The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 110 Eve Of The First Elysium Empire Festival

-- POV General --

While the two rulers of the Kingdom of Zal were planning their project with fear in their hearts, the one they feared was preparing the first festival of her Empire.

The day before, Freya had held a meeting with the most important members of Elysium to reveal the truth about her existence. Immediately afterwards, she met with the new people working in the mansion, of whom there were 50. The Empress had decided to meet them earlier than all the others since they were now employed at the place where she lived.

Lia and Triss who represented the butlers now had 30 people in charge of the various tasks of the mansion. 20 were women in maid or butler's uniforms who were responsible for general maintenance and 5 had volunteered to maintain the two gardens at the front and back of the Imperial estate. Irrena, the head cook, also now had 5 other cooks to help her in addition to the ones she already had and the workload for each of them had become lighter.

Little by little, the manor became more and more alive and everyone was happy with their new life. The meeting with the Empress had been an extremely important moment for the newcomers and many had fainted in Freya's presence. The revelation of her face, aura, beauty and her presence had left them all marked for life and they had pledged their allegiance to the Empress like all the others before them with passionate faces and eyes.

The 50 newcomers had also officially met the Queen and Princess that day, whom they all found as beautiful and cute as they were kind. If Freya had given them the impression of an Empress, cold but fair, terrifying and powerful, unattainable and gorgeous, Gaya had shown herself to be gentle, considerate, wise and dignified. The new employees had marveled at this Queen who was almost as beautiful as her wife and this little Princess who had melted their hearts.


The day after her revelations and introductions, the she-wolf was in the meeting room of the mansion, surrounded by her wife, daughter, Commanders and section Leaders. Everyone was now aware of the project concerning the festival and had been working on organizing it to make it memorable for a few hours now. The meeting was coming to an end as Lia summarized what had been said.

"The decisions that have been made regarding the first Empire Festival in the large central square of the city are as follows. Taegen and his team, along with Commander Persea, will take care of the decorations. For the meal, the farmers and all the cooks of the Empire will get together to take care of it without drawing too much from the stocks. The builders will have to build wooden tables, chairs, a platform and whatever else they deem useful for an event like this, just like Yuric and his men. Finally, everyone has the opportunity to prepare a small show for the occasion."

The meeting had been quite quick anyway as the others simply had to protect the citizens while enjoying the party. Noon had passed and before concluding they had to discuss the last question of the information. Freya had listened carefully to the half-human rabbit and nodded her head from time to time to show her approval. As everyone imprinted the information in their minds, the she-wolf spoke up.

"Good ! Before you take your leave, I'd like to discuss with you how we might relay the information in the Empire. The number of citizens is growing and we can't use word of mouth much longer. You're still busy dealing with new arrivals who haven't had time to be distributed before the war so we'd have to find an effective way."

The Empress wanted to develop her Empire in the best way so as not to be overwhelmed in the future and see worries appear that could have been avoided. It was therefore necessary to create the first newspaper of the Empire for the festival but also afterwards. While everyone listened attentively, Freya continued.

"I have decided to create the very first newspaper of Elysium to inform the population about important events. Of course, it will become more diverse as time goes on, but let's start slowly but surely. To this end, I am announcing the creation of a new position : Chief of Communications, which is available immediately. Does anyone have any suggestions ?"

In the room, the people present were thinking while the she-wolf waited. Gaya was silent, not wanting to intervene to let the others speak and give their ideas. As for Shiro, she was not listening at all and was lying on the floor playing with her doll, being as discreet as possible. Sometimes, her little adorable laughs echoed in the room, making everyone smile with innocence and tenderness.

While everyone was lost in thought, Kira's voice echoed in everyone's mind. Now that they all knew of her existence, there was no reason for Freya to hide her.

[It may be silly, but I was thinking about that elf named Erkas that we met at the same time as Alayna and Vig. I don't know why, but I could see him taking that job. He dares to say what he thinks, he is sincere and above all fair, so I think it is a good choice to choose him if he accepts]

At her words, the faces of the Commanders and section Leaders froze in shock. It was still a bit hard and strange for them to assimilate the fact that the Empress' little sister had been with her from the beginning. So it was logical that she had seen exactly the same moments as her, but for most of them, it was still pretty crazy. Obviously Kira knew about Erkas and as Freya nodded her head, Luna spoke up.

"I think the idea of Kira-sa...Kira is absolutely not bad. Your Highness, you've only met him once, but I know him a bit now and I'm sure he would agree. Besides, what Kira has assumed about his personality is quite right and he would indeed be the best candidate in my eyes. His whole family might even happily agree to help him, without obviously counting the kids who are at school with Viana and her team."

No one in the room had a better choice and since the recommendation came directly from the Empress' little sister, the others had confidence. Luna had also supported the idea so Freya could only happily agree.

"Perfect ! Commander Luna, I charge you to propose and accept if the adults in his family want to join him. I want a return by the end of the day, the festival starts tomorrow night, we need to be responsive ! If Erkas agrees, bring him directly to my office so we can set everything up."

"It will be done your Highness !"

Then turning to everyone, the she-wolf announced the end of the meeting.

