The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 105 Wings And Smiles In The Dawn

-- POV Freya --

A new day began as I slowly woke up in the big bed in our room. Gaya was sleeping on my right and between us was Shiro who had come to sleep with us. There were a few nights when I heard her fussing in her bed, sniffling and shaking and each time, I sat next to her to calm her down. Last night, my little moon had knocked on the door of our room with her little pillow, dressed in her little robe to ask us shyly if she could sleep with us. So it was natural that I woke up next to her too.

Shiro was sucking her thumb and sleeping peacefully against my wife who was unconsciously hugging her. This scene was absolutely adorable and I couldn't help but look at them and smile. The sun was starting to rise, I could hear birds singing as I vowed once again to protect them. The atmosphere was soothing, serene and I was enjoying every moment even though I was the only one awake because today there were many things planned.

Yesterday at the end of the afternoon, before getting out of the bath with Gaya, I had made an ice mask that I had kept until the night. I didn't meet anyone and I didn't leave our private floor, taking care of my wife and daughter until things calmed down. Gaya and I had come to the conclusion that I could not continue to walk around with a mask on all the time. My Queen was strongly opposed to this and I knew that she was also saying this to be able to admire me.

So, after this serious discussion before going to sleep, I had made a big decision. It was finally time for me to reveal to those closest to me what I really was. I couldn't hide it any longer and the changes on my face were a perfect opportunity. So I planned to gather the Commanders, Lieutenants and section Leaders to explain my unique race. Of course I wasn't going to explain everything, but I wanted them all to understand how different I was.

*I would mention the Goddess Titania system as they are also involved and I would obviously talk about Kira. However, I would not talk about my previous life. I wouldn't lie, I need to tell them enough for them to understand but not confuse them too much*

I was also planning today to meet all the new members of the mansion that I didn't know because it was still the place where I lived. The other employees who were already working would also be invited so that they would get to know my face in order to avoid any new worries. For all the other newcomers, it was planned that they would present themselves at the Empire festival that I was also to organize.

*I didn't think about it either, but just before the festival, we have to launch our currency and start opening shops. Sigh, after a slow day, here we go again !*

Being an Empress was not easy, there was a lot of good stuff but there were times when it was hard work. Despite this, I never once regretted the path I had taken and the role I had chosen to take on. I didn't know how far we would all go together, but I believed in my heart that our story was just beginning. I got up slowly, wearing my black bathrobe, and I went, as I do every morning, to the balcony facing the sea.

*I wonder if Triss and Lia are well*

I hadn't seen them since yesterday, but they were supposed to be at the first meeting. While I was alone breathing the sea air, I decided to take out my ice wings to practice taking them out as fast as possible while waiting for my family to wake up. Closing my eyes, I replayed the sensations of my afternoon training in detail in my mind. I had to remember every single thing, everything I had felt, the effect of the wings unfolding on my back, their shape and condense everything.

*The help of the system would have been welcome. Sigh, a real mystery*

Contrary to what Kira thought, during my first flight session I had not received any skill capable of making them appear directly. The only solution left in my eyes was that I had to master them perfectly just like flying. With this in mind, I concentrated on getting perfect control, not over the ice, but over my wings.

*Yosh, I have everything in mind*

In a gust of wind, the same wings appeared in my back, shaking the furniture. They were always so beautiful, graceful, majestic and only one desire crossed my mind, to fly over the sea while watching the sun rise. My little sister was still not back but I couldn't resist this urge, as if the sky itself was calling me.

*I can relax a bit before a huge stressful day, Kira won't mind will she ?*

She was probably going to sulk but it didn't matter, my wings weren't going to disappear. Still on the balcony, I dropped my bathrobe to put on a pair of pants and a simple white T-shirt. I was barefoot but for what I was about to do, no shoes were necessary.

*To me the sky*

Jumping on the thick stone railing that separated the balcony from the void, I began to observe the horizon to prepare myself mentally. At that moment, I probably looked like a gargoyle with my horns, my wings, crouched on the stone with my hands between my legs. Shaking my head to get rid of this strange idea, I spread my wings to prepare myself to dive. As I was about to jump into the void, in the room a movement imperceptible to the others but not to me drew my attention. Turning my head, I could see my little moon straightened on the bed looking at me with wide eyes.

"Mo...mommy ?"

Shiro rubbed her eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing while her thumb was still in her mouth. Her awake face mixed with that look of surprise made her face extremely cute as I finally saw her move. My little moon was crawling on all fours on the big bed to lower it before running towards me with her little feet. In her hand was the little doll that had never left her since she was a little girl and had been repaired and embellished by Taegen who handled the fabric like a god.

"Mommy Mommy !"

My daughter whispered so as not to wake my wife while I saw her coming with sparkling eyes and a big smile up to her ears. Shiro unlike usual, had two pigtails hanging on each side of her head as she had asked Gaya to style her hair that way. As she ran towards me, these two pigtails were swinging from right to left as well as her soft white tail. The scene was way too adorable and as I stepped off the railing, I couldn't help but smile brightly.

* "Now that I've witnessed this, I can die in peace anytime". That's what Kira would probably say kufufu~*

As I giggled, my little sister's voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

[Exactly ! Long live our little Shiro ! Oh Great Goddess of cuteness pfffhaha~]

Kira had appeared out of nowhere and was already starting to joke around as usual. As Shiro reached my height and I hugged her, the two of them were already starting to ask me a lot of questions.

