The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 601: Dao Art; Space Style – Spatial Jump!

Chapter 601: Dao Art; Space Style – Spatial Jump!

[The Feng Shui Amour is zapping my Qi to restore the damages it just received and the Dragon tattoos are also taking their share to heal my physical body wounds]

Min Hong continued as his vision continued to blur even murkier; [It has only been two minutes since the spar began and I'm already this messed up; am I really going to lose this battle!?]

He asked himself as he drifted weakly through the air, heading straight for the dirt like a projectile

Meanwhile on the other sparring area involving Little Lin and Little Bing, things were not going all that easily for Little Lin as her opponent was able to match her on every front

It wasn't like Little Bing was in anyway close to Little Lin on all fronts, but it was simply because, Min Hong's base strength was still in the Nascent Soul and Awakening stage, and as a result, the amount of power within Little Lin he could manage to unseal was not even up to 25 percent of what she was capable of;

But on the other hand, Little Bing had one owner who is way past the Immortal stage in strength and also Shen Bing who was a 4 Star Immortal Stage expert, and that resulted in her having more than 75 percent of her capabilities unlocked

But despite all that, Little Bing still couldn't get any form of advantage over Little Lin, and at the moment, they were currently battling their hearts out

They have both been on several training missions to hone their Slaughter Dao;

They have  both had several spar in the past to train themselves; they have also both been used by Min Hong to battle; but this is the first time they would both be looking to really get one over the other


They both collided sending sparks flying all over the area whilst a massive ball of shockwave expanded outwards before exploding like a dynamite


Little Lin bolted for her opponent as the blood red runes on her body glowed brighter, and just as she got close to Little Bing, the latter also had her blood red runes glow brighter as a jjet stream of Death Qi burst towards her opponent

Little Lin saw the incoming stream of Black Qi and instantly halted mid-flight before her spirit floated out of the silver staff, followed by her weaving some mysterious hand seals and then bellowing;

"Master - Weapon synchronization; Soul Qi Heavenly Flood!"

The moment Little Lin initiated that technique, the entire dimension trembled slightly as hot, searing, pristine and holy Soul Qi burst out of nowhere and slammed into the incoming stream of Death Qi; Kaboom! Both streams of energies began to erode eachother as a loud hissing sound began to spread across the area, even getting to the Old Man Li duo who were also paying minimal attention to their battles



Little Lin and Little Bing were both yelling as they both pumped more energy into their attacks, and at one point, Little Bing's stream of Death Qi began to push back Little Lin's Soul Qi;

[Damn it Master's Daos are a in a much lower plane compared to that of the Ancient Princess]

[Furthermore, our synergy isn't strong enough for me to start tapping into his Daos, otherwise our link might be severed and his power would drop back to base form]

Little Lin thought to herself as the Death Qi began to push back the Soul Qi;

[Princess Bing's soul power is much stronger than Master Hong's and it is the same with their Daos, thus, this should be a win for me]

Little Bing thought to herself as she began to pump more power into her attacks causing Little Lin to show a frustrating frown;

[Tch If those idiots ever hear it, that an ordinary Diamond Tier Weapon was able to defeat me a Guardian Weapon, I will never be able to show my face of even speak in their midst without being ridiculed to death]

Little Lin thought of her colleagues on the Guardian Weapons Ranking as her frustration grew ever stronger;

[What would master do in this situation!?] She asked herself


Back at the sparring area;

Min Hong had managed to hold on for another minute, and only two minutes were left till the appointed time is exhausted, and Shen Bing herself was now going all out because just like Little Lin, she was feeling frustrated by the fact that she had yet to defeat Min Hong, and it would also be a massive ridicule if anyone was to hear that she; a whole Ancient Princess in the 4 Star immortal Stage, who was stronger on all fronts was unable to defeat Min Hong within 5 long minutes

She had even begin to show signs of exhaustion as her techniques were now getting more unique, powerful and mystical; but no matter how much damage Min Hong received, he would simply pick himself out of the dirt, heal in the blink of an eye and come back for another bout

Thus, their battle was currently skewing away from the context of 'who was stronger' and tilting towards 'who had more endurance', and with the way things were proceeding, the answer to that was getting more and more obscure by the minute


Shen Bing bolted towards Min Hong, sending the four Truth Seeker Orbs which transformed into a spear, sword, staff and axe towards Min Hong whilst expanding the scale of the tornado of wind blades which she then used to attack him from behind;

[Let's see how you will handle all of that simultaneously] She thought to herself as she looked towards Min Hong really intent on seeing how he was going to deal with the situation


Blood streamed out of Min Hong's left eye which turned silvery;

"Dao Art; Space Style Spatial Jump!"

He muttered as the space behind him rippled whilst more than a dozen spatial points rippled to life all around Shen Bing;

[Trying to escape the attack and appear in one of these to launch one of yours? Hmph, so nave] She thought to herself;

[What is he doing? Does he think the Truth Seeker Orbs could be so simple?] Little Wu thought to himself with a confused frown;

[The Truth Seeker Orbs is an object that transcends Space-Time; well, it might have little difficulty with Time, but it definitely transcends the Space Dao]

[Moreover, the Seeker within its name isn't just there to make the technique sound better]

He added whilst looking towards Old Man Li who for some strange reasons still looked unperturbed by the situation;


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