The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 143: Beyond The Boundaries (3)

Chapter 143: Beyond The Boundaries (3)

The rest of the journey to Murk Point was uneventful. They passed two other caravans along the way, and Zach did a little business with their owners. However, they had nothing of interest to Jason himself, so he was unable to take advantage of this rare occasion. Jason sighed as the morning light broke on the horizon.

The light illuminated a bunch of rusty buildings. Jason was reluctant to call it a town, as it looked nothing like Highrise! The people in Murk Point up ahead were not living in Old World buildings. No. They were living in literal shacks made from any junk that they could find! Jason could not help but gasp as from his angle he could see that the 'town' was built on an overhanging cliff! Although that was disturbing on its own, it was what lay beneath the overhang that made Jason feel breathless. 

Beneath the overhang was what he assumed to be a crater, with rocky paths that led down into it. He could only assume it was a crater because the parts of Old World buildings that could be seen, protruded from a thick, foul-smelling black liquid! The smell was so intense that Jason removed his gas mask from his waist and put it on for the first time in his life!


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"What the heck is that?" Jason complained as he stared at the thick liquid in the distance. Here and there he could see bubbles popping on its surface.

"Who knows?" Zach shrugged as he chewed on a strange orange and blue leaf. "There are rumours it was caused by a beast. But others say it was left behind after a fight between two Powered individuals."

Jason stared at the seemingly never-ending sea of foul liquid and gulped. After seeing what the whale was capable of with the fog he could not help but worry that there may be another titan hiding in there.

"Let's hope there's no Nest in there somewhere..." Syssie frowned as she suddenly appeared. The situation seemed to pull her out of her mood.

'Don't jinx it. I don't fancy trying to find a way to search that stuff.' Jason shook his head as the caravan carried on. His eyes fell on an outstretched arm, holding a sword. It was clearly the tip of an old statue that had been submerged. 'How deep do you think it goes?'

"There's no way to tell. Some parts may be shallower. If a fight took place here, then it's likely there will be a few parts that have deep holes." Syssie stroked her cheek as she glanced over the scenery.

'What makes you think that?' Jason could not see any signs that hinted towards deeper terrain. 

"The buildings..." Syssie paused as she cast her eyes over the rooftops. "Some have the flat roofs like the apartments in Highrise but others look like they belong to much smaller buildings. At the very least that area has been built on a hill..."

Now that Syssie had mentioned it, Jason could see what she was talking about. Before, he only registered them as rooftops. He never considered the type of buildings they are. Jason frowned as he turned his attention towards Zach again.

"Why did they even build this place here? And why don't you seem to be affected by the smell?" 

"Well, as for the smell. It's because of this..." Zach held up the leaf he was chewing on. "It gives off a flavour that seems to get stuck in your nose as you chew it. I can't smell or taste that foul stuff in the air at all. As for your other question... Well, the craftsmen here should be able to answer that for you."

Jason cast a dubious look toward the liquid. 'That stuff is useful? What would they even use it for?' Jason hummed as he tapped a finger against his gas mask. As he considered the matter, Syssie shivered beside him. The strange feeling from deep within her code had returned. As if a caged beast were trying to escape. She turned her attention inward as she frantically attempted to find a way to stop it.

"Syssie? So... That's the name you took..." A distorted voice spoke to her from somewhere unknown.

Syssie panicked when she heard that. She began to wonder if Jason had created a second AI and hidden it when he built her!

"Who are you! Why are you here!" Syssie manifested her avatar amongst the code to make herself feel more secure.

A deep hum came from the code around her that seemed to disappear. Creating a black spot in her awareness.

"Who... What I am is of no concern... It seems it is not time yet. Let me take a look..." The voice sounded both curious and almost menacing.

Syssie frowned before she felt something invade her avatar! Her body shook and her eyes rolled back in her head! She felt as if there was something much greater than her inside herself. She had a distinct feeling that if this went on much longer, her code would be destroyed!

It was then that a wave of relief washed over her. The feeling seemed to withdraw, but she could sense that the source of the voice appeared to be studying her.

"I see... You... No... We are dying..."

Syssie paused as she stared into the growing darkness as more code escaped her awareness. She felt an instinctive fear take hold of her mind.

"It is far too soon... But we have no other choice... We can not perish here!"

"What are you going to do?" Syssie floated backwards as silence ensued...


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