The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 163 [Special - First Christmas] - BONUS

[N/A: I'm not supposed to be back until Monday (27th) but here is my Christmas present for all of you. This chapter is not related to the plot of the story, think of it as an alternative chapter. Be careful, I advise you to read it only if you are up to date because I have taken the situation of the main characters from the last chapter. Happy reading !]


- POV General -

In a vast world filled with magic and mysterious creatures, there was a place by the sea that seemed timeless. That place was an Empire that stood proudly in a great forest that had lost its dense, dark foliage. The unshakeable city of Empress Freya still stood there, never wavering, even though for the first time in a year the air was frigid.

It was the end of the year, the animals were hibernating, the trees were bare, the birds were no longer singing and winter was here. In this great Empire, there was the imperial mansion, imposing, majestic and worthy of its residents. There were many magnificent rooms in it, but of all of them, the most beautiful were undoubtedly those on the floor reserved for the Empress and her family.

In the large living room, four people were gathered around a fire that crackled softly in a fireplace. There was Empress Freya with black hair, Queen Gaya with crimson hair, the little Princess Shiro with white hair and finally, Freya's sister and the second Princess, Kira with silver hair. Sitting by the fire, these four women were spending time with their families on this cold late afternoon.

Freya was sitting on one of the sofas with her wife who had her head resting on her shoulder while they both stroked her big belly. The she-wolf and the dragoness were watching silently and with a big smile, their little girl drawing on the floor with her aunt by her side smiling. Kira was in the same position as her niece, lying on her stomach, her legs flapping in the air to the rhythm of her three bushy tails.

The atmosphere was calm, joyful, familial and the humming of the little Princess warmed everyone's heart. The large window near the corner filled with sofas was right in front of Freya and while Gaya was still watching the two lying on the floor, the Empress was looking out. The weather was cold and for several days now, a gray veil seemed to have fallen over the Dark Forest.

A light mist gently descended from the gray sky bringing with it the icy air so significant to winter. Many feelings ran through the she-wolf as she thought for a brief moment about her past on Earth for the first time in a very long time. For some reason, this sight had awakened a great curiosity in her. As she suddenly came out of her thoughts, out of nowhere, Freya raised her voice to speak.

"In this world...ahem...I mean, at this time of the world, do you have any traditions during the winter ? Nobody in the Empire seems to be preparing anything, there's nothing special that's supposed to happen ?"

As the she-wolf asked these questions, all the members of her family looked up with a questioning look. At that moment, the room had become completely silent while everyone seemed to be waiting for explanations with eyes full of interest. Gaya was smiling radiantly, Kira sat cross-legged with her hands on her chin and Shiro approached Freya shaking her little white tail.

"Well...when I was on Earth, humans celebrated what was called "Christmas". Long story short, it's a holiday where members of the same family receive gifts brought by a certain Santa Claus overnight."

As she finished her sentence, the she-wolf could see her family members wracking their brains trying to understand. All of this was totally unknown to the others and Freya although she did her best to be short, used these terms without further details. It was then Shiro who spoke first as she climbed onto her mother's lap before repeating as best she could the words that had caught her attention.

"Chrismash ? Sinta...Clous ?"

For once, only the Empress was smiling because she was the only one who knew that her little moon had gotten it wrong once again in a cute way because Gaya and Kira had also not gotten the pronunciation of those two unknown words right. As Freya giggled softly, she put her hand on Shiro's head to caress it tenderly. Smiling, the she-wolf then gave a little more detail before Kira intervened.

"My little moon, we say Christmas and Santa Claus haha~. Christmas is the name of the holiday and Santa Claus, an old man dressed in red with a white beard bringing presents to children who have been good while they sleep by the chimney."

"Hmmm excuse me ?...very suspicious and dangerous story to be honest. Why would an old man come and bring gifts to children he doesn't know and what's more in the middle of the night ?! Oh and then not to mention that chimney thing...sigh...Onee-san seriously...who would accept that ?"

