The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 97 Test And Victory [Dark Forest War II - End]

-- POV Freya --

*Master of souls ?*

While the twins were gone, I now had their souls and had no idea what to do. I stood still, silent, and still couldn't figure out how this system worked.

*The evolution of my chaos element allows me to absorb living beings and recover their souls but for what ? Maybe they could join us if I could get their souls out but how ? I also sometimes feel that the system adapts my skills according to the events but isn't it automatic ? I...*

I was very happy to have a new skill but the more I gained the more I had to find answers on my own. I hadn't discovered the secret of all the ones I already had, and now a new one was added to the list with just as many mysteries.

[Onee-san, I think we should look at the details first before asking questions. It may be that some of the answers are explained in your status, which is almost always the case]

Kira was right, but at the moment I couldn't verify any of this. In about an hour, the sun was going to come up and we had to end this damn War. Raising my head and snapping out of my thoughts I could see everyone watching with questioning faces. Very few had seen me use my chaos element so witnessing this new show raised many questions.

[You are a real mystery to them it seems pffhaha~]

As I sighed, without explanation, I turned to the four remaining humans, still kneeling before the Commanders.

"Well, let's get it over with !"

Claire and Paul still looked absent, turned off and empty while Jet and Loyd from Sarah's group were shaking like leaves. These two men were not far from ending up like the adventurers dressed in red but I wanted to end with them because after all I had another idea in mind that was quite cruel. As I looked at them coldly, I shouted two names quite distinctly.

"Vig ! Alayna !"

The two humans were behind the Commanders alongside the soldiers and I could see them hurry out to kneel before me. They no longer had their hoods on and there was nothing to hide their now familiar faces.

"Y-your highness ?"


They had been with us for a few days, but I still had my doubts about their willingness and determination to help us. I had taken them to the battlefield to make them realize what we were fighting, who we were fighting, and most importantly how. I also wanted Vig and Alayna to see who I really was and that I was no less ruthless when it came to my enemies. The princess seemed to be shocked by this display of cruelty but felt no remorse for these humans.

Vig was a warrior so it didn't seem to bother him too much, but he didn't say much which made him difficult to analyze. Alayna was more talkative and clearly expressed her ideas but was not a warrior. The former Princess had brought a lot of important elements to the War Council and even suggested some interesting ideas, but what about her coolness ? Both seemed loyal but I wanted to make sure they were willing to do anything for the good of the Empire and its people.

"Tonight, I want you to prove your loyalty in front of everyone ! You have already helped us a great deal, that is undeniable, however..."

The warrior and the fallen Princess still kneeling did not look at me but listened attentively as did everyone around me.

"However, there is only one act that will earn you my trust. Stand up !"

As they stood up, I made two identical daggers appear in my hands. They were thin, sharp, light and despite the element they were made of, they were strong. The moon still shone in the middle of the dark sky with a white light, too pure for what was happening in the clearing.

"Those two adventurers...kill them."

I had pointed at Claire and Paul and given my order coldly, distinctly but calmly. Vig said nothing and looked at his former traveling companions while Alayna had turned livid. As she took her dagger with a trembling hand followed by her friend, the young human approached Claire while Vig approached Paul.

[I'm not sure Alayna is capable of such a thing...]

*So she doesn't belong here. It's cruel to ask her to kill when she's never done it, but we don't live in a rosy world. As a human, Alayna needs to be able to kill to show her loyalty but also to protect herself. It's also a way to test both of them and then these convicts are not innocent and they know it.*

Of course, I never ordered every citizen of the Empire to kill a human out of loyalty because they had all seen too much blood. For Vig and Alayna it was different, it was only when they carried out my order that they would be recognized as one of us.

*It is easy to promise wonders but the possibility of retracting at the last moment when a life must be taken does exist. I don't want empty words, I want action and determination !*

Far be it from me to traumatize them, but I wanted to leave no room for doubt. If the Fallen Princess and the warrior killed their former comrades, I would give them my trust. While I was thinking about this, Vig had dropped my dagger and grabbed Paul's head in his hands before twisting his neck. The sound had been raucous, the death swift, and not a drop of blood had been spilled.

*I expected nothing less from him...*

Turning my gaze to Alayna, I could see her breathing nervously, still holding the weapon in her trembling hands. The Commanders were watching the scene as I was, but one of them seemed more worried than the others. Luna was looking at Alayna as if she was silently encouraging her while hoping that she would succeed in doing what I had asked her to do.


The Fallen Princess kept looking into Claire's eyes and still hesitated. As I was about to ask one of my Commanders to kill the young woman dressed in red, Alayna had stopped shaking. The small blade in her hand approached Claire's neck before slicing it with an unexpected precision and a quick gesture.

*Oh~? She's brave.."

As Claire's body fell, dead, blood spurted down the face of the Princess who still did not move. She was in a state of shock and realized that she had just taken a life for the first time. Suddenly, the blood-stained young woman collapsed to her knees on the floor, her legs unable to carry her any further.

"Ally !"

Luna, who until now had remained silent, rushed towards her before being stopped by the gesture of a trembling, bloody hand. Alayna was still on the ground but didn't seem to want any help as she calmed her heart with deep breaths.

*Eh ? Ally ? What the hell happened between them exactly ?*

[Well, you entrusted Alayna to Luna so they might as well have gotten close onee-san]

As their relationship intrigued me, the young human finally stood up before standing in front of me alongside Vig.

