The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 102 Surprise And Changes II

-- POV Freya --

In my back, two identical and majestic ice wings had formed. I had imagined them to be large, light and at the same time powerful, so that they could carry me up into the sky. They must have been about 2 meters long and even though they were immobile for the moment, these wings could envelop me completely by their size. My new creation had long ice feathers of a pure blue almost transparent. What struck me immediately was that the feathers were smooth but also looked like scales.

Finally it was hard to determine if my wings were those of a bird or a demon. Above the wings and feathers, where they were supposed to unfold, there was a horn on each of them making them more terrifying. My long black hair fell between these two wings and the contrast made me look more like a fallen angel.


Now that I had succeeded, one thing was certain: the more time passed, the more I felt capable of doing anything. My limitless system was making me more and more powerful, making me unique, formidable and constantly evolving. While I was admiring my wings, a thought was running through my head.

*Mmh I thought I would unlock a skill this way*

[Maybe if you try to fly ? So far you've only created a "thing" that is no different than any other in the eyes of the system. To get there I think you need to find a use for your creation. For the moment these wings are only decoration, but if you manage to fly you should get a message from the system]

Until now my wings had remained immobile and the first step was to make them move. Closing my eyes, I concentrated again as I imagined them as an extension of my own body. Again I used all my senses to become one with my creation as the mana in me surged. The more I concentrated, the more I felt a strange connection between the ice and my body. Just by imagining them in motion, I began to feel them moving in my back.

*It''s special because I know they're there, I can't look at them and I can't really feel them but these wings are part of me*

The feeling was more than strange. It was like being aware of something, controlling it but not feeling that part of the body was asleep. These wings were not real members of my body, which explained this feeling. As I finally opened my eyes, at the same time my wings opened to their full length and size. At that moment, a great gust of wind came from this single movement and turned the dust of the ground.

[They look powerful, will you try to fly ?]

*Yes, I'll try even if I don't think I'll succeed right away*

This feeling was new to me, not to mention the fact that I had never owned wings until today. Moving them slowly, I folded them towards me to touch them. I wanted to get to know them in detail before embarking on a potentially dangerous aerial exercise. So my fingers ran over the ice and to the touch these light blue wings were neither hot nor cold.

*That's interesting. Unlike my attack and defense creations, this ice I create with ambient mana has no temperature*

[Didn't you already notice that ?]

*Yes, but I never really took the time to think about it*

[Well, I think that's because this ice doesn't come directly from your body but from the environment. Your whole being is born from ice and chaos which explains your skills playing on the temperature as well as your "Natural aura of the ice Empress" skill]

*Mmh I see. If it's not from my body then this ice is nothing more than an element without temperature...*

As I answered Kira, my mind was working in the background to try flying for the first time. My wings began to flap slowly and then more and more rapidly, turning the earth over in clouds of dust. I could feel my feet lift off the ground as I experienced this for the first time. The muffled sounds of flapping wings could be heard on the training ground as I climbed carefully in a straight line into the sky. I moved slowly, very slowly, meter by meter as I concentrated on not falling.

[Wow you almost got it right the first time, that's perfect keep going !]

I felt like a baby taking her first steps and my little sister's words made me smile. I was making a lot of noise but it was due to my inexperience and by the time I reached 10 meters high I had already started to get used to it. My wings were now stirring the air keeping me still in the sky as I spoke.

*It's quite difficult at first but my mind manages to keep up without getting too tired. With practice I should be able to do it without thinking*

[Tsk cheater haha~ That said it's true that it's pretty impressive, you'd have to master the move now]

Kira was right, it was good to be able to go up in the sky but if I found myself unable to move, it was of little use. The theory was acquired, the idea was clear in my head but what about the practice ? I had no idea how to do it. However, I saw it as a challenge, a wall that I had to learn to cross alone and needless to say that this thought excited me.

*Let's practice !*


I had been practicing my flying for several hours now. No one had come in yet, so I had been able to spend my afternoon concentrating.

*Let's see the result*

I was above the training ground but this time much higher than my first attempt. I could see the entire Empire beneath my feet and after fighting off an unexpected vertigo, I could stand with dignity in the sky. My wings flapped more quietly to keep me still and as I felt a gust of wind, I suddenly closed them to dive head first to the ground.

[Don't miss onee-san, your fall could very well destroy the manor]

Kira warned me but I didn't listen, I fell at an impressive speed and as the ground was getting dangerously close, my wings suddenly opened. With this one movement, I was rising thanks to the draughts before flapping my wings to accelerate. I was carried by the wind and the power of my flapping, flying through the air, free and in my world. My wings still made a little noise but I was so fast that I didn't even notice.

*It's incredible ! Kira look, we are flying !*

In front of my little sister I couldn't contain my excitement, I had practiced for hours and the result was amazing. I was flying in the skies as if no one could stop me and the sky was no longer a limit. When I was human, a fantasy like that was impossible and even when I came to this world I thought so. Today I had beautiful wings on my back making me twirl and flutter, the result of my hard and rigorous training.

[Yes you did it !]

