The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 168: Drones (3)

Chapter 168: Drones (3)

After a few more days of work, the cat-shaped drone was completed. Jason turned it over in his hands, identifying what he could have done better. 'It's only missing its programming now.' he sighed as he knew there was no way to test it before that. Still, he had never done something like this before. Although he had the skills, everything had always been operated mechanically in anything that he created.

'If it goes well, it will open more avenues to explore that could help to bring my other creations up a notch. ' Jason's mind wandered to the possibilities that it would open to him. So many new ideas flashed through his mind.

'That's all in the future though, I can't just rush this.' Jason let out a long sigh as he finished examining the prototype drone. 'Now it's a question of how to get to the NEST. I'll have to sneak out over the walls, I guess, and get it done through the night. I just have to hope Raymond doesn't pay another visit while I'm gone.'

He paused for a moment as he thought about his Gramps. Harry was still in Dr Cee's clinic, unconscious. He had been recovering for a long time now, but there had still been no changes in his condition. Jason had begun to grow concerned that Harry may never wake up. But he would not lose hope.

'I should get some sleep before I attempt this...' Jason chuckled to himself as he spotted the frown on Syssie's face. She had not stopped badgering him to rest up for the past few days. 'She means well though.' 

Jason slowly guided the ANT-V into the busy storefront, where the customers and Raymond looked at him in shock. Jason slowly shook his head before handing a box over to Raymond. 

"I'm going home to get some sleep. There are still things developing in the workshop, so don't go in there unless you want to cause an accident." Jason warned in a grim tone.

"Sure thing." Raymond smiled, just glad that Jason was finally seeing some sense. "And what's this?"

Raymond shook the box lightly, worried that there may be something breakable inside. The customers in the store glanced at it curiously. They wanted to know as well.

"New products..." Jason chuckled at the excited gasps that came out of the customers when he said that. "They're marked with their prices. There are new and improved versions of the ointments and medical supplies. Scented liquids, that our customers can spray on themselves to smell like something they like and a few other things. You'll understand once you take a look. I'll be back tonight before you lock up."

Jason left the store with a final farewell as Raymond gulped when he spotted the hungry looks glaring at him. The box in his hands suddenly felt heavy, as if it were a great treasure. 'I hope he's made more than just this. I have a feeling they won't last long...'

Raymond had to set the box down and ask the customers to calmly wait while he looked through the contents. When he got to the new medical supplies, he set aside a quarter of each item to be sent to Dr Cee. He knew she would be happy to receive them and she was good for the credits. If he just sold them all in the store, then she was bound to become upset with Jason.

But this had become part of his job. Maintaining the relationship between Star Gear and other businesses had to be put first, for Jason's sake. Anything that he spotted that could be used by them was swiftly set aside. Causing groans to escape from the customers as they spotted some new tools and interesting gadgets among them. 

Raymond had to be careful when he read through the instructions of what each item could do. Otherwise, the right thing would never make it to the right place. Some of the items looked so strange that he could never have guessed what they were meant to do without those notes. 

The customers grew more restless as more items disappeared behind the counter. They began to wonder if there was going to be anything left for them! Eventually, Raymond let out a chuckle as he lifted the now half-empty box and walked to the shelves. Slowly making space and placing the new items, amongst other things that fitted into the same category. 

However, he grew curious when it came time to put the scented sprays on the shelf. Each one was marked as a distinct scent with flowery names. The customers gathered around as he lifted out a smaller bottle that was marked with the word 'sample'. when he checked the note he found that customers were to be allowed to spray the smaller bottle of each scent to check if they liked it before buying the bigger bottle. 

'I have to give it to him... That's pretty clever. This is an entirely new thing, of course. Nobody will buy it unless they're sure of how good it is.' Raymond broke out in a wide smile as he sprayed one of them. 

A fresh smell permeated the air that smelt of oil, grease, and metal. Chasing those smells away to leave a pleasant flowery smell in the air. The faces of the customers changed as they imagined the wildflowers outside of Highrise in their minds at that scent. As the smell weakened, they realised that although it was weaker now it still lingered. 

Their faces morphed into determined expressions when they saw the limited supply of this miraculous item. Especially the women. Raymond suddenly felt as if he were surrounded by predators and felt the need to warn them to be careful, as they could easily be broken. As he pulled the price tag out of the box, he almost had a heart attack. 'Jason! what are you thinking? It's so expensive! A lot of our customers won't be able to buy this!'

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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