The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 109: Outbreak (4)

Chapter 109: Outbreak (4)

Jason stood atop the wall and watched the approach of the beast army alongside the cadets. They did not have enough people to fill the wall with ranged combatants, so the close-quarter specialists were spread out to try and cover as many of the ranged ones as possible.

The situation looked extremely grim to Jason's eyes. If he had to, then he would make a run for it. In his mind, it was better to preserve as much military strength as possible for when the fight reached the city. Jason had no doubt that scenario would come to pass.

His eyes scanned the beasts ahead as Adam filled him in on what they were up against. The Octapes were in the front line alongside a mass of Sabre-Toothed Squirrels. Behind them were Armoured Bears. They were named as such because their fur had taken on metallic properties.

Apart from the shine that came off of their metallic fur, they also had serrated claws. However, Adam had no clue about the beast further back. They were too far away yet to get any clear details.

Syssie was busy creating folders in her memory bank and storing the information that Adam told them. After all, at some point in the future, they would probably still end up travelling. So it did not hurt to build a library of information on the types of creatures that they might come across.

Jason waited until the front line had passed the longest range of what could be considered his squad for now. He wanted to make sure that their Powers managed to deal as much excess damage as possible. Jason lifted his right hand into the air and then brought it down towards the beast army.

Powers lit up the air that was between them as the cadets gave it their all. Quite a few painful roars came from the front line as they were struck, and the beasts immediately charged towards the cadets and their broken wall instead of taking things slowly.

Jason readied his hammer as they surged forward like a tidal wave. There was no need for speeches. He was not a leader, so he had no idea what would have been appropriate anyway. It was best just to let everyone get on with trying to keep themselves alive.

One Octape leapt half the height of the wall in a single go before scurrying up the remainder so fast that Jason was momentarily amazed! However, that feat still not stop the hammer from coming down on the Octape's head as soon as it peered over the edge.

Jason gave the swing everything that the suit could throw at it. A chunk of fuel was consumed as the hammer collided with what was the right side of the Octape's head as Jason looked at it! Pieces of the furry broken skull, blood and brain matter exploded towards Jason's left, showering the nearest cadet with the first kill of this new wave of attacks.

After the initial shock of the brutality of Jason's first strike wore off, the cadets yelled in excitement. This was because of how decisive Jason's fight had been. It gave them hope.

The cadets fired off everything they had as they fought to drive the beasts from the wall. Jason sprayed fire over a Sabre Tooth Squirrel as he kicked another in the jaw. 

But three more took their place as soon as he killed them. Jason reserved his fuel for when he was faced with bigger opponents and settled for swinging his hammer as best as he could. 

Every now and then, the cadets could see a cloud of poison gas erupting from Jason's location. Causing them to give him a wide berth. Judging by the way the beasts had started spewing blood, they could guess that it was not the same gas he had used before.

Jason grunted as an Octape swung a concrete bar into his chest. Luckily, the Infinity was heavy enough to stop him from being thrown to the ground. Jason retaliated by slamming his hammer into one of the Octape's knees and shattered it.

The leg was reduced to a bloody pulp, but the Octape refused to stop swinging for Jason. A dent appeared in the Infinity's left leg, but it was not serious. Jason took the opportunity to shoot a dart directly into the struggling Octape's eye to put an end to it.

Adam slowly worked on his opponent. Slashing at the Octape's armpits where its skin was the weakest whenever it missed a punch. Four of its arms now hung uselessly by its sides as Adam drove the Orochi through the beast's throat.

A pitiful gurgling sound came from the creature as Adam withdrew his blade. Its eyes seemed to be focused on some unseen thing in the distance as its life force escaped its body.

Adam took deep breaths as he glanced around at the situation. The top of the wall was slowly but surely being overrun. 'How long until those guys can bring that building down?'

Jason felt a heavy weight on his back as a Sabre Tooth Squirrel attempted to chew through his air hoses. Jason just sprayed more poison since it was in his blind spot, and the poor creature was forced to give up. It dropped to the ground dead as an Armoured Bear finally made its way onto the wall.

Jason felt uneasy when he saw the creature stand on its hind legs and roar. 'That's big...' It was a stupid thought, and he knew it. But that was honestly the first thing that entered his mind.

It was just the shock from having this creature tower over him that made him have a brain fart in the heat of the moment. Jason quickly backed off, he was unsure of how much damage he could do to this vast with his current weapons. However, he was confident that his poison would be his best chance.

The Bear fell down onto all fours and fixed him with a bloodthirsty gaze. The silent standoff ended when the armoured bear charged forwards! Jason jumped to the side and activated his suit for a power swing of his hammer. 

However, a metallic noise rang out as the hammer rebounded off of the bear's fur without doing any damage! Jason panicked as he tried to catch his balance, but the bear was already one step ahead!

It spun on the spot quickly and grazed the Infinity with its claws. A considerable tear opened in the heavy metal as if it were made of paper! 'Fuck!' Jason had not been expecting for the bears claws to be able to do that kind of damage!

The situation had just become a lot direr in a short space of time. Jason backpedalled quickly as he released his poison gas non-stop. However, the bear did not seem to care as it continued to chase him. 

Jason was forced to use his RDB's a few times to avoid having his head torn off. His eyes searched the bear's figure as he looked for any signs of the poison taking effect.

'Don't tell me that its lungs are made of special materials as well?' It was entirely possible, but if it was true, then Jason was in peril.

Just then, Adam's Orochi tangled around the bear's front leg as he tried to pull its balance away from under it. Adam's eyes went wide when he realised the grave mistake he had made. 

The bear snarled before it swung its leg effortlessly, dragging Adam along with it! Jason was forced to duck before Adam slammed into him. 'Shit! Adam!' Jason cancelled the poison gas since Adam had just entered it.

He could only hope that he had no inhaled any of the lethal substance, and if he had that, it was only a tiny amount. Adam yelled as he slammed against the ground and bounced. Cracking noises could be heard, which only made Jason fear the worst.

Jason charged magically at the bear to try and draw its attention away from Adam's body. Which the bear was happy to oblige. The damage began to pile up on the Infinity as the two exchanged vicious blows. Chunks of armour was torn off of the Infinity while the beast seemed totally fine.

Jason cursed as he disengaged from their fight to look for any weaknesses. But as far as he could see, nothing he had used had done anything. The fur was unaffected by his fire, poison and cryospheres. It was needless to say that his darts had proven useless as well.

Jason grunted as he decided to try superheating his hammer. The question was, would he be able to keep it on the beast long enough for it to take effect? Jason had no idea if he could pull it off. But it was the only idea that he had right now.

'It's really all or nothing. Here we go!'


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