The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 159 WHO I AM

- POV Freya -

"Cough ! Cough !"

[Freya ! You're back, what did you see ?]


I was back in the pantheon room but I could not hold on any longer and at that moment the Empress of Elysium, imposing, cold, inexpressive, dignified and proud was no longer so. As my little sister asked me a question, I collapsed to the floor again, sobbing. I stared into space, I was completely stunned, shocked, lost and I needed time to digest what I had just seen.

The whole scene spun in my mind over and over again and it was easy to understand that what I had just seen was my past. I couldn't breathe, my mind was so full of information, feelings, confusion that I couldn't breathe properly. My head was spinning, my hands were shaking, I was crying and even if I opened my mouth to scream, no sound came out.

[What is it ? Freya ?]

I couldn't answer, I didn't have the strength, I felt as if I had the weight of the world on my shoulders and the weight of guilt in my heart. This beautiful woman was someone important to me, her name was Kalaa and now I understood at least one thing. It was always her white hair that had calmed me, even when I was on Earth, if the moon soothed me so much it was because of Kalaa. This truth was painful.


As I began to breathe normally again, I forced myself to remain conscious and think as hard as it was. With a shaky, hesitant, weak and broken voice, I began to tell Kira what I had seen and heard. I tried my best not to leave anything out but the explanation was painful and as I spoke, system notifications suddenly appeared in front of me.

- PING -

[ Congratulations ! First part of your name unlocked : Luci??? ]

[ Unique title (locked) : ??? - 10% > 30% ]

[ Your memories are always available in their entirety in your memory ]

At that moment, I didn't care about these notifications, I just wanted to know more. Like a Pandora's box, I had just opened a diary that was full of Time magic, sending me directly into the past for a short while. I had just told Kira everything and after my long and somewhat chaotic story, she remained silent for a moment and seemed to understand why I was in such a state.

[Th-This Kalaa...would she be your...your wife from...from that time ?]

*No I...despite my scattered memories I'm pretty sure I've never loved anyone like I love Gaya. With Kalaa, I felt nothing like that, it was...different. I think I know what our relationship is...was? but I need to know more...I need to be sure*

Without giving my little sister time to respond, I shakily got to my feet and dragged myself towards that journal once more with difficulty. I knew there was magic left, and even though the book wasn't completely full of it, the first few pages contained that special mana that had taken me on a short journey. Quickly grabbing the next page, once again I felt myself leaving.


Once again I found myself in the same room, with the young woman who seemed to be me and Kalaa still beside her. I was right back where my last trip had left me, but this time neither of them was looking at me. Being aware of what I was seeing, my body seemed to be able to move a little better so I moved a little closer in a discreet manner.

I walked past one of the windows in the room, and when I glanced at it briefly, what I saw left me speechless. We were not on Earth or Kleisaria, but at the top of a huge tower overlooking what seemed to be a huge city. I could not see the end of it, and the strangest thing was the sky, which was unlike anything I had ever seen before, in any of the two lives I could remember.

This city seemed to be in space, above everything, where there was nothing around but the stars shining in an eternal purple night. Like a suspended city, engulfed in the immensity of a galaxy, it was timeless, inaccessible and majestic. As I gazed upon this magnificent place, Kalaa's voice reached my ears once more, followed own.

"In a few days you are to meet Titania aren't you ? know I don't like you going there alone and for what ? To sign a peace treaty ? You know as well as I do that it's a trap...why do you decide to go anyway ?"

"Because as matriarch I have to go. Whether this proposal is true or false, if word gets out that I refused to attend when there is talk of peace, even fake peace, it will all come back to bite us in the ass and they will use that. know that as well as I do."

Luci, my past self, had just spoken a name I knew very well and little by little the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. It was now clear that Titania was not on my side, neither in this past nor in this life, and that she knew who I was all along. I was missing some elements but I was beginning to understand that this seemingly framed encounter had been decisive for me.

"That Titania...I don't trust her, I'll go with you ! I..."

"No, you have things to do here too, I have to go alone and I have no desire to put you in danger if this is indeed a trap. If we both disappear, what do you think will happen to our House, our factions ? You can't come...please, I wouldn't be able to be fully focused if I knew you were there."

"You know I care far too much about you to is not as Kalaa that I will do so, but as Kalaa Nightshade of the House bearing our name. I accept...but don't forget that you may be the most powerful of all, but you are not immortal and you must be careful..."

Kalaa's voice was slightly shaky and even though she kept her sweetness, the worry was easy to guess. At that moment, both Luci and I had the same reaction at the same time, as if synchronized and connected. As Luci answered, we would both clench our fists before placing them on our chests.

"I won't go alone, my 6 Sins Demons will accompany me you don't have to worry.."

The more I looked at the scene, the more something incredible struck me. Ever since I'd arrived in Kleisaria I'd never thought I could show such a loving side to anyone other than Shiro, Gaya and Kira and yet. The first red memory I had seen, if I was indeed the same person, I had seen myself colder than ice, deadlier than death and more than a little terrifying.

Even in that part of my past, I felt that my level was nothing like the one I currently possessed and despite that, I could easily feel the tenderness in our exchanges. As I thought about this, I could see the one I was standing up this time with a serious and determined look. Her violet eyes shone intensely, with an unparalleled grandeur and a palpable coldness on that incomparably beautiful face.