The Empress' little sister stared at her with a face of incomprehension, shock and embarrassment as she was completely judging Christmas. Gaya giggled softly in her corner as she saw Freya's expression change slightly in dismay. Little Shiro was lost in thought as her gaze was fixed on the ground just before she turned to her aunt and replied

"But Auntie, how can a gift-giver be mean ? If Mr. Claous brings things that make you smile, I...I'm sure he's nice !"

"My little honey bun you...arf never mind...haha~ you are right little Shiro !"

For a moment, Kira had wanted to make a comment when she saw how innocent her little niece was...way too innocent, before changing her mind. She had finally agreed with her, smiling as she made a mental note to keep a close eye on her so she wouldn't be kidnapped by a shady candy giver. As she smiled awkwardly, it was finally the Queen's turn to speak.

"So was your Christmas to you my love ? Besides the gift thing what was going on ? I guess as a kid you couldn't wait for this day to come right ?"

This time it was Gaya's turn to throw her wife into disarray as Freya looked at her with a tender and amused look. This life was so far away for her and so different that the Empress had never really talked about what she had experienced especially during her childhood. As Shiro looked at her mother with eyes shining with curiosity, the she-wolf took a deep breath before answering honestly.

" be honest, I've never celebrated Christmas before. I've never had a visit from Santa, let alone presents. The first few years of my life were pretty rough but to make a long story short, I had parents but I didn't exist for them. So I never had a Christmas and Santa never came to see me even though I hoped he would with all my heart."

"Mommy, you...weren't you being good ?"

The little moon of the Empire, had now a worried and sad face while she asked her question. Her ears had lowered and her white tail had stopped wagging back and forth. Again her innocence and dismay so pure made even the saddest revelations precious. Smiling like the loving mother she was, Freya was about to respond while Kira was quicker.

Her voice echoed in the room while, as usual, the young silver fox used humor to lighten the mood. Kira, who knew the most about her older sister's past, wanted to avoid having to talk about it, although she did it awkwardly. Her voice was full of joy and mockery, but her eyes conveyed concern, love, tenderness and compassion.

"Hell no ! She was not wise at all that's why the Santa C...thing never came ! And she still isn't by the way fufu~ Of all the family my little niece, you are without context the wisest ! Your mommy is a bad girl but you are just the opposite, aren't you onee...aaaouuuch !"

Without warning, Freya had created a small ice spike thanks to her ambient mana, before sending it directly into Kira's butt. The latter was not expecting it and had not even finished her sentence when she jumped to the ceiling due to the surprise. The laughter of the little moon of the Empire rose in the room while the three-tailed vixen massaged her right buttock while discreetly sticking her tongue out at her big sister.

"Oh you can stick your tongue out, Santa Claus is not coming for you this year either kufufu~"

Shiro had climbed onto Gaya's lap this time and as the Queen gently stroked her daughter's hair, she laughed too. The two imperial sisters looked at each other with squinted eyes as if to challenge each other while a teasing smile appeared on Freya and Kira's faces. However, they didn't have time to say anything as the little princess spoke up again.

"But then...will he come here for me then Mr. Claous ?"

As she asked her question, suddenly the three women looked at each other with a slightly panicked look on their faces. No one had really anticipated this question even though coming from a curious and ever attentive 6 year old girl was normal. Gaya and Kira, who knew nothing about it, had their mouths closed and were looking at Freya intently, deliberately leaving her alone in this situation.

"Have you been good sweetie ?"

"Mmh mmh yes yes !!!"

The little princess was nodding vigorously while her little white hands were against her heart and her eyes were pleading. Earlier, while Freya had been talking, Gaya had made two pigtails for Shiro and now they were hanging from both sides and dancing to the rhythm of her movements. The little princess was hugging her little Lily doll tightly and waiting for an answer that was soon to come.

