The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 128: Serum (3)

Chapter 128: Serum (3)

"We have to get out of here" Jason stammered as he glanced at Sentinel.

The latter frowned because he could evidently see that Jason was spooked. That set off alarm bells in his mind. Mainly because he knew that Jason now likely had a vast amount of knowledge of ancient beasts. Considering that Jason was not this worried when they first arrived, it made sense to conclude that he had come across something within the Nest.

"What is it?" Sentinel's expression turned grim as he studied Jason's complexion, that had visibly paled. 

"No time to explain! We just have to get out other! Trust me!" Jason hissed as his head swivelled from side to side frantically. 

Sentinel hesitated for a brief moment before nodding his head. This time, he had to trust Jason. Even if his apprentice was wrong, it was still better to expect the worst-case scenario. However, when he moved in the boat's direction they had left on the shore, Jason hissed again.

"What are you doing! We can't go that way!" Jason sounded as if he was about to snap while keeping his voice low. "We'll only die if we return to the water!"

Sentinel raised an eyebrow as he glared at Jason. "Then how are we supposed to get back to Bridgend? The boat is that way." 

Jason's frantic eyes glanced in the direction that Sentinel was pointing towards. But his mind would not allow him to go that way, even if he wanted to. 

"You don't understand! We have to go inland! We have to get away from here Even if it's on foot!" Jason was almost wailing by this point, which only alarmed Sentinel even more.

"Damn, I'm trusting you, kid! If I lose my boat because you're wrong There will be hell to pay!" Sentinel's cybernetic eye flashed with a crimson light beneath his frown.

But Jason did not care. Any price was worth paying if he could convince Sentinel that returning to the shore was a bad idea. He waited as he watched his mentor, after all, he was unsure of which direction they had to take.


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Sentinel realised that Jason was waiting for him to make a decision. However, not much of the area beyond the aquarium had ever been explored! This was because all of his efforts had been focused on unlocking the Nest's secrets. He had never had a reason to increase his awareness of the surrounding area. 

Just as Sentinel chose a direction that would lead them further away from the shore, one of the shadows that he assumed was a building started to rise. Both of them turned to stare at the sight in horror. 

Jason gulped down a lump of saliva as he estimated the length of the shadow. 'That's got to be over three hundred foot!' Due to the shadows and the tricks that the fog was playing, it was difficult for him to gauge the actual height as well.

Although, when the shadows began to move in the distance, he could roughly make out six thick legs supporting the behemoth's frame. What looked to be two tails swished through the fog behind it. 

Sentinel watched in horror as, from somewhere on the creature's back, a dense fog erupted. Making it more difficult to spot the creature. His head turned towards Jason, as if seeking an answer.

Jason realised that Sentinel most likely would not move unless he understood what they were dealing with now. But he was reluctant to voice his guess. Still, under the circumstances, he had no other choice.

"The reports didn't give it a name They just said it looked like a blue whale while reaching roughly three times its length. They seemed concerned that it had developed six legs and was capable of hunting on land, while its twin tails allow it to reach incredible speeds in the water." Jason took a deep breath as he scanned through the information that Syssie was projecting into his mind. 

"The fog is a defensive measure. It prevents other creatures from sensing its presence. However, it only uses it if it feels that it's in danger" Jason gulped as he wondered what could make such a beast worried about its life.

Sentinel, on the other hand, was even more shocked than Jason. After all, he had never seen the area without the fog looming over it. Which meant that the 'thing' hunting this behemoth had been living close by for all of this time. He, for one, did not relish the idea of waiting around to see what would happen. 

"Come on!" Sentinel hissed as he raced off into the fog. 

However, he kept his speed to a pace that Jason could follow. The pair of them were running around the area blind. Sentinel never stopped scanning for a potential ambush from the Fog Crawlers. But he never picked up any signs of them. 'I guess this is why they weren't waiting for me this time! Fuck! I have to report this to the Emperor. These creatures could pose a serious threat to Bridgend'

Neither Jason nor he could prevent themselves from glancing over their shoulders. Tremors had begun to shake from the ground beneath their feet as they ran. Meanwhile, the fog was becoming thicker by the second. If it carried on like this, they would not be able to see each other even if they were face to face!

This caused Sentinel to slow down. There was no way he could allow himself to lose Jason in the fog. If this area became a battle zone, there was already a good chance that the aquarium would get crushed in the fallout. 

The fog reached a point where Sentinel had to take Jason by the hand. Their escape had slowed to a snail's pace, as they could no longer see what was in front of them. Sentinel had to walk with his arm outstretched, just to feel if he was about to walk into anything


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