The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 593: Print of Ancient Saints!

Chapter 593: Print of Ancient Saints!

"That's wonderful master So, your opponents would only sense that you possess a 2 Star Immortal Stage prowess from your aura, but won't know the power of your attacks now rival a 3 Star Immortal Stage expert!"

Little Lin joyfully revealed her idea of the Feng Shui Amour's capabilities whilst Shen Bing finally began to pop out of the dirt

"Ouch, that stung quite a bit"

Shen Bing muttered with apparent agony written all over her face as one of the four black truth seeker orbs intuitively moved towards the back of her left ribcage where Min Hong's attack had previously landed;

Then just there, in his very presence, Min Hong saw the truth seeker orb began to radiate some sort of black light which landed on the injury, and with several popping and cracking sound, Min Hong saw the injury heal so flawlessly, that it seemed his opponent never received any form of damage in the first place

"Oh, that's pretty convenient"

Min Hong couldn't help but remark subconsciously after he witness the capabilities of the Truth Seeker Orb's ability to instantaneously and flawlessly heal Shen Bing's wound;


[I know; there are only three orbs in sight]

Min Hong replied Little Lin as he reflexively looked upward, responding to his senses which detected a fast approaching danger

But the moment he looked up, he only saw a black blur smash squarely into his chest;



Old Man Li and Little Wu watched Min Hong glide miserably through the air like a kite with a loose string as they shook his head;

"Losing focus during battle; that's the fastest way to court death" Little WU commented;

"I agree, but you also have to consider the fact that the truth seeker orb in itself is faster than a Nirvana Stage expert, and when you consider the fact that it was being powered by an expert at 4 Star Immortal Stage"

Old Man Li didn't need to finish his statement as he defended Min Hong's actions; Min Hong landed like a big sack of refuse as he tumbled head over heels, as his physical body threw up a mouthful of fresh blood

[Damn, that really hurt]

[Sorry master It was my fault; I should have responded quicker]

[No worries, this pain is still well within my scale of endurance] Min Hong discarded Little Lin's need for an apology because he wasn't even thinking of blaming her in any way;

Firstly, they haven't been on many battles together and as a result, it is understandable that there is little to no synchronization in their teamwork

Secondly; he really wanted to find out how much damage the truth seeker orb could inflict since he was a person who learns via 'A-priori Masochism'

[That truly hurts; I believe I can only take four more of these hits before I pass out]

Min Hong thought to himself as he looked towards Shen Bing who was now floating gracefully towards him with four fist sized black orbs revolving around her

"Oh... You can still move around after suffering such a hit?" Shen Bing muttered when she saw Min Hong flying out of the dirt;

[Though, truth seeker attacked with only 50 percent of its full power, that's still something outside the tolerance level of a 2 Star Immortal Stage expert] She thought to herself before looking over to him;

"Alright Time to strip you off your weapons" Shen Bing blurted as she pointed Little Bing towards Min Hong

Leaving a sonic boom behind, Little Bing darted towards Min Hong who nodded slightly before Little Lin darted towards her counterpart;

Everyone knew it was a means to strip Min Hong off his weapon, but there was little to nothing that could be done about it; after all, his opponent had also done away with her weapon

[Alright then; if you want one on one, I will give you one on one] Min Hong thought to himself as the runes on the vambraces he was wearing glowed with mysterious light

[Hmm, what are those?] Shen Bing mentally asked as she saw Min Hong's image blur slightly;

"Nice trick, but you will need to do much better than that if you are to stand a chance" Shen Bing muttered as one of the truth seeker orbs moved in front of her and expanded into a black shield;


Min Hong's 'Imperial Willow Fist' smashed into the shield, as he felt the familiar sensation of the 'Willow Leaf Palm' absorption move from the shield

Then in the net moment, a menacing vibe began to ripple out of the shield as his eyes turned snow white in an instant;


"Reflect!" The simultaneously called;



"Was he hit!?" Little Wu tightened his grip when he saw the space around the area Min Hong was previously standing shatter into bits

Old Man Li also squinted slightly, before relaxing his brows shortly after, and in that same moment Min Hong reappeared about 20 meters away from Shen Bing, blanching in fear as a tear of sweat trickled down the face of his physical body

He was at a seriously close proximity with the shield earlier and could sense the level of danger that was being reflected by the black shield;

[Dang If I really got hit by that attack, not only would I have lost, I might as well be left recuperating for months]

Min Hong thought to himself warily as he stared at the shield and three truth seeker orbs revolving around Shen Bing, but just as his mind strayed off target, he suddenly saw the corner of her lips curl upwards;


"Oh no!"

Min Hong blurted reflexively after hearing the sound of rushing winds; Kaboom! Min Hong saw himself flying miserable towards Shen Bing who was coming towards him with a menacing grin; as he saw one of the truth seeker orb wrap around her hands into a spiky glove;


He cursed mentally as he realized there was no way to evade the situation other than to face it head on which would result in a guaranteed loss for him

But the moment they were about to collide, Min Hong gave a reckless grin as the entire 'Realm of Creations' trembled aggressively, before bursting out with mind-bending amounts of soul power which gathered together into Min Hong's palm;

Then in less than a breath Min Hong's palm was teeming with insane amounts of Soul Force as he sent it hurtling towards the attack;

"Truth Seeker Fist!" Shen Bing bellowed;

"Print of Ancient Saints!" Min Hong countered as they both slammed into each other;



They slammed into one another as a soundless ripple spread out destructively, causing Old Man Li and Little Wu to solidify their balance, but following just behind that was an earth shattering explosion that carved out a ten meter deep bowl-shaped depression into the ground...

A powerful shockwave rippled out; blasting towards the Old Man Li duo, who released their auras and used it to defend themselves


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