The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 571: Dao Release; Fusion Style – Planetary Extinction!

Chapter 571: Dao Release; Fusion Style – Planetary Extinction!

[Here it comes!]

All of a sudden, the Hybrid Demon began to make several hand seals;

[It's its final attack!] Daniel warned as Min Hong's forehead split open;

[So, you are going to use it after what you have said!?] Little Fei blurted in disappointment;

[I said unless it is necessary, and this looks very necessary!] Min Hong replied as he saw the Demon finally complete its hand seal gestures and bellow;

[Demon Art; Domain Style Self Destruct!]




The Min Hong trio including the Bloodline Ancestor all blurted in shock...

Min Hong suddenly began to feel everything trembles as he smacked his palm together, and instantly, all the Daos within his domain were triggered as his forehead split open, revealing the 'Eye Of Infinite Daos' which glowed brightly in all its glory;

[Dao Release; Infinite Style Oblivion]








Min Hong mentally triggered these Daos simultaneously and almost instantaneously as several orbs the size of a baseball began to appear out of the thin air one after the other;

One threw the entire atmosphere into utter disarray; another began to suck away all the light in the area;

One began to cause all the vegetation in the area to rot popped out as a troop of nearby ants all toppled over and died instantly;

Then a deafening thunder rumbled across the atmosphere almost deafening the Hybrid Demon as a lightning bolt ripped through space and descended before curling itself into a sphere that joined the rest of its comrades in revolving around the massive soccer sized ball of Oblivion-Primus Dao;


The sound of metal scrapping against metal resounded within the area as the Hybrid Demon finally felt its eardrums burst as purple colored blood began to seep out of it

All this took too long to write down, but Min Hong mentioned them one after the other and they answered to him instantaneously and followed his will according to the technique he had in mind

Then Min Hong sighed when he realized that the detonating demonic domain would soon break through his own domain, and once that happened, there would only be a massive explosion; one devastating enough to wipe out the entire tribe and all the building within it



The moment he mentioned the first essence level Dao his entire body jerked aggressively, as it seemed like he had paid an even greater sacrifice to forcefully use the Essence Level Dao as everything seemed to slow down to almost a standstill;

Then an orb which seemed to be phasing in and out of existence appeared and also began to revolve around the soccer sized orb; [Space!]


Min Hong threw up another mouthful of blood as he staggered three steps with a pale face as the space around his hand shattered before the spatial shards gathered together into a ball of silvery shimmery ball;



He fell to one knee as he vomited another mouthful of blood and at this moment, his face was almost devoid of any other color;

The Hybrid Demon watched on in fear and thought about doing something as he flashed over, but the rapid movement only happened in its mind, and that was because in reality, its first step had yet to even ascend, not to talk of descend or much more moving

The Time Dao in the area made every other thing asides Min Hong so slow that one could sleep and wake up before the hand of a clock can tick a second

Min Hong saw the Hybrid Demon's petrified expression and gave a weak but wicked grin; he had intentionally kept the Essence Level Daos for last because he knew if he had used them first, it wouldn't have given him the opportunity to finish his technique, and that was the reason why he triggered all those Law Level Daos as fast as he could

Thus, when it was time for him to start triggering the Essence Level Daos, he started with the Time Dao first to ensure that his attack becomes inevitable;

The Law Level Daos might have not frightened the Hybrid Demon, but triggering several Essence Level Daos simultaneously, even a 5 Star Immortal Stage expert would be worried



The Hybrid Demon began to feel its skin sear as an invisible orb flared to life, and though it couldn't be seen, but the ripple of the heat around it was very obvious;

But strangely, Min Hong didn't puke blood this time, and as a matter of fact, he didn't receive any sort of damage;

The backlash this time was even much more severe as he saw over hundred strands of his hair turn snow white and fall off;

[Tch Daniel, I hope it pleases you that he has now sacrificed 100 years of his lifespan!] Little Fei bellowed with raging fury;

[Tone it down, you wimpy lad, he wouldn't need to worry about that the moment he reaches the Immortal Stage!]

Daniel bellowed back, and this time, they weren't just bickering but truly furious at one another to the extent that Min Hong was sure that if they both had a body at this point, then they would have most definitely exchanged a few blows at this point

'Is this guy planning to kill himself He has already suffered this much internal damage, and still recklessly chose to use a technique that does an even greater damage to his body'

'It's like he has no regard for his life, and now, I really want to see this technique he is willing to die in exchange for' The Bloodline Ancestor thought to himself;

'But this level of recklessness reminds me of myself when I was still young, and hot-blooded'

'But even at that, I would have never wasted 100 years of my lifespan just like that'

Min Hong couldn't hear the Bloodline Ancestor and he had also tuned out the bickering Little Fei and Daniel out of his mind as he looked towards the Hybrid Monster and used the last of all his Dao;



Min Hong felt his consciousness ebb aggressively as he lost control of himself and plummeted to the ground, but he still managed to call out;

[Dao Release; Dao Fusion Style Planetary Extinction!]


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