The Legendary Janitor

Chapter 36: Two Killing Gods

Chapter 36: Two Killing Gods

Ducking as he exited the restaurant to not bump his head against the low doorway, Di Tou felt rather content at the moment. That was indeed a good meal, "I wonder if that's the standard around here, or if this shop is really a gem, a pity it's so hidden though, and the boss…"

"Tsk. What a weirdo. That lady from earli-"

F*ck. Who was the person who was standing in front of him blocking his way? None other then the lady from earlier! Who had once again turned her scowl towards Di Tou.

Now that Di Tou was face to face to the lady, he could get a better look at her appearance. She had short black hair that reached just above her shoulders and a oval face that ended in a sharp chin. Earlier Di Tou had noticed the dark scars that spanned across her neck, but at closer look she had a wide assortment of softer scars blanketing her face, the seemingly newest edition a light pink scar no more than a thumb wide just under her left eye.

Di Tou couldn't quite imagine what the face would look like without the scars, as they seemed to fit right in, like palm lines on one's hand, but he imaged she'd be a slight beauty, although nothing too far off average.

But none of that was important now, what was important was, what the f*ck had he done to provoke this killing God to wait for him?

"Erm, this missus, could I ask why you're blocking my way?"


Haish, was he attracting all the silent people today? Or what the hell was going on.

"Well… if you don't need anything, I'll be leaving now." Di Tou took a couple of steps to the left, trying to walk around the lady.

The lady walked two steps to her right to match Di Tou's movement.



Di Tou took two steps to the right.

The lady took two steps to the left.

Black lines started forming on Di Tou's face. "If you want something just say it."

The lady wrinkled her nose, pausing for a moment before saying "Who… Told you… Old Wang?"


"Why… Eat… Here?"

"Oh, I just saw that it wasn't busy so I thought I could get a seat." Di Tou told a half truth. The shops nearby, while they were busy, were by no means packed to the brim when he had arrived, after all he had arrived a bit earlier then the lunch rush.

The woman's expression changed from her angry scowl for the first time, looking a bit surprised. "Waited… Full hour?"

Di Tou gave a complicated look, "I was going to leave after the first twenty minutes, but you were glaring at me and I had already sat so long that my legs were feeling numb so I kept sitting."

The woman's nose wrinkled again. This seemed to be her habit when she was thinking. "I… See."

The woman then turned around and started walking away.

"Hey wait, this missus, what's your name?" Di Tou called out.

The lady turned around, once again glaring daggers at Di Tou. If looks could kill on intensity, Di Tou felt like there wouldn't be a shop behind him anymore after this lady gave it a good look.

Di Tou sweated. F*ck, why did he have to go and provoke this killing G*d, she was about to walk away, why'd he have to ask for a name?

After another tense couple of seconds, the woman's expression relaxed a bit. "Bai Ming." Before turning and starting to walk away again.

Di Tou really wanted to ask a follow up question, "Do you know where I can buy paper?" But in the end decided not to poke a tiger a third time.

F*ck. Social interactions are hard.

After waiting another half minute to confirm that Bai Ming had gone far enough away and wouldn't decide to suddenly turn back and attack him, Di Tou sighed and prepared to set off to find...

F*ck! One killing God left and another arrived? What was his luck today?

Indeed, behind Di Tou the boss from earlier had arrived and was now staring at Di Tou from the top of the stairs.

"Err… Old Wang is it?"

Old Wang stared at Di Tou.

"Hmph, if it's a staring contest you want, you'll get it." Di Tou thought, making eye contact with Old Wang.

10 seconds passed, Di Tou felt a little awkward.

30 seconds passed, Di Tou's eye felt a little itchy.

50 seconds passed, f*ck he had to sneeze.


Di Tou broke eye contact first, as he politely sneezed into his left arm.

When he looked up again, Old Wang was gone, but a small wooden tablet was coming towards him.

Di Tou instinctively caught the tablet.

"Old Wang's Noodle Shop - One Visit"

Did he get a free meal at 10?

Ah well, that wasn't important right now. What was important was to get out of here before another weirdo arrived. After all, he wouldn't be eating here again in the near future.

Walking slightly fast, Di Tou started walking towards the other end of the food street.

While he was walking, he noticed one butchery that had brined duck that he wanted to get on the way back, as well as one stall that was selling a bunch of flatbread that was cooked by plastering the dough inside of a hot jar. Talking briefly to the old lady who was behind the stall, she confirmed she'd be around for another two hours or so, so if Di Tou hurried he could buy some to bring back for dinner.

Making it to the other side of the street, Di Tou gave a sigh of relief. It seemed like he had managed to avoid running into any more silent staring menaces.

It seemed like he'd have to reconsider coming to this street to eat in the near future. While it was rather nice… his luck was a little too bad right?

Coming out of the food street, Di Tou found himself on another communal street, and after asking a nearby passerby, he managed to get directed to a store that sold "writing supplies" although the passerby wasn't entirely sure if they had paper or not, as they weren't particularly familiar with the object themselves.

With a mentality of testing his luck, as it was about time for it to turn around, Di Tou thanked the passerby and headed on over.


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