"Mommy ! Are you a...bird ? Can you fly now ? Can I try ?"

[Onee-san ! Did you really intend to fly without me ?]

I didn't know who to answer first and while I laughed while hugging my daughter tightly, I activated the telepathy between Kira and Shiro. I didn't need to tell them anymore as I had been doing it automatically for a while now when we were with family.

"Haha~ For starters hello to both of you"

"Oh..yes sorry..morning mommy, hello aunty Kira"

[Um excuse me..hello onee-san, little Shiro]

My daughter and little sister were all embarrassed but I could see Shiro forgetting that feeling pretty quickly as she looked at my wings with big eyes. She hugged her doll tightly and touched them with her little hands while I answered them.

"Kira, I had an idea to practice a little and I didn't know when you would be back. Now that you're here it's not a worry anymore, is it ?"

[Mmpf, I guess not. But remember, I have my eye on you onee-san !]

"Hai hai~ I won't forget little sister fufu~"

Turning to my little moon this time, I kissed her forehead, stroking her cheek tenderly as she closed her eyes almost purring.

"Sweetie, I'm not a bird haha~ but now I can fly yes, would you like to come with us ?"

I had hardly finished my sentence when Shiro was already waving her mouth wide open and her little purple eyes sparkling. She stared at me without saying anything because she seemed to need time to be sure of what I had just said. Still looking into my eyes, my little moon was finally speaking.

"Is it true ? Can I really ? Am I allowed to ? Is it true ?"

Still smiling big, I nodded silently as she hugged me tightly in her little arms.

"Thank you ! Thank you so much mommy, you are the most awesome and kind !!!"

[What about me ?]

"Aunty don't be jealous hihi~ you are awesome too !"

[Good pffhaha~]

I loved mornings like this, sweet, happy, cute, calm and most of all close to my family. Still carrying Shiro in my arms, I would lift her up slightly to stroke her hair and give her my instructions.

"My little moon, we won't do this for long. If you feel scared, vertigo or want to stop you have to tell me right away okay ? It might scare you a little bit but I won't let you go you have my word"

"It's okay mommy, I'll close my eyes if I get a little scared at first !"

Again, Shiro was taking that serious look that made her so cracking as she puffed her chest out. I hadn't planned on going for very long but seeing her enthusiasm made me want to make her experience unforgettable.

"Good ! In that case let's go !"

As I was about to jump the railing with my daughter in my arms, a soft voice came from behind us from the glass door of the room.

"Did you all forget about me haha~?"

Gaya was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, looking at us with an amused but absolutely unsurprised look at the sight of my wings.

[Hello Gaya]

"Mom Gaya hello ! Did you see ? Mommy has blue wings like the sky ! She was going to take me flying hihi~"

"Yes I saw sweetheart, that's great !"

Shiro still excited was talking very fast and making big gestures with bright eyes as if they had seen a treasure. They were quite different from when I first met her. That day her eyes were dead, empty, unhappy and today to see them full of life, dreams and love made me so happy.

My wife bent down to kiss our daughter on the cheek before looking up to kiss me back. I whispered a soft hello to her as she stepped back a few feet to answer us.

"Allow me to join you hehe~"

As she spoke this sentence, two large crimson wings came out of her back extending their full length. They were the same size as mine but a red like her hair as flaming and majestic as the sun. On these wings there were no scales and they reminded me a little of bat wings.

" too mom Gaya ? Wait...yes it's true you are a dragon..but that's great ! Say mommy, can we all fly together ? Pleeaase..."

Shiro looked at me with pleading eyes as I gently pinched her nose as I answered her.

"Of course sweetie, it's even better this way, isn't it ?"

"Mmh yes ! Hihi~ stop it mommy !"

I tenderly teased my little moon by tickling her nose with mine and as her laughter echoed on the balcony I looked up to see if my wife was okay with taking Shiro.

"My love you..."

Gaya was no longer there. The place where she stood was empty and as I turned around her voice rose above us.

"So are you coming ? I'm waiting for you haha~"

My wife was gracefully flapping her wings above the mansion and a teasing, playful smile appeared on her face. Our daughter was looking at her with admiration and started to rush me with envy and excitement. Kira who seemed to be in as much of a hurry as she was, couldn't help but do the same either.

"Mommy mommy let's go !"

[Yeah the longer you wait the less time we have ! Aaarg I can't wait anymore !]

Shiro was adorable and so was Kira even if she would never agree to hear it. Without further ado, I held my little moon tightly in my arms so she wouldn't fall and jumped back on the railing.

"Look straight ahead okay sweetie ?"

"Mmh promise !"

Just below our feet was the void, the cliff and then the sea. The wind was blowing gently and on the horizon the sun was rising in a fairy light, warm and comforting. I was still holding my daughter in my arms and as I lowered my head to her to see her inimitable smile, I kissed her little pink cheek one last time.

"Do you trust me ?"

"Mmh ! More than anyone else mommy..."

Shiro responded by returning my kiss before snuggling further into my embrace. Her little hands trembled slightly and gripped my shirt tightly as I got ready. With this proof of confidence that was worth all the gold in the world, I spread my wings before jumping in the void to discover the sky.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years / Mentally : 25 years

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance : 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence : 500

Charisma : 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]


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