The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 116 Dance Of The Sky, The Sun And The Moon [Elysium Festival - Part VI]

[N/A: When I wrote the dance scene, I was listening to The Arena by Lindsey Stirling. For some the music will not go with the scene but for those who want to listen to it at the same time feel free]


-- POV Freya --

In the large square, still under the moonlight, all the citizens of Elysium were cheering for the anthem that the school children had played for us. The performance had been short, but had succeeded in making us all feel particularly strong sensations. So far the festival had been a success, and as I set Shiro down on the floor, I stroked her soft, fluffy little head once more.

"Well done sweetie, you were brave and I think your voice is beautiful"

"Hihi~ thanks time I'll do even better !"

My little girl's light purple eyes twinkled with a thousand stars as Kira answered before I could.

[Aawww my little chocolate filled love bun, whatever you do, as long as you put your heart into it you will never let us down okay ?!]

*'re not gonna add words every time, are you ?*

[Onee-san, if I want to call my little niece "my little chocolate bun baked with love on a warm spring day" what are you gonna do, huh ?]

*Sigh...well, don't make it too long or in a week it won't be a cute nickname but a whole novel*

Once again, I was stunned by my little sister who was becoming more and more uncontrollable but also more and more adorable. Shiro, who had heard our entire conversation, was giggling in her corner just like Gaya had done before her.

"Hihi~ I'm still a little bun but I'll grow up quickly you'll see auntie Kira !"

Then, turning to me with a big beaming smile, she would say something before running shyly away in my wife's direction.

"T-Thank you again mommy...I...I love you !"

Again, I didn't have time to answer as Shiro was already leaving. My little daughter had just sung in front of the entire Empire and at that moment no words could describe what I felt. I was so proud, so happy that I couldn't help but look at her with a heart full of love. As I let her thank Gaya once again, I approached Viana and the children who seemed to be waiting.

"Congratulations to all of you, you were wonderful"

The crowd was still cheering as I smiled fondly at the children, out of sight. The young half-humans trembled before me but smiled back as they bowed. Their voices rose at the same time, soft and pure and joyful despite their small bodies reacting instinctively to my presence.

"Th-thank you, your Highness."

I had smiled so that no one would get scared, faint or worse. My aura was completely retracted and even though my presence was strong, I also wanted to congratulate them. Kate, Shiro's friend was there too and unlike the others she wasn't shaking anymore. After spending so much time with my little moon, even sometimes in the manor, the little hybrid had gotten used to it.

"Kids, tonight have fun, keep enjoying the festival before you get tired"

"Yes !"

As they scampered away with smiles towards their parents or carers, Viana came towards me. She often looked down and for some reason Naia's mother seemed to be afraid of something.

"Your Highness, I hope you enjoyed the performance. I...I hope you don't mind my taking the initiative to write this anthem with all the children. If... if you do, I hope you'll forgive m..."

"Viana. I really enjoyed the show that you and your team put on. I always recognize when a job has been well done and this is the case. Don't apologize, it was an admirable surprise and your initiative was perfect"

I was just being sincere and despite the little incident, I knew we would all go home with precious memories in our heads. As I walked away, I left Viana and the children with big smiles as Kira's voice echoed in my mind.

[It was a great idea to make Birdy appear to stop Shiro from crying. If you hadn't done it, I think I would have done it my way. And most importantly...did you know that Gaya sang so well ?]

*No, I found out the same time you did...*

Like all the citizens at that moment, I had been sucked in by her melodious, enchanting voice, and combined with Shiro's voice, it had become a beautiful song worthy of the sky, worthy of Elysium. Like divine music in our ears, they had left us all speechless while theirs had echoed in the sky.

For the first time I had heard my wife sing and just remembering it sent shivers down my spine. True to herself, I had never found her as beautiful as she was at that moment,

selfless, loving, maternal and magnificent under the moonlight.

My mind was still filled with that anthem as I watched Gaya and Shiro. They were beautiful in their crimson and white dresses and my brain imprinted every moment in my mental palace. I adored them, I loved them, I wanted to protect them and I lived only for their smiles, they who gave me so much strength.

[The show doesn't seem to be over yet]

While I was lost in thought, the voice of my little sister, whom I had not forgotten, could be heard in my mind. She was right, the musicians who had made way for the children on the stage had now returned and seemed to be waiting for something. The instruments they carried looked like the closest thing to a violin, a double bass and a huge drum to be wielded with two huge drumsticks.

*Mmh, what can they possibly be waiting for ? *

[I have no idea, maybe it's another surprise]

Shiro was still with my wife and as I walked over to the table where I was sitting during my daughter's performance, Viana made an unexpected statement.


-- POV General --

The fire fox woman, Naia's mother, stood in front of the musicians and always with her soft voice, addressed all those who could hear her.

"Tonight, at the recommendation of Queen Gaya herself, the musicians here present will play for all those who wish to dance with the partner of their choice. As requested by the Queen, she and the Empress will open the first dance."

As Viana finished her sentence, the citizens' eyes turned to Freya who was still sitting at the table, watching the vixen in silence. Her hair was tied back and although the young woman looked as cold as ever on the outside, inside she understood absolutely nothing. The dragoness had never spoken to her about this and this was the first time she had heard that she was going to dance with Gaya.

The she-wolf's wife had a mischievous smile on her face as she knew exactly what was going on in her head. Shiro at her side looked at Gaya and Freya in turn with starry eyes at the thought of her mothers dancing together for the first time. The Empress still didn't move as she silently watched her wife and daughter approach before speaking so only they could hear her.

"Did you really ask to play music so we could dance together ?"

"Yes but aaah...maybe you can't dance ?"


In reality, Freya knew how to dance perfectly as she had learned many dances in her past life in order to excel in many areas, which didn't stop her from being surprised. The dragoness didn't give her time to answer as she followed up directly with a small embarrassed smile.

"If...if you don't want to we can cancel. It's just...we didn't dance at our wedding so I thought it would be a nice opportunity for a first time right ?"

Everyone looked at the Imperial duo wondering why the Empress still hadn't moved despite the announcement. Still without answering, Freya finally stood up nodding to her wife as the music began to play. The musicians had started without warning as the Empress held out a gloved hand towards the Queen, her wife.

The melody that played began softly with a simple, haunting violin tune. With slow steps, Gaya and Freya hand in hand stepped onto the large empty space as their citizens and daughter looked on. The two cloaks embroidered with golden threads floated gently as the night breeze rose in the center of the Empire as if to announce the beginning of the Imperial dance. The Empress in her blue suit and the Queen in her crimson dress looked into each other's eyes as their steps matched the rhythm of the violin.

The she-wolf and her wife in a graceful, slow, hypnotic waltz moved as if carried by the music itself. Suddenly, the other instruments, up to now silent, joined in with the original melody with volume and power. The drums struck the huge drum, making its sound echo beyond Elysium, while the other violins vibrated their strings.

The waltz had changed into a tango and despite the change of rhythm and register, the imperial wives were not at all disturbed. The two women, as beautiful as they were graceful, danced without a care in the world around them. Freya led the dance and made Gaya twirl with ease and perfection. In this frenzied rhythm, the Queen circled around the she-wolf, their arms intertwining with technique and sensuality. No one knew where they had learned to dance this way, but the reality was that both women were lost in their own world. Jumps, lifts, the she-wolf and the dragoness never missed an opportunity to shock the citizens with their unexpected control.

"Beautiful !"


"How do they do that ?"

From the citizens' point of view, their dance seemed divine, performed by two magnificent,

unique and out of reach beings. Their dance was like a dialogue where the Empress and her Queen seemed to understand each other with a simple look and talk to each other without ever opening their mouths. For them, this moment was powerful, so powerful that the more time passed, the more the two young women let themselves go.

Everyone in the audience was speechless as the rhythm of the violins and drums accelerated further, sending shivers down their spines. Dozens of feelings ran through every mind as the imperial couple's dance conveyed passion and sensuality with incomparable force. The wild yet graceful love that animated them was pure and genuine, and like a wave of warmth, it spread through the air.

As time passed, the citizens of Elysium felt as if they were witnessing something they would not see twice in their lives. In front of them, in her blue suit, the Sky met the Sun in a beautiful crimson dress, their eyes more in love than ever. Suddenly, without warning, four wings appeared in front of these dazzled spectators, tearing off the cloaks of both women. The Empress had wings as blue and light as her suit and the Queen had crimson wings that spread out from her bare back.

"Do you think like me ?"


As Freya asked Gaya this question, the two suddenly stopped in front of little Shiro who was watching them from the bench next to the table. The little moon didn't understand, but when each of her mothers held out their hands, she understood right away. Taking Gaya's right hand with her left and Freya's left hand in her right, the duo that had become a trio stepped forward again. The musicians hadn't stopped playing and as they reached the center of the space after a single glance, the crimson and blue wings were flapping in the air.

The Empress, Queen and Princess had flown into the starry black sky, getting a little closer to the moon and its brightness. It was no longer Freya making Gaya dance, but the two mothers making their adorable little daughter dance. For all the spectators, this new aerial show was intense, and above all, of unparalleled beauty. The little girl dressed in white had a dazzling face and a radiant smile as she hugged her mothers enjoying every moment.

Like a dreamy vision, two beautiful angels seemed to be holding a priceless treasure in their arms, feeding their smiles and hearts with eternal love. Everything was magical, unique, precious, and where the dark night stretched its dark veil, in the sky of Elysium, three silhouettes danced. Shiro's laughter did not reach the citizens because of the music, but seeing her laughing in the distance without hearing a single sound made this scene even more incredible. The scene seemed to be in slow motion, out of time, while the little Princess dressed in white, made the whole Empire smile.

The little moon that she was, clasped by these two protective and loving lights, twirled and spun free as air. At that moment, the citizens of the Empire, bewitched, no longer saw the Empress, the Queen and the Princess, but a united, happy family that nothing could


In the sky of Elysium danced the Sky dressed in a light blue almost white, the Sun in her fiery dress and the small white and bright Moon. In the sky of Elysium danced Freya, Gaya and Shiro.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]


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