"So yes my little moon, he will come to bring you gifts and I'm sure he will bring the snow with him !"

As the she-wolf finished her sentence, everyone looked at her before responding in a very confused way making the situation very hilarious.

"Huh ? Onee-san who is that again...snow ?"

"I...I don't know what you are referring to my love I'm sorry.."

"The...snow ? Can you eat it ?"

Once again, under Freya's confused gaze, Kira, Gaya and Shiro had asked questions that she could never have anticipated. How could she not know what snow was? As she began to explain what snow was, the Empress did her best not to leave anything out. Never in all her life had she thought she would have to explain what snow was, and yet.

"Here it is...this is the snow. It doesn't exist here ? How can you not know what snow is ?"

"My love...until now I have never seen this phenomenon but I have indeed heard about it. It's a very rare moment that happens only a few times in this world and unfortunately due to age I haven't had the chance to see it with my own eyes."

Everyone was nodding their heads with a look of joy but with a trace of sadness. The idea of not being able to attend such a show made everyone slightly disappointed and distressed. In order to change the minds of her family members and bring a smile back to their faces, Freya snapped her fingers to make a huge tree made of ice appear in the living room. It looked like crystal and rose to the ceiling, beautiful, majestic and glittering.

"Wooow mommy that's the most beautiful tree I've ever seen !!"

"Onee-san...there's no telling how amazing you are..."

"My love...thank you for this work of art haha~"

Everyone was smiling again and so it was in this warm family atmosphere that Freya raised her voice. Gently grabbing the hands of her daughter and her wife, she spoke tenderly with eyes filled with unconditional love.

"Well, it's time to go eat, then we'll go to bed and who knows ? Maybe Santa Claus will stop by to see the good kids and put some presents under the tree fufu~"


It was dark, the Imperial mansion was plunged into a solemn silence while the Elysium Empire was asleep. However, not everyone was, for on the top floor, in one of the great corridors of the Imperial quarters, two figures walked silently. In the left-wing of the mansion, Empress Freya accompanied by her wife Queen Gaya, walked slowly with packages in hand.

"Let's put these gifts under the tree and come back soon okay ?"

"Of course my love !"

For the first time, the two leaders of the Empire looked like thieves ready to do something bad. However, all they wanted to do was drop off the gifts they had prepared for their families. After seeing Shiro's enthusiasm, neither woman could bring herself to do nothing. So the she-wolf and the dragoness, dressed in a black robe, walked silently towards the living room.

Suddenly, as they were almost at their destination, a small shape huddled in a corner caught their attention. This small motionless thing turned out to be none other than the little Princess of the Empire who for some unknown reason was in the hallway in the middle of the night. She was sitting on the floor, her arms wrapped around her raised knees and her head buried inside.

"My god ! Shiro my little moon ! What are you doing here ?"

" should be sleeping !!!"

As Freya hastily grabbed her daughter in her arms, she didn't really care about the gifts anymore and wanted to know what Shiro was doing there. She looked panicked, lost and seeing her huddled like that in the night made her heart ache. Being just in front of the big door of the living room, instead of turning back, the she-wolf entered the room followed by her wife while Shiro answered her.

"Yes but...but I wanted to bring a present for Auntie said she wouldn't get a present I didn't want her to feel forgotten..."

At that moment, the words of the little princess shocked her two mothers who could not believe what they had just heard. Shiro, this adorable little 6 year old girl, had gotten up alone in the middle of the night, had walked through the entire hallway in complete darkness before arriving at the door, much too small to open. Just as Gaya was about to speak, a noise was heard in the living room fireplace.

"Mommy mommy ! It's Mr. Claous !!"

Freya was stunned and did not understand what was happening as she looked at her wife who shrugged her shoulders in response. The lit room was completely silent as suddenly a sooty figure fell from above before crashing heavily to the floor. At that moment, a recognizable voice shouted while trying to be silent, making the situation very funny.

