The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 112 An Evening Full Of Emotions [Elysium Festival - Part II]

-- POV General --

The moon was shining high in the sky and the festival had just begun. The great square of the Empire was as busy as it had ever been, with hundreds of people crowding into its center. Erkas, who had become the leader of communications, had put up two large posters announcing the festival that was taking place tonight, even though most citizens already knew about it.

The many cooks had started cooking, filling the air with delicious smells that could make anyone salivate and some citizens were making music with instruments they had built or already owned. There were some kind of guitars, violins, drums making this festive atmosphere even more exceptional.

The citizens of the Empire were eating, laughing, dancing and having a great time, and they didn't even notice the time passing. Everyone was there, the soldiers, the Commanders and even the section Leaders who had finished their preparations on time. Children were running and laughing under the eyes of their parents and the atmosphere was full of joy, smiles and carefree spirit. At that moment, all the houses, offices, and buildings were empty, no one was working anymore, determined to enjoy the night that was just beginning.

Yet in this magical place, three people were missing. Only the Empress, the Queen and the Princess were missing and they had not yet arrived. The mood was festive and yet many were worried that Freya and her family were still missing. Persea and Ynir, who were standing on the roof of a house overlooking the square, couldn't help but look in the direction of the manor.

"Her Highness does not intend to come ? That seems inconceivable to me."

"Ynir, it's possible that putting on their outfits will take some time. If you look closely, Taegen still hasn't arrived even though his team is already here. Don't worry, I'm sure the Empress will come and then it hasn't even been an hour since the festival started."

The half-butterfly woman was worried, but the ever-gentle dryad was quick to reassure her. Persea wore a long green dress and the same crown of flowers that emphasized her natural beauty. As for Ynir, she wore a shorter, black dress, open in the back to leave enough space to spread her butterfly wings. They shone in the moonlight, transparent with rainbow reflections that seemed to move as if under the effect of an illusion.

As Persea smiled and Ynir nodded, the sound of a horn sounded in the distance, bringing almost instant silence to the large square. Everyone turned their heads towards the direction the noise came from as hoofbeats were heard. In the middle of the main street leading to the mansion, the Imperial family was finally appearing in front of everyone.

Persea was right because the reason Freya, Gaya and Shiro were late was the dressing process which had taken a long time especially for the Queen and Princess. On the black stallion with yellow eyes Inferno , the Empress stood straight and against all odds she was smiling. She wore a light blue suit embroidered with golden threads, enhanced by a long furless cloak with a two horned wolf on it. Also, the Empress wore black gloves and black boots that contrasted with her sky-colored suit. She obviously had her ice crown on, but this time her hair was tied back in a ponytail despite a few strands falling over her face, giving her an even more serious look.

At her side, the Queen was ridding sidesaddle Pearl the grey mare with pale pink eyes with the little Princess in front of her. Gaya wore a ruffled dress as bright and crimson as her hair, embroidered with amber threads the same color as her eyes. The dress was quite modern and had been custom made with an overlay of hundreds of pieces of fabric. Like Freya, the dragoness wore black gloves that went up to her elbows and a crimson cloak with a sun embroidered with gold threads. Her dress was open at the back and when the wind blew, her pinkish skin could appear bright under the moonlight. Unlike the Empress, the Queen had loose hair flying in the wind below her tiara of ice red gemstones.

In front of Gaya was the little Princess that everyone in the Empire admired. Shiro was dressed in a small, less modern white dress, looking like any other princess would wear. Unlike Gaya and Freya's outfit, her dress was all white, simple, pure but beautiful as she was. Shiro also wore a cloak, where a moon was embroidered with golden threads. The same black gloves as the dragoness were on her hands, and her mesmerizing white hair fluttered in the wind under her small tiara decorated with flowers.

The three women were beautiful, graceful, divine and imperial. As they arrived in the square, no one could take their eyes off the spectacle. Freya's poise ignited the spirits, Gaya's sweetness brought smiles, and Shiro's innocence melted hearts. In front of the citizens stood those to whom they had sworn unwavering loyalty. The ones who had changed their lives and brought happiness and peace to their hearts and souls. Blue and powerful as the sky, incandescent and gentle as the sun, pure and innocent as the moon, the representatives of Elysium had finally arrived.

The she-wolf and her family were finally arriving in front of everyone, but no one dared to speak. Everyone wanted to enjoy this moment forever, as Freya swung a leg over Inferno to get down. Her cloak seemed to fly in slow motion as the she-wolf had been very quick and was already catching her daughter in her arms.

"Thanks, Mommy !"

Little Shiro's feet were now on the ground and as she waved shyly to the silent crowd, the Empress reached out her hand gracefully and tenderly to the Queen. With a smile, Gaya grabbed her hand as a staircase of ice formed to help her down as the citizens watched in awe. The scene was like something out of a fairy tale, a beautiful story of a happy family, filled with love and tenderness...the tale of a perfect family.

For the most part, the newcomers were seeing the Empress, her wife, and daughter for the first time, and even though it was from a distance, they felt these unique presences. Those who already knew Freya had obviously told those who didn't know the Empress about her, but despite all the warnings in the world, seeing her in person was something else entirely.

"Your Highnesses welcome !"

The moment the Queen stepped on the ground, all the citizens, the entire Empire bowed as Ralph was the first to appear before them. She wore a red shirt the same color as her eyes and black pants that made her look like a mobster. The young woman, half-wolf, half-vampire, bowed before speaking.

"Your Highness, the stage you requested is ready and you can set up on it right now !"

Freya was still smiling and as everyone looked up, it was her turn to speak.

"The stage belongs to those who want to play music on it. I can see that many of you are good, so it would be pointless for us to set up there at this time. We're only going to enjoy the festival like all of you, among you, so please don't mind us and let's all enjoy the festival together as we see fit !"

"Woooow !!"

At the Empress's words, everyone had cried out in joy and gradually the mood began to return. It was hard to ignore the presence of the three imperial figures, but gradually the special atmosphere made everyone more relaxed.

Stalls all around the square served different dishes all lovingly cooked and sourced from the Empire itself, which was now able to sustain itself thanks to the skilled hands of elves, rabbits and dryads. Barrels of alcohol were being passed around for adults who wanted to try the cider made from the many apples that Kayla and Ylindros grew. Even beasts without humanoid form could enjoy the food, which had been placed on huge plates so that no one was harmed.

As Freya had suggested, on the stage was now all the musicians wishing to entertain the whole place. They stood under the huge tree and played music that made many people dance. The stage was placed right in front of the empty space which was no longer empty because now many children, parents, young and old were dancing to the sound with smiles on their faces.

On a large table to the right of the center were Luna and Alayna alone, eating a plate of what appeared to be stew. The human girl was looking down the center, and while the half-human was quietly watching her, she was talking.

"You know, Luna, this may be silly, but I've never experienced this before. This euphoria, this happiness that shines through in every person here, this is the first time. I may be a princess, but even though my title means nothing to me, it took me eighteen years to experience these feelings."

Alayna spoke with a voice that may have sounded sad, but was actually more than happy to have this moment. As she turned to stare at Luna with her blue eyes, her voice trembled slightly but did not falter.

"Th...thank you for being by my side since I arrived here. We've gotten to know each other a little better and even though it hasn't been long,'re the person who means the most to me."

In the eyes of the fallen princess, there was sincerity, tenderness and gratitude. The festive atmosphere had made Alayna braver as she opened her heart a little more to the one she loved.

Yes, the young woman had fallen in love with the one she had dreamed of finding her whole life but didn't know it yet. When Alayna was locked up in the castle, the only one who had given her courage was Luna and no one else, for years. Her heart had decided long ago but those feelings the fallen princess could not yet decipher.

"Ally I..."

The half-panther young woman didn't know what as new feelings surged through her. She was used to flirting a lot but finally when it came to intense, pure, real emotions, Luna lost it. As she shook her head to compose herself, she grabbed the young blonde woman's hand before responding.

"You too are the most important person to me and...I would love to continue spending time with you in the future !"

Luna had said the last words while turning her head away to hide the fact that she was blushing slightly. She wasn't usually one to be shy, but Alayna's sudden statement had caught her off guard in turn. The young human who was beginning to identify Luna's somewhat tsundere side was blushing, but also giggling.


"What ?"

"Nothing you're so....cute haha~ I've never seen you like this"

In all her life, the young Commander had never been called cute, especially since she was the one using that word, so hearing it from the one next to her felt weird. She would never admit it, but deep down, the compliment had made her happy and her heart beat a little faster.

" that's good ! I'll get us a drink !"

Wanting to change the subject, Luna still stood up under the giggles of the beautiful young blonde woman to get two glasses of cider. Alayna was playing it smart but her heart was also pounding and her hands were shaking. The two young women were alone at their table and as the Commander sat back down, she handed the young human a glass.

"Here's some cider, I think you'll like it."

"Is it strong ? I've never tasted alcohol in my life."

Luna looked at Alayna with round eyes, not sure what she had just heard. At that moment, an evil idea crossed her mind as she answered as innocently as she could.

"Uh, no, it's not too much, try it and see !"

The young human looked at the contents of her glass before smelling it and finally taking a large sip of the cider. Suddenly her face turned red as she pouted having realized she had been tricked. Alayna coughed slightly as she tried to hit Luna from where she was.

"You liar ! It's very good but it's super strong !"

"Pffhaha~ you were adorable, it almost looked like you were going to pout ! Who is cute now ? haha~"

"You !"

The two laughed as if they were alone in their world, while the party was in full swing around them. Luna was back to her teasing self and Alayna was blushing hard from the words of the one in front of her and the alcohol. This was the first time for her as she had never been allowed to taste it and had no interest in it when she was in the castle anyway.

Her pink cheeks were now red and in order to get over the embarrassment, the young woman drank the rest of her drink in one gulp.

"Well ?"

Luna, who had seen the scene, swung her panther tail from side to side with sparkling eyes. She loved cider and was looking forward to getting more detailed feedback from the one she was with. As the former princess set the glass down on the wooden table with a thud, golden strands fell across her flushed face that looked hot.

"Cough cough ! That...that was really good ! But I feel...weird now. Please my little Luna I've been looking all over for, can you get me some more *hic* a drink ?"

"Huh ? Little Luna...I've been looking all over for ?"

The Commander had never seen Alayna act like this and by the time she understood what was happening, it was already too late. The girl continued to speak and her tongue seemed to have miraculously loosened.

"Yes ! I looked for you everywhere you know ? Every night *hic* yes every night I thought of you ! I dreamed of finding you and hugging you ! N-*hic* now that you're here I'm not going to leave you hihi~..."

Alayna wasn't holding her liquor at all and was starting to spill her secrets.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]


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