The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 522: [Bonus Chapter]The Punishment System

Chapter 522: [Bonus Chapter]The Punishment System

"The frequency of your missions would as well be unprecedented coming between 1 3 days at most, and after every mission a period of 1 3 days of rest would be given to you before the next mission is assigned"

"One mission every three days at minimum and a mission every day at maximum!?"

"The timeframe of accepting your missions has also been decreased to one day, and if mission isn't accepted by then, the system would automatically deem it as a failed mission"

"What!?" Min Hong was finding everything to surreal;

"That is the first of the updated rules, regulations, terms and conditions"

"What is the second one?" Daniel asked;

"The system store would only be accessible to you for free once a day, and every other time the system store is to be accessed, it will cost you 10 percent of your previous mission's total rewards"

"Alright, this is outrageous!" Daniel was the next person to be tipped over the edge;

"Emotional Support System still hold hidden missions, and would also automatically grade if it has been failed or not"

"Is that the third or a warning?" Little Fei asked with a frown;

"That's a warning, Host"

"Alright let's hear the third?"

"A punishment system has also been set in place"

"What!?" Min Hong was so freaked out that his body twitched in real life shocking the Princess and Ki Ting;

"The punishment system would be graded on how bad Host fares in the missions"

"The least of this mission punishment is inability to cultivate for three days, and the maximum punishment would be for Host to lose an ability or have the details of a technique, martial art or a part of his memories locked up" Daisy revealed as Daniel, Little Fei and Min Hong went speechless for the first time;

"This is grim!"

"You think!?" Min Hong blurted back at Daniel;

"But I think everything being done here is for your benefits" Little Fei chipped in;

"Tch, how are any of these beneficial to me?" Min Hong asked;

"Because I believe the benefits for completing your missions would also be as good as its punishments when you fail them" Little Fei replied;

"Why do I feel like this rather interests you other than fearing for my safety?" Min Hong sneered;

"Alright, it can't get any worse can it?"

"What is the fourth?" Min Hong asked resigning to his fate;

"On one hand, all items in the store has now been unlocked and free to purchase-"

"-and on the other hand?"

Min Hong didn't have any good impression of the current daisy whatsoever;

"The prices of the items in the store has been tripled"

"Inflation too!?" Min Hong was already boiling with rage at this point;

"What else have you got that is hard, killing me!?" Min Hong was already losing his cool;

"I am detecting that your stress level is spiking"

"Would you like me to put you to temporary sleep?"

"What!?" This time around, it was the trio that was stunned;

"To preserve the efficiency and functionality of Host, the system would take some automatic measures to ensure that your body and system is always in the best condition POSSIBLE" Daisy stressed the last word for some mysterious reasons;

"Tch Just let's hear the last one"

"The duration of your mission of your missions is now half the previous norms, and every bonuses have been stripped as well; except-"

"Except what?"

"Except when you finish the mission before time, or you manage to complete the mission after the missions difficulty level has been increased"

"If it falls under one of the two categories, then your reward would be increased by 25 percent, but if it falls on both categories, then your reward would be increased by 50 percent"

"That's not as bad as the rest" Little Fei commented as Daniel and Min Hong looked at him strangely but refused to give comments of their own;

"Alright, Little Fei here believes that you must have benefits on the same level as the punishments you are ready to give me"

"So let's hear it" Min Hong was still frowning grumpily but there was little to nothing he can do

"Three of the five benefits of the current upgrade has been stated"

"Three?" Daniel was stunned;

"Where and when did that happen?" Min Hong blurted;

"The first being your time of rest The second being the availability of all items in system store, and finally, the new bonus system" Daisy responded;

"That's it!? Unbelievable!" Min Hong was in an extremely sour mood at this point;

"What are the remaining two benefits?" Little Fei asked when he sensed Min Hong was currently too pissed to speak;

"There is an availability of real-time diagnosis"

"What does that mean?"

"It means system can diagnose anything or any problem Host wants, at a specific fee of-course" Daisy responded;

"Due to the suddenness of my update and the discomfort it has brought to Host I would you like me to show you an example of what my diagnosis is all about"

"Would you like to use it?"

"If it's for free" Min Hong spoke whilst looking at the screen from the corner of his eyes;

"The lady named Ki Ting who is currently resting on you has been marked with a very ancient demonic brand known as the 'Haunted Mark'" Daisy revealed;

"What!?" The Min Hong trio were stunned as the image of Ki Ting got projected in front of Min Hong and the location of the seal;

"How did that happen and how do we get it off her?" Min Hong was deeply worried and scared; his fears has just been realized;

"I'm afraid that would have to cost you some cowries, and currently you have none"

"No way!"

"What happened to my previous balance!?"

If anyone could picture Min Hong at this point, they'd see a face that is molted red from sheer fury and a head billowing plumes of enraged smoke; Min Hong's level of anger has reached its threshold


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