The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 589: Alright I've Had Enough!

Chapter 589: Alright I've Had Enough!

But just as he was about to be lifted of balance, Little Lin abruptly came forward and erupted with her own powers as all the runes on her body began to turn blood red, causing the clouds overhead to turn blood red from the sheer Slaughter aura that was rippling out of her;

The upper torso of her spirit body popped out of the staff, as she stretched her hands towards the rippling winds and with a simple clench of her hand, everything became as still and quiet as a vacuum; it was almost like a massive flat board was placed over the windy environment

Shen Bing gasped as she was taken aback, whilst Little Lin simply looked to Min Hong behind her and gave him a nice wink

Min Hong looked on as the rest of the raging wind spun into a tornado that rested behind Shen Bing as the atmosphere once again trembled, then an aura and feeling of total silence reigned in the area

The clouds became grey as they gathered around like they were getting together to witness a melancholic ceremony;

Then just in the nick of time, the first drop fell out of them, and by the time the drop of rain fell on Min Hong, it began to mess with his emotion as he began to feel a deep sense of loss and grief, like someone very close to him just died

"That is the power of Essence Level Daos, Min Hong"

"Not only do they cause natural phenomena to occur, but they also begin to mess with their targets mind; affecting it before the battle really begins, and in the same vein ensuring that the target never battles to their full capacity"

Little Wu sent Min Hong some well needed heads up, and all it meant was that; standing within the range of an Essence Level Dao for too long is not healthy in any way for anybody 

Then Shen Bing's aura finally climbed to a standstill, viciously and evilly resting at the 4 Star Immortal Stage and finally, Min Hong saw the melancholic aura in the atmosphere begin to gather together around Shen Bing, and in the blink of an eye, a shadow was born;

"Little Wu, what is that?"

Min Hong asked out of shock; what just happened looked like what Cheng narrated about the creation of the Shadow walkers, but he still needed to be sure

"Oh, you can see it!?"

Little Wu was slightly bewildered as he looked to Min Hong with a curious frown;

"Naturally, no one should be able to see a shadow being, except if they have been able to tap into the one of the Laws, Daos or Rules that governs that parallel dimension"

"But since you have also comprehended the Death Dao, then it is not going to be impossible for you to sense the general area of their location in battle"

"But for you to actually see one, then it must either be that you possess the same level of the same Dao as the caster, or you have reached an even higher level of the Dao comprehension that the caster; and in your case, none of that is the case"

"But since you are able to see it, then it shall be categorized into one of your divine abilities or secret arts, which as their names suggests, must be kept secret" Little Wu added;

"But that right there; is the shadow of a Reaper; the Messengers of the God of Death..."

"These beings are born from the manipulating the emotions in the atmosphere, especially when it has a connection to one's Daos" Little Wu explained;

"Haven't you noticed yet that any feeling of melancholy or loss within you has vanished?"

He asked as Min Hong also began to sense everything in the area including himself, and just like Little Wu had explained, they were all gone;

"The first thing she did was to introduce the feeling of loss into our minds, and then our minds take over from there, growing that feeling through overthinking many memories, and once the level of that emotion has doubled, then she can recall it back, as well as the thoughts"

"Thus, the thoughts gives birth to a shadow, but the kind of shadow it gives birth to depends on the Dao that caused the emotion in the first place; ad in this case, it is loss of something special, which also translates to Death-"

"Thus, the birth of the Death Reaper shadow" Min Hong completed the sentence as he had just figured out the way to truly wield an Essence Level Daos;

"But how many shadows can one create?" Min Hong asked;

"It depends on the battle power realm of the expert in question" Little Wu responded;

'So, that means that in her case, the maximum amount of shadows she can create is three' Min Hong thought to himself as he came to a complete understanding of the situation;

'But where are the other two?'

It almost felt as if Min Hong jinxed the situation because the moment his thought ended the tornado that was whipping behind her earlier abruptly birthed a new shadow from within

It was almost like the shadow had been within the tornado all this while and simply decided to show forth at the exact same time Min Hong had that thought, and from the way everything happened, it also seemed like it was the shadow that was keeping the Wind Dao in the area on standby; ready to answer to Shen Bing's thoughts or feelings, automatically

'Wind Spirit What else?' Min Hong thought to himself as his eyes darted all over the battlefield

But on the other hand, Shen Bing was busy sneering at him;

'Only a fool will show all their trumps cards from the very start of the battle' She thought to herself with a ridiculing chuckle;

'But even if he had explained everything about Dao shadows to you, it is still beyond what you can comprehend within a short period'

'This is how God Realm experts are able to kill others with a simple snort or look, because that feeling of wanting you dead automatically spurs their Dao Shadows to action'

But whilst she was thinking about all that, little did she know that Liang the second shadow had been explaining the same thing to Min Hong, at his request

Shen Bing then grabbed Little Bing and spoke;

"Let's show these kids the difference between us and them"

She said as Little Bing also began to light up with several blood red runes, and then erupting with an equal level of Slaughter Dao as Little Lin, nullifying her control over the effects of Shen Bing's Wind Dao, as Min Hong began to feel pushed and tugged once again;

"Alright I've had enough of that" Min Hong blurted as ten thousand super O.P dragons roared within his mind


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