The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 38: Red Steel Gang (3)

Chapter 38: Red Steel Gang (3)

The crowd grew excited as Jason opened the store even though they knew it was not actually opening until the next day. They peered into the darkness to get a look at what was on the shelves so that they could plan out what they would buy. However, only empty displays came into view, making them all complain loudly!

They all got the idea that Jason had deliberately not put anything on display yet in case anyone managed to get a look inside! Of course, this was not actually the case, and he simply had not had the time to make anything yet. Even Sam frowned by his side when she realised that she would not get a sneak preview.

Part of the reason she wanted to talk inside was to estimate how much Jason's business would be worth. However, the empty displays thoroughly thwarted this idea.

"Sorry, it's a bit bare right now, but that will change for our official opening. Now, what would you like to discuss?" Jason asked as he took a seat in the only chair in the front of the store.

Dani smirked at Jason, pretending to be somebody important as she casually leaned against a wall to watch the show. Raymond and Sam's guards had been left outside, meaning that only the three of them would be privy to the contents of their discussion.

"This is hardly alone, Mr Wright," Sam replied as she shot a look of disdain towards Dani. "I don't think our chat is appropriate for the ears of someone of such low status. Don't you agree?"

Dani's expression drastically changed at the moment. Anyone would be able to tell that Sam's taunt had managed to get under her skin.

"If that's how you feel, then I agree." Jason smiled as he nodded his head, drawing incredulous gazes from the two women. "The low class should definitely leave. Feel free to show yourself out."

Dani burst out laughing as Sam seemed to struggle to comprehend what Jason had just said. Her face paled with anger as she realised that Jason was talking to her! Rather than the unkempt woman that followed him inside. Sam grit her teeth as she struggled to hold back her anger. She did not want things to turn hostile between them since she wanted Jason to work for her.

After a few deep breaths, she appraised Jason once again. She wondered if he was acting so high-handed because he was aware of his power during these negotiations. She could only swallow the bitter pill that Jason had just force-fed to her before clearing her throat.

"I apologise. It seems I misspoke a moment ago. May I know if you are willing to have your companion leave us alone for a while?"

Jason raised his eyebrows at that question as he silently cursed. He had hoped she would take the bait and give him a good reason to terminate their discussion. Subsequently barring her from his store in the process. He had no intention of personally dealing with someone so troublesome! It would be much better if she would just take the hint and leave him alone. Of course, he would not mind if she also chose to be a thorn in Harry's side instead.

"I'm afraid not, Ms Sorry, I still haven't caught your name." Jason gestured helplessly while studying the woman.

"Sam. Just Sam is fine. How does that sound, Jason?" Sam released her most charming smile at that point as she tried to cover up her displeasure at his insistence of keeping Dani around.

"Ms Sam, is it? That's fine, you can continue to call me Mr Wright. We should keep things professional after all." Jason smirked as Sam's eyebrow twitched. 'Don't think you can make me lower my guard by trying to make things seem friendly between us!'

"Mr Wright then," Sam's mouth twitched as she deferred to Jason's preference. "I'm here to discuss how much it would cost to purchase some shares in your business. I would also like to know how you would feel about becoming my personal weaponsmith? I can assure you that I'm willing to provide many benefits with this offer. What do you think?"

"Like I said outside, you would have to talk to my grandfather about this. Although he does not have many shares, so I doubt he would sell any." Jason deliberately avoided mentioning his own cut of the business. This stated that he would certainly not sell any of his own. "As for being a personal weaponsmith, I don't have the time to pander to anyone's specific needs right now. I already have orders for some of my neighbours that I need to deal with first. Not to mention creating the stock for the general public."

Sam frowned as Jason quickly brushed her offer aside as if it were nothing. "Don't you think you are being too hasty? I can easily invest plenty of money into Star Gear if you sell me an adequate cut of the business."

"Like I said. My Gramps doesn't have many he can share. Feel free to take it up with him." Jason smiled with his eyes as he tried to push the pressure on Harry while continuing to refuse to even discuss his own shares.

"Fine. Since you don't appear willing to discuss these matters with sincerity, I will certainly take them up with your grandfather." Sam smiled in response.

Jason chuckled to himself as he prepared to get out of his seat to show Sam to the door. He silently congratulated himself for getting rid of this pest so that he could focus on his work. However, his expression sank as he noticed that Sam did not budge from her position.

"Now, let's discuss other matters then. I'm sure your grandfather's presence is not necessary for you to make a simple sale, right?" Sam smirked as she found a way around one of Jason's favourite defences during their short conversation. She was determined not to leave here empty-handed! "I'd like to buy every copy of the Primal that you currently have in stock. At double the market price. Including the one on your belt."

Jason frowned at this request. "The one I carry is my own personal weapon. One that I have a great attachment to and would never sell."

"Attachment? You would refuse a sale based on that? I'd maybe understand it was the first creation of your line. Who would not treasure where their journey started." Sam shrugged her shoulders as she acted as if she had seen through him. "From what I can see, that is one of the ones that you added a grip to. Plus, it looks like it has been made out of better materials."

Jason had a sinking feeling as he stared at Sam's eyes that appeared to sparkle as she studied the Riot. Jason felt worried that she might discover that she was looking at a different beast than the Primals that she actually owned.

"As I said. It's not for sale." Jason casually covered the weapon from her view. Causing Sam to glare at him with a dark expression.

"Mr Wright. Don't be unreasonable. You can always make another one! I've bought every one of your weapons that has hit the market so far! Is it any wonder that I would want to own any others? Especially when it looks like you've managed to improve on it?"

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm for my work, I still won't budge on this matter," Jason replied resolutely.

"Very well," Sam replied reluctantly as she continued to stare at Jason. "Then how many Primals do you have in stock that you're willing to sell to me right now?"

"Zero." Jason casually smiled while holding out his hands in a helpless gesture.

That was almost too much for Dani to deal with! Sam was constantly put on the back foot by Jason, no matter how hard she pressed him. Right now, Sam looked like she was a volcano that was about to erupt!

"You would actually dare to deny to sell me even a single one?" Sam replied through gritted teeth. "Why not?"

"Well," Jason scratched his chin as if he were embarrassed. "For one. We aren't open yet. It would not be fair to make them wait and not you, right?"

Dani almost broke down at Sam's expression when she was denied yet again. Jason could not help but notice how similar Syssie and Dani were at this moment. Especially since Syssie was crying in laughter as well, right beside what looked like a younger counterpart.

"Don't get me wrong, Ms Sam. It's simply that I don't have any Primals in stock to sell to you in the first place." Jason grinned as Sam continued to eyeball him with distrust. "Come, I'll show you."

With those words, Jason led the two women into the workshop. Where it was plain to see that he had no stock stored at all! Even most of his workstations looked like they had not been touched since they were set up! Sam sighed at that sight! She felt like she had been defeated. If there was nothing in the store she could get her hands on, then there were no gains to be had from this conversation in the first place!

"May I know when you plan to make more?" Sam rubbed her temples in frustration, deciding to take a step back and try and fix the tension between them.

"Hm, hard to say. Maybe a few weeks if I'm honest." Jason replied with sincerity, causing the two women to gasp in shock!


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