I could hear Kira's voice sounding just as excited as I was as I gently landed on the ground. I wanted to fly for hours and hours more, unfortunately I had to finish my checks. I shouldn't be late either because I had planned to join Gaya and Shiro.

[Eh ? Why did you stop ?]

At that moment my little sister's voice seemed to sulk as I made my wings disappear. As they were gone, I couldn't help but chuckle before answering her.

*Haha~ I'll have plenty of time to try later, don't worry. I spent all afternoon training, so I have to take care of the rest*

[Mmh I know...I opened the last notifications for you to check by the way]


I was going to stand against one of the trees going around the field to rest and learn more about a skill I was very intrigued by.

[ Congratulations ! You have unlocked the skill : Master of Souls (lvl 1) ]

[ A soul counter has been added to your status - souls 2/3 ]

[ You now have the possibility to use them and increase your possibilities. It's up to you to discover the many uses of this skill. Good luck ! ]

Thanks to my Chaos element, which had reached level 5, I could now absorb living beings. Last night I had tried this new possibility by absorbing the twins June and May. From this action came this new skill called "Master of Souls" which was unknown to me.

*Are there any details about this skill ?*

[Yes, as always, but they won't necessarily be of much help.]

As Kira spoke these words, the skill window opened.

[ Master of Souls - a skill that allows you to store souls, the number increasing with level. The souls of those you absorb are kept intact in a timeless place waiting for you to release them. Find a living or dead body to release a soul. At that time they will automatically enter your system ]

I read the words before my eyes and was silent. I didn't expect this at all and even though I didn't have all the answers, I was speechless again. I was obviously thinking about the twins but the first thing I said was not about them.

* think I could get you out with...this skill ?*

My voice trembled slightly and my heart started to beat furiously at the thought. My little sister, who had been silent as well, answered me with the same trembling voice.

[I... you'll have to find a way to transfer me to this space but I think... yes, it's possible]

As I heard her pronounce this sentence, an immense happiness invaded me. Indeed Kira did not appear in the count of the souls that I had but this news was enough. I was getting closer and closer to the solution and I felt that I could keep my promise. I didn't know what to say anymore, I was happy but mostly relieved for Kira who must have been too.

*Little sister ! We are almost there !*

At that moment I wanted to hug her but I couldn't do it, I swore to myself that I would do it the day I was waiting for.

[Y..yes onee-san...I...]

As I thought, Kira who was usually excited, teasing and playful in nature was now calm, shy and emotional. Her voice was softer than usual and I could already imagine her face would have been adorable at that moment.

After a few minutes of silence during which we did not speak but we understood each other, I finally spoke. I knew that Kira was much too shy about this and preferred to move on while she recovered from the information. We had plenty of time to talk about it afterwards anyway.

*Um, so uh...if I understand what it says, June and May are still alive. They are probably like sleeping souls and don't have a body shell anymore*

[Y..yes, that's right. So logically they could be reborn as any species you choose]

*Interesting...but for the moment I don't have anything at hand, so it's impossible to free them. I don't want to damage their souls when they come out either, so I have to be very careful*

This new skill was a surprise, when I saw it appear in my system I thought it was a basic counter. I thought that these souls would give me EXP but in the end this skill was much more practical. Something also told me that I hadn't discovered all the possibilities but that would come with leveling up.

[You don't seem to be against having them here at all, onee-san. I thought you would think a little more about it since they were human]

*Well, I don't mind. If it had been John and Sarah I wouldn't have even considered it but I think the twins deserve another chance. I happen to be able to give it to them and I would gladly show them what they have been missing in their human lives*

That night, when they had shown signs of sincere regret, I had agreed to kill them painlessly. I had not given up on killing them because June and May had still come to capture and probably kill my people. The fact that I could offer them a second chance was totally fair because they had already paid for their sins. A new life would soon be available for these twins.

[Mmh I agree. Finally June and May will have experienced something a bit similar to you when you came to this world]

*That's true. Anyway I'm satisfied because today we learned a lot of positive things !*

[Hihi~ yes]

I had learned to move my ice creations, I could now fly, Kira's liberation day was not far off, and the twins were still alive and ready to join my Empire. My afternoon dedicated to the system had been a real success and as I stood up, I couldn't help but smile.

[I think I'll leave you for a few hours, I suddenly feel exhausted by all this news]

*Sure, rest well Kira*

It was totally understandable after all that had happened. Walking slowly, I returned to the mansion to clean up before rejoining my family. As I opened the door carefully, the hurried faces of Lia and Triss suddenly appeared before me. With a sideways step, I dodged their heads that had missed hitting me in the chest while waiting to hear what they wanted to say.

"Your..your Highness, forgive us !"

The two half-human female butlers bowed before continuing as they finally looked up at me.

"We come to..."

My eyes dipped into theirs and suddenly something unexpected happened again. At that moment, their cheeks turned completely red as Lia fainted and Triss managed to murmur a few words before she also fell unconscious.

"Your...your face...a Goddess.."



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years / Mentally : 25 years

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance : 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence : 500

Charisma : 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]


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