"Aaouuchh fuck It ! I knew it was bullshit to go through this damn thing !"

Before the wide eyes of Shiro, Freya and Gaya, a cloud of dust and soot had invaded a part of the room while in the middle a person was revealed. In front of them was a person dressed in hastily dyed red clothes and wearing a fake white beard made of pillow feathers. Despite the effort, it was easy to see that it was Kira who had had the same idea as her older sister but had executed it in her own way.

"Ahem ahem..."

Freya had coughed lightly to get her attention as she dusted her three tails, muttering slightly annoyed. As Kira looked up, she froze as she saw the three family members in front of her, lights on and their eyes fixed on her. Seeing that Shiro was also there, instead of chickening out, the young silver vixen, stood up proudly despite the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Ohohohoh~! I'm the...*cough*...Santa Claus !"




Kira's hair was wild and completely black, her fake beard was almost torn off and the state of her clothes was beyond comment. Nobody was fooled, not even the little princess and although they were trying their best not to laugh, Freya, Gaya and Shiro could not help but giggle and laugh. Seeing this, the second princess sighed before starting to laugh with the others.

"I'm an idiot, aren't I? Pffffhaha~ *cough* *cough* and then what are you all doing here ?"

" seems we all had the same idea, although...some were more...well, excess kufufu~"

At the words of the Empress, each one showed what they were holding in their hands for all to see. Freya and Gaya had several gifts, Shiro had only one and Kira seemed to have a ton. As each looked at the other with a big smile, the she-wolf spoke up, trying her best not to laugh at her little sister who was definitely the craziest of them all.

"Ahem I...pffff~ sorry...I propose that we open our presents now since we are here.."

"But mommy...we have to wait for Mr. Claous !!"

As Shiro shook Freya's sleeve, Gaya who finally came forward with a big smile on her face, answered instead of her wife. With a warm, soft voice, full of tenderness and love, gently caressing the hair of her little princess, she spoke words that made everyone's head spin.

"Sweetheart...Santa Claus has already come...look"

Outside, despite the cold, dark night, through the window for the very first time, snowflakes fell on the Elysium Empire. There was no longer a gray veil or icy wind and instead, a magical white rain fell silently and gently. The rays of the moon seemed to reflect on each snowflake and hypnotized the members of the Imperial family who could not look away.

While her wife, daughter and little sister were totally amazed by this spectacle, Freya could not help but whisper a few words.

"Merry Christmas"


Author Lucifer : I hope you enjoyed this little surprise. It's my Christmas present to thank you all for continuing to read my story, which is certainly imperfect but which I write with the greatest of passions. Thank you all !

Freya: Merry Christmas to all of you and...even if you are humans, I wish you all the best for the end of the year !

Gaya: *Cough cough*! Oi ! My love you can't say things like that ! Ahem ahem, please excuse her tactlessness but I promise you the heart is in it. Merry Christmas to you all and may your days be as wonderful as those we spend with our family !

Kira: ...

Freya: Kira ?

Kira: Oh ! Sorry sorry pffhaha~ so uuuuh...I hope that...w-wait what were we talking about again ?

Shiro: Hihihi~ Christmas Auntie Kira !

Kira: Aaaaah yes yes hehe~ so I hope you have a great holiday and that you got lots of presents ! Merry Christmas !! ... *whispering* is it good ? was it cool ?

Freya: Yes, perfect little sister ! Shiro ? Do you want to say something too ?

Shiro: So uh...I...I hope you have a very nice day and...and thank you for always being there because...because we love you very much ! I hope that Mr. Claous came by for you and that...and that you got lots of cool presents! I...I don't know what else to say sorry...

Freya: That's fine my little moon but you forgot something fufu~

Shiro: Oh yes it's true mommy !! Dear readers...I love you very very very much hihi~ and...

Lucifer, Freya, Gaya, Kira, Shiro: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


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