The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 27: Star Gear (2)

Chapter 27: Star Gear (2)

"Hm, I might be able to, but it's not something we should discuss right now. I still need to get the shop up and running first." Jason flashed an apologetic expression at Adam, who revealed an understanding look.

"My bad, bro. I was just caught up in the moment." Adam sighed heavily. "You should know what it's like. I don't exactly earn a lot of money, so I'm a long way from being able to buy armour suitable for my ability. I don't want to be stuck as a butcher my whole life."

"What's your ability?" Jason could not help his curiosity. Especially when it sounded like it would have to be custom armour.

"Sorry, bro. Can't tell you unless you're definitely making the armour. You're bound to know other people aiming for the contest, right? Maybe you'll accidentally let it slip, and they can be prepared." Adam shrugged his shoulders.

"It's fine. I can understand that. Let me guess. Your banking on making a contract with me that prevents me from divulging the information. If it's part of a business deal, then there's no way I would let it slip because of the repercussions to my business." Jason nodded his head in approval of the young man's cautiousness. There were not too many people their age that used their head so well.

"Thanks for understanding. Let me know if you'll be able to do it. You know where to find me anyway." Adam chuckled before heading back into his father's store.

'Strange guy.' Jason's eyebrows arched at Adam's quick exit, but all in all, he decided that he liked the guy. He definitely seemed like someone he could get along with. Jason's gaze went to Harry, who was still standing a distance away outside of the unit, staring at it intently. His behaviour seemed awfully peculiar, and Jason began to wonder what was on his mind.

"Something wrong?" Jason asked as he walked over to his Gramps. The old man's tail was casually waving in the air behind him while studying the building.

"Yeah. We need a sign." Harry declared resolutely as he finally tore his gaze away from the unit with a heavy sigh.

"A sign?" Jason was surprised by this answer. Out of all the things that he could think of that they had to do, a sign was not on the list.

"You deaf or something?" Harry snorted as he glanced at the space above the unit's door. "We need a big sign right there as soon as possible."

Jason frowned as he stared at the same spot that Harry was looking at. After a moment, he turned his attention to the other units on the street and noticed that not a single one of them had a sign. 'So why should mine be any different.' Jason could not figure out was Harry was thinking.

"Kid. A nice big sign will make it easier for people to find us with a single glance when they step on this street. Take a look around. See those clothes stores." Harry pointed out several different ones along the length of the street. "Which ones look like their getting the most business?"

"The ones closest to each end of the street," Jason answered after taking a moment to watch the people coming and going.

"That's right. Most folks will just go into the first store that they see selling what they need. We're about halfway down this street, so if anyone else is selling goods similar to ours, we'll lose a lot of potential customers." Harry scolded his naive grandson before continuing. "You're lucky because you already have a small foot in the market thanks to your symbol on your goods. If someone sees that same symbol above a store, they'll automatically want to check out what else you have."

Jason stared at his Gramps helplessly. The old man was right. If he had a customer base already, it was in his best interest to draw their attention directly to his store so that any competitors could not poach them as they walked past. 'Seems like the geezer is useful after all.' Jason could only chalk this up to the difference in life experience between the two of them.

"Ok, then. Let's get to work." Jason said resolutely while rolling up his sleeves.

Harry smile at the go-getter attitude that his grandson was displaying. Jason told him to retrieve all of their tools from their apartment while he visited the stores nearby to get the basics of what they would need. Jason soon bought a sturdy workbench, some metal clamps, various files and saws, junk metal, screws and bolts and basically anything else that he could think of that could expand his arsenal.

Harry's shocked when he finally returned to discover a sturdy counter and a comfy-looking armchair behind it in the front half of the store. There were also a few display racks and shelves. However, Harry soon realised that he only thought that the storefront took up half of the space. In reality, it was just around a third of the entirety of the unit.

"Why do you need all this space? How can we display anything with that measly amount you call your shop?" Harry grimaced as he walked around the counter and approached Jason, who was sorting out his workshop's layout.

"Simple. We'll just display a single copy of each item while we keep our stock back here. That way, it will always look like we're on our last one, making the item look more desirable." Jason grinned as Harry's face dropped. "Whenever you go into a store, if you see a lot of the time on display, you always try to haggle down the price. This is a measure against people like you!"

Harry was shocked by Jason's declaration. His grandson had utterly seen through his thrifty nature! Jason was acting like a businessman that was a natural enemy of people like him! Naturally, Harry approved of this! It could only mean that they would make more money without having to compromise. Hell, it would even make his life easier as he would not have to bargain with the customers!

"Well said!" Harry burst out into laughter as he placed the boxes of tools down next to the workbench. He clapped Jason on the back before his gaze went to a metal table next to the wall with some glass containers.

"What are those for? They don't look useful in making tools or weapons." Harry moved to study the strangely shaped containers in greater detail. At best, he would have used them as cups to drink out of. However, it was evident that Jason had another use in mind for them.

"Does it really matter? It's not like you're going to be using them." Jason laughed at the sight of grandfather appearing like a curious child.

"Hm, you have a point. Still, I'm not so old that I can't learn anything new. It might be useful for me to learn a few of the things that you've discovered." Harry replied nonchalantly as we wandered over and collapsed into the armchair. "Oh, this quite good! I could get used to this!"

"Did you think I'd make you stand around all day? You'd just end up grumpy and scare away all our customers!" Jason laughed again. Surprisingly the atmosphere between them was more relaxed than it had ever been. 'Perhaps it's just because he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. He's spent so many years taking care of me and trying to prepare me for the world.'

Jason sighed as he realised that his Gramps must have been under immense pressure for a long time. That being said, they could not afford to take things too easy from now on. Jason was only at the beginning of his journey. There would come a time where he would have to leave Highrise. This was just a stepping stone to provide him with the funds that he would need.

"Kid, you seem to have a lot on your mind. I won't pry into your personal business or even ask about that strange thing on the back of your neck." Harry suddenly said as Jason flashed a look of surprise towards the old-timer. "Don't look so surprised. Do you think I don't pay attention to you? Here's some advice. No matter what happens, just live your life without any regrets. Don't even worry about an old fossil like me."

Harry's expression seemed calm as if he had accepted something that he had been struggling with. Still, Jason could not figure out why his Gramps would say something like this now of all times. It was almost like the old man had realised that Jason would not spend his entire life in Highrise. Jason was touched. It was like his Gramps was acknowledging that he had grown up and was more than capable on his own.

"Right, about this sign. Let's get to work." Jason declared as he held back his emotions. Steadying his mind, Jason got to work.


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