I silently looked at these two women and what struck me was that divine, terrifying, powerful and incredible aura. One with hair as black as night, dressed in an imposing dark sleeveless suit and the other with pure white hair, dressed in a perfect white dress. While my gaze was completely fixed on these two exceptional beings, my voice...Luci's, echoed in the room making it vibrate.

"White Empress Kalaa, Goddess of Time and Wisdom ! Who am I ? Who are we ?"

At the same time, a dense red aura emerged behind her as her hair turned red and her fangs and horns grew. Her vibrant violet eyes turned completely black except for the pupils which turned scarlet blood red as a dangerous glow flickered in them. The same black tattoos I had under my eyes also appeared but unlike my demon form, they stretched beautifully across both of her sleeveless arms.

The finishing touch was then two large feathered wings that spread out on her back, a deep black, dotted with red highlights. At that moment, I was paralyzed by the amount of power and beauty I was already feeling, despite the fact that I wasn't actually there and imagining living it in real life made me tremble. Then suddenly it was Kalaa's turn to unleash her power as a different transformation occurred.

A similarly powerful, dense, white aura exuded from her body, while more elegant golden tattoos appeared on her face. They were much less imposing and instead of being scary, these tattoos made her look like an angel. Kalaa's eyes also turned a sparkling gold as finally, two huge white feathered wings sprang from her back.

Luci and Kalaa faced each other, gorgeous, so different yet so complete and as a wave of power swept through the room, I felt like I was about to leave once more. The two young women looked at each other intently, their hair flying in the wind, a smile on their face as the white-haired woman finally answered. In a voice as powerful and majestic as her own, Kalaa spoke the name I was so desperate to know.

"You are the Red Demon Empress Lucifer, Goddess of Blood and Death, and we are feared under the nickname of..."

"...Deadly Nightshade Empress Sisters !"

As I heard Kalaa and Lucifer say these words in unison, once again I found myself propelled out of the moment that had suddenly made me clear. This time I was not crying, I was not collapsing, and there was no sudden difficulty in speaking. I was clearer than ever and for the first time in all this time, I really knew who I was and who this Kalaa was.

*Kira...that's it, I remember now...I remember who I was before I was who I am today. I know who I am !*

[W-Who were...who are you ?]

*I am Freya but...I am also...*

I couldn't remember my life and I still had to deal with my memories, but the question of my identity was no longer an issue because now I remembered. I remembered my name perfectly, who I was before I was born as Freya on Earth and if it wasn't for this journal, I knew it would have taken me a while. Taking a deep breath, I then answered Kira with the utmost seriousness.

*I am Lucifer Nightshade...Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death, the little sister of Kalaa Nightshade, Archangel Goddess of Infinite Time and Celestial Wisdom...*

- PING -

[ Congratulations ! All parts of your name are unlocked : Lucifer (Nightshade) ]

[ Unique title (locked) : ??? - 30% > 100% ]

[ Unique title (unlocked) : Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20% ]

[ Unique title (locked) : Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6) ]

[ Deleting two titles ]

[ Two new elements have been added to your system : Blood and Death ]

[ New Skill : Healing Blood (lvl 1) ]

[ New skill : Death Gaze (lvl 1) ]

[ L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1) > Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2) ]

It rang again and again, but I wasn't looking or listening, I was too busy thinking. I was Lucifer, an ancient Goddess with immense powers and feared by all the Gods, and I was the head of House Nightshade, along with my older sister Kalaa. As I was about to speak again, a more than unlikely notification appeared before my face.


- PING -

[ Do you want to abandon your current course to follow in the footsteps of the past and unlock a new, familiar but unique path ? This will not affect your progression, skills and forms, only future evolutions will be taken into account ]

[ YES/NO ]

There was still much to discover, to understand and to remember, but one thing was certain, Titania had stolen my memories, manipulated me and was still doing so. I had not forgotten my wife, my daughter, my sister and my Empire and at this moment an even greater perspective was opening up to me. I was going to take back what was mine, I was going to take it all back and I was going to make everyone involved pay.

I still had a lot of memories to check in my mind, because despite the little knowledge I had, I still couldn't remember my past life. However, a mad rage to overcome took hold of me as everything that concerned me also concerned my family, whether it was past or present. I had to protect what I had built so that what had separated me from Kalaa would never happen again.

*First I would settle this Kingdom of Zal, build the largest Empire populated by various races, march across the world in search of my powers, loyal allies, and find Kalaa. Once done, even if it takes years, I will return to prove to these Gods that no one can get rid of Lucifer !*

[We will !]

*Yes little sister...we*

I still didn't know how much time had passed since the scene between me and Kalaa, I didn't even know if she was alive or if I could even reach her where she was but I was determined to try and succeed. Would it take me a few years ? Hundreds ? Thousands ? I didn't know but I wanted to find out what had happened in my past, what I was like, what had become of Kalaa, our House and the other.

Now I had another purpose...not worthy of an Empress but worthy of a Goddess and if I had been feared even by Titania in my first life, I was going to make sure I became even more frightening. They'd had a storm ? They would have a hurricane. They'd had Fear ? They would have Death. They'd had a beast ? They would have a monster. They'd had Lucifer ? They would have Freya and Lucifer.

So, it was without any hesitation that I stood in that large room and made my first decision, knowing who I was and what I wanted.

[ YES ]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult [ in process of change ]

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6- (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 31 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy


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