The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 534: The Shadows [2]

Chapter 534: The Shadows [2]

"Even if you put me in the light, I will simply disperse into lingering thoughts  once again, drifting about until the others come over and simply use the thought gathering formation to bring me back" The shadow replied with a jeering tone of some sort;

"Alright Thanks for revealing your weakness"

Min Hong abruptly smiled as he waved his free hand and the space around his hands rippled and opened  before he then clenched his hands within the void braking open another pocket of space where he tossed the shadow and the flooded the little space with Chao Qi which he turned aggressive with a thought

The moment the shadow came into contact with the aggressive Chaos Qi, he realized the reason why Min Hong used the word weakness earlier as he began to scream his lungs out

It was like he was thrown into a container and then the container was then flooded with boiling concentrated acid

Min Hong sealed the space and approached the ground floor;

'He should be much more cooperative and willing to talk the next time we see'

Min Hong thought to himself before yawning once again with his eyes closed whilst muttering random nonsense like someone who was sleepwalking, as he stepped into the ground floor

The moment that happened he caught the shadow happening to jump into shadow of one of the vase lying just outside Yu Ming's door;

'Tch What is Cheng doing up there?'

'How could he let a human child escape his watch and not even notify me of his presence?'

The shadow thought to itself as he watched Min Hong saunter past him mumbling some random nonsense whilst walking erratically;

'Eh? Sleepwalking?'

'This is not a common sight?' The shadow chuckled to itself;

'Perhaps Cheng and gone in before the kid came out But thanks to that, now I can just place it on him instead'

The shadow thought to itself as Min Hong walked past, but just as he jumped out of the  shadow of the vase, Min Hong abruptly turned around, grabbed him by the neck, stunning the shadow speechless, before waving his sleeves as a spatial pocket opened up where the screams of another figure reverberated;

'Unh? Cheng?'

'Oh no! Don't tell me-'

The shadow blanched in fear when it saw its partner twitching and roiling within the spatial pocket, and it knew there and then that, that pocket of space was one place it must avoid being thrown into, as it tried to persuade Min Hong;

"Y-yo-young master, wait-"

"P-p-please let me talk first"

"I-i w-will do whatever you want Just please dooooonn't-"

Min Hong didn't even wait for it to finish its statement before plunging it straight into the pocket of space;

"Alright, that is his partner Now to take a quick nap before I get to work"

Min Hong muttered to himself as he placed a protective barrier over the entire house, before leaving for his room where two beauties had been waiting for him

He slipped into the bed, and the moment he did so, both ladies all of a sudden left their pillows and instead rested their heads on his chest, with Ki Ting caressing his chest whilst the Princess went for her property; His schlong

She simply placed her hand on it subconsciously and they both gave sweet smiles as the stunned Min Hong laughed at himself before placing his hands behind his head, as both ladies brought up the silk sheets to his chest level before snuggling with each half of his body before heading back to sleep

Few hours later, it was still dark but morning was fast approaching and it was exactly this time that most were in deep sleep, the point when everyone gets to the suspenseful parts of their dream

Then since people will always have a high level of reluctance to wake up, due to their desire to see how their dream ends, Min Hong decided that it was the perfect moment for him to torture someone without having to bother about being interrupted, and thus he slipped Ki Ting off him by planting a kiss onto her forehead

He got a moan and a sweet sleepy smile in response, but she showed no signs of waking up as she seemed to be having sweet dreams at the moment, the princess on the other hand had grabbed onto his shlong, blushing whilst asleep with a loving smile on her face causing Min Hong to wonder what she was dreaming about

But when he tried to leave and saw the way her grip on his schlong tightened, Min Hong was stunned speechless as an outrageous thought popped into his head;

'Wait Is she-?'

'No way I- but how could she-?'

Min Hong had many questions but couldn't complete anyone of them after realizing no one could give him a definitive answer, thus he flicked his wrists and took out a spirit fruit which looked like a cucumber;

But the moment the fruit got into her hands, the Princess' grip tightened as she moaned erotically from deep sleep and clenched her hand as a result of her dream;


The spirit fruit snapped as Dara bolted off the bed before breaking out in cold sweat;

'What in Huoyi's curly beards is going on with this lady!?'

Min Hong's brows twitched intensely as he looked at the unlucky spirit fruit and look down at his lucky groin before giving himself a  wise warning;

'I really need to be careful around her, whenever she's asleep'

He cringed at the thought of what might have happened if he was just about 5 seconds too late in swapping his schlong for his fruit

He then went into the bathroom, locked the door behind him, erected a defensive barrier, before he then waved his sleeves to reveal two shadows that were writhing and twitching in pain with agonizing screams; as he asked;

"Alright, I only need one of you to actually tell me all I need to know"

"So, which one of you is ready to talk?" Min Hong leisurely asked


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