was because he had actually alerted them or because they were just on edge.

They crossed quite a few streets and even turned down several that Jason had never ventured to before he heard signs of life. Jason inadvertently gulped when he heard loud voices in the direction they were headed. If people were out on the street at this time of night, there was a good chance it was because they had reached their destination.

Jason's fears were proven to be on the mark as he poked his head around the corner of a building. He could see the stretcher being carried down the middle of the street as groups of people respectfully made way for them before they disappeared into an alley.

'Is it a bust?' Jason wondered as he eyed the crowded street. There was no way that he could follow his target without getting spotted.

"We should look for a way around them," Syssie whispered as she eyed the suspected gang members warily.

Jason nodded his head in agreement before backtracking a bit. He used the alleyways to come out a bit further away from the corner he had been spying from to make it less likely he would get spotted as he crossed the road. Everything went smoothly as he entered a new alley that led in roughly the same direction that the stretcher had been carried off in.

However, he soon came across a new problem. This path had been sealed off by a makeshift barrier of heavy junk. The noise of people talking on the other side could be heard as the buildings were lit up by multiple fires on the other side.

Jason cursed as he stepped back to think about the position that he was in. 'How likely is it that they've sealed up every path? Have they basically turned an area of Highrise into their own personal fortress?' Jason grumbled as he felt that this was likely. However, he still felt the need to check around for a while just to make sure.

He felt dejected when he discovered that his hypothesis seemed to be spot on. What was worse about the situation was that all of the building's entrances that bordered the barricades appeared to be situated inside the makeshift fortress. So Jason could not even make his way up onto a roof to get a look at the layout on the other side!

'Damn it! This is too much!' Jason crouched behind an old washing machine as he stared at the barrier in resentment. He had thought that the Red Steel Gang would have used a single building. This was entirely out of his expectations!

"What do we do now?" Syssie asked helplessly as she leaned against the wall.

Jason considered the matter before he answered with a menacing voice. "If we can't get in, then we have to draw them out."

"How do we do that?" Syssie cocked an eyebrow at him curiously.

"How else? We need to target their members on the streets. It's the only place we can reach them for now," Jason sighed helplessly. "They'll have to react eventually. It just means the plan will take a little longer."

Syssie nodded in agreement with his evaluation. It made sense, after all. The Red Steel Gang would have to do something about it if they kept losing their lower-rung members. It might even cause enough pressure for them to recall the siege on Star Gear for a short while. It was only a temporary solution, but hopefully, it would give them enough time to come up with something better.

'At least we know where their base is now. Not that it was really hidden, to begin with.' Jason shook his head as he traced his way through the streets absentmindedly. Though, he did remember to be more careful as they neared the area around his store. He caught sight of a few of the gang's thugs that seemed to be patrolling the streets near their camp.

'Damn! I hope they haven't found my rope.' Jason bit his lip in frustration beneath his mask. It would not go well for him if they had discovered it. It would essentially be proof that their assailant had come from outside of the town! Which would definitely put Jason at least near the top of their suspect list!

He felt a sense of urgency as he began to pick up his pace. It did not take long for him to travel the remainder of the distance to where he had covertly entered the town. Jason could not help but sigh in relief as he discovered that there was not anything to worry about. None of the Red Steel Gang seemed to have found the evidence that he had left behind. Jason felt a surge of determination rise in his chest as he began to plan out what he had to do

Meanwhile, over in the Red Steel Gang's Headquarters

"What do you mean you were attacked!" Sam slammed her fist on the table furiously as she heard the news. "Who was it? The Butchers? Hundred Eyes? It can't have been The Longcoats, right? They don't have the balls to do something like this!"

"We have no idea what gang they belonged to. They weren't wearing the normal clothes of any of our rivals." The man replied with an exasperated sigh. "However, we do have a description. But there's something else you should know."

"And? What is it?" Sam basically spat in her anger. She was in no mood to play guessing games.

"It's about the weapon they used"

Sam listened to every word carefully. Her expression turned from one of fury to one of intrigue. She lay back on her couch and took a swig of the alcohol in her hand while she mulled it over.

"So, we're either dealing with a mercenary that somebody hired to deal with us, or we have a new player in town." Sam hummed as she thought it. "I think it's time we asked Wraith to come out of retirement"


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