"Y..your Highness I...I am neither the strongest nor the smartest but...but I promise to protect this Empire like my own home. I will stop at nothing...even if I have to...kill. I..."

Without finishing her sentence she and the human warrior knelt again because after all, actions were always more effective than words.

"We swear fealty to her Highness and the Elysium Empire !"

"Yes. Loyalty. to. Empress. and Empire."

-- PING --

[ Congratulations ! You have obtained 2 citizens/subordinates ]

[ You earn 20,000 EXP for your first human citizens/subordinates ]

These notifications made me smile as I responded to their words of loyalty.

"From now on you are part of Elysium and I will protect you as I protect all those in the Empire."

Turning to all the soldiers, I would then address them.

"Needless to say, I will not tolerate any racial discrimination ! Vig and Alayna are now one of us, and though they are human, they have proven their resolve to me. Accept them as they have accepted you despite the world we live in !"

My voice was as powerful as ever and echoed through the woods while my face showed a solemn seriousness. As I finished my sentence, once again everyone's voice rose into the heavens.

"Welcome Vig !"

"Welcome Alayna !"

"Welcome to our Empire !"

"Hurrah !!!"

I thought that none of them would trust them right away and that the integration would take longer, but I was wrong. Once again, I had forgotten how incredible and different everyone who had joined me was. In all my two lives, I had never met so many people sharing a similar dream, people ready to help each other to find their own place. People without prejudice, with pure hearts not seeking to deceive, hate or kill but rather the happiness of each other.

[Haha~ You have underestimated the hearts of your soldiers onee-san. Everyone smiled and no face betrayed refusal, hatred, disgust or anger]

Indeed, the soldiers were all enthusiastic and cheered the two newcomers with joy, power, and above all...sincerity. Alayna was crying with joy and Vig against all odds was embarrassed and blushed with tears in his eyes.



Everyone had calmed down and it was time to execute Jet and Loyd before we could all go home and rest. I wasn't tired at all, but I could see soldiers struggling to stay upright. After all, this was the first time for almost everyone that they had experienced such an emotional elevator without sleeping all night.

*I'm going to end this with a bang !*

It was time to finish the job and kill Jet and Loyd who were now ready. Their deaths would symbolize our total victory and I wanted to make them suffer as much as their now dead companions. The last two adventurers were shirtless, kneeling on an ice platform I had created in the middle of the clearing and waiting. Their arms were raised in a cross and held up by Persea's brambles, which also held their legs. Neither the young man nor the bald man could escape and still under the pure white moon, I was about to commit the last atrocity of this bloody night.

I didn't even take the time to make a speech and stood behind the two trembling humans.


"I...Sarah...I will join you soon.."

Neither of them were begging yet, Jet was crying and Loyd was gritting his teeth as he insulted me to hide his growing fear. Still without remorse for these cruel murderers killing indiscriminately, I began to slice their backs along their spines from the neck to the bottom.

"Aaaargh !"

"Uurghaaah !"

The incision was deep and despite their screams, the pain still seemed bearable though anything but pleasant. Positioning myself behind Jet who I had chosen first, I leaned into his ear to whisper the last words he would hear in this world.

"When you go to Hell, tell Sarah I said hi..."

Without waiting for a response, I plunged my hands into the deep incision I had made to grasp and detach his ribs. They were hooked to the spine but with a little force I had no trouble detaching them. The young man was vomiting blood, suffering, choking and his mournful screams filled the clearing as I calmly continued what I was doing.


With a sharp jerk, I pulled his ribs out of his now completely open and deformed body. Jet was already dead but I liked it when the job was done right. On either side of his back, his rib cage was now showing, forming sinister and deadly wings. Some of the soldiers had looked away, finding this scene even more terrifying than the trial of Sarah and John, but many looked on shakily but bravely.


-- PING --

[ You have earned 20,000 EXP for killing 2 humans of level 28 and 29 ]

[ Condition met to advance to next level (36) ]

[ Your HP and MP have increased ]

[You now have +100 attribute points ]

Jet and Loyd were dead and the stage I was on was now completely red as were my white suit and face. During the entire time they were being killed I had not smiled so much I was focused but I had enjoyed every moment. The screams and pleas they had made had been divine and I still had chills.

*Now you know what real suffering is*

The clearing was still silent as I admired my work with shining eyes.

[It looks like a bird's wings. Onee-san, where did you get this delightfully artistic idea ?]

*Who knows ? kufufu~*

Making the ice disappear, the bodies fell to the ground as it was finally time for us all to go home. Whistling in the wind that had risen, Inferno appeared from nowhere galloping towards me. As I climbed on his back satisfied with this exciting night, I took my katana out of its scabbard, pointing it to the sky.

"Soldiers ! The first war of the Elysium Empire is over and has resulted in our total victory ! Let's leave the bodies to those wild beasts they wanted to slaughter so badly, it doesn't concern us anymore. Now let's go back and announce the good news to our families, our friends and let your voices announcing the victory, resound throughout the forest !!!"

"Victory !!!"

"Hurrah !!!"

As loud and proud shouts could be heard in the clearing and beyond, over a hundred soldiers began to march towards our Empire. The sun was already shining and the moon that had been watching over us was gone, replaced by a warm, comforting light. On the back of my black stallion, as I led the army followed by the Commanders, a single simple phrase came to mind.

*My love, my little moon... I'm going home*



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years old / Mentally: 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Major Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 425

Defense : 421

Agility : 435

Stamina : 428

Speed : 427

Intelligence : 425

Charisma : 410 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 450

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]


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