"You all know what you have to do, I'm counting on you to help each other if your schedule allows it, to make this first festival a success ! If there is any problem, don't hesitate to contact me or my wife and her team who will be happy to help you as Chief of management. You may leave but I would like the Commanders to stay with me for a moment."

"Alright your Highness !"

As the section Leaders left the meeting room, only the Commanders, Gaya, Shiro, Lia and Triss remained. Just as Freya was about to speak, the little Princess' belly decided otherwise and began to growl loudly. Shiro who was now next to the she-wolf, blushed and hid behind her, much too embarrassed. While everyone was looking at her with a smile, the words she said afterwards finished to finish the heart of both her mothers and her aunt.

"This...this isn't me, this is my...bebelly.."


Her tongue had forked in an absolutely adorable way and her swollen, red face could make anyone crack up. As for Kira, she forced herself to remain silent even though the heart she didn't have was worshipping little Shiro for her deadly cuteness.

While she was still hiding behind Freya's chair, Gaya stood up to hug her tenderly.

"It seems our little Princess is hungry. Please excuse us, I won't stay any longer."

The Queen had spoken with a soft voice and as she smiled warmly as usual, the 10 Commanders stood up to bow immediately.

"Queen Gaya, don't apologize, the Princess is more important ! May you have an excellent afternoon !"

"I wish you all the same."

The dragoness, in the eyes of the others, always gave a totally different image than the she-wolf. She had a more maternal side, more soothing but still with that aura that inspired respect and her presence worthy of the Queen she was. The Empress embraced her wife and daughter before seeing them off followed by Triss who was working with Gaya or taking care of Shiro. As the three of them walked out of the room, the little voice of the Princess was heard.

"Mom Gaya I'm a little hungry it's true but..but it wasn't me ! I can't get Mister Belly to shut up even when I talk to him..."

"Yes sweetheart, so how about feeding Mister Belly if that prankster doesn't listen ?"

"Mmh ! But, I hope I didn't bother mom and aunty..."

"I'm sure you didn't my baby."

The little moon of the Empire had whispered, but what she didn't know was that everyone else had heard it. So the Queen and Princess followed by Triss left the room, leaving the others inside completely elsewhere. The Empress hid her mouth with her hand and smiled furiously while Kira did her best not to express her adoration for her little niece loudly and hysterically.

" so.."

Regaining her senses quickly, the mother of the adorable little Princess coughed to get back to the topic she wanted to discuss. The Commanders all had tender faces before returning to a serious expression as Freya spoke.

"For starters, I'd like to know where Vig and Alayna are. I haven't had a chance to go over this with you yet and it seems to me that they are now in the care of the army am I right ?"

Unsurprisingly, it was again Luna's turn to speak as she was the closest person to the young human woman and her friend.

"That's right. They are there as soldiers and fit in very well among their comrades and no one rejects them for being humans. The words you said in the battle still resonate in their hearts and everyone acts with respect and kindness your Highness. I am personally in charge of Alayna's training, which consists of making her physically stronger and developing her strategic mind. For Vig, Commander Emilia is in charge, he is not very talkative but his presence and level is enough to make the soldiers rise faster."

Everything was going very well and integration for the only two humans in Elysium was not a problem. The citizens themselves now knew about them and after hearing the many soldiers tell their stories, no one was discriminating against them. It was almost too good to be true, but one should not forget that the atmosphere of the Empire, the protection and the words of the Empress were enough to make this atmosphere possible.

"Well, perfect ! If I asked you to wait a little longer, it's because the next few months or even weeks are likely to be eventful. As you know, the young Alayna is the Princess of Zal, although she has renounced this title. It is only a matter of time before her father the King discovers that she is here."

[Also, two expeditions of humans have died in the forest and the famous Supreme may be sending us a whole army as well. If we are to believe what the adventurers and mercenaries say, we must still have some time, but we must prepare as soon as possible !]

What Freya and Kira had said was true and even if they didn't know the Dark Forest was already being targeted, it wasn't hard to predict. As the still silent Commanders realized that the fight was becoming more and more difficult, the Empress rose from her ice seat before speaking again.

​ "Today and tomorrow focus on the festival and above all enjoy it. Eat, drink, laugh, and have a good time with the people you love because the next day we will be exploring."

"The whole...the whole army your Highness ?"

Persea had raised her voice along with her hand as she could hardly see the entire army moving quietly through the forest.

"No, only you will come with me accompanied by your Lieutenants. There will be 18 of us, which is more than enough. What I would like to do is to make you all pass level 30 to see if it is possible for you too to evolve and make sure that your Lieutenants pass at least level 20."

Freya wanted to take care of the evolution of her strongest fighters in order to put the maximum chance on their side. She knew that the next time they encountered hostile humans, it would be for a much bigger war than the previous ones. The Empire of Elysium didn't have as many soldiers as the Kingdom of Zal, but her Empress had a system and she wanted to take advantage of it.

"I will personally take care of all of you and I hope that you will all become powerful enough to make the enemy tremble and be worthy of wearing your titles as Chaos Commanders !"

"We will be your Highness !"

As they stood up, the female warriors had a new gleam shining in their eyes at the thought of possessing a new force and being taken over by the Empress herself. The 10 half-human women now had every intention of spending the festival with someone they cared about before giving their all to their quest for power.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance : 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence : 500

Charisma : 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 439 (+50)

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]


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