The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 519: The Seventh Plane Of Existence

Chapter 519: The Seventh Plane Of Existence

The same thing happened with Huan Ji's mercenary group and it could also be noticed from the way he had begun to refuse to be kept in the dark about his life in terms of the 'great creator', Old Man Li and the 'Realm of Creations'

He had even went on to assert his dominance over Little Fei and Daniel, reducing them to nothing but a secondary role

But back within the Village of Sang

"Princess we have finished our search" The Puppy responded;

"Oh, what did you find?"

"I found the traces of a Hell-being in here" The kitten answered;

"Lin, you have the bloodline of the Primal Heavenly Cat, so there is no doubt about your extreme sensitivity to demonic auras"

"But Ling, as a hellhound, especially the one with the bloodline of the seventh protector of Hell, what have you discovered?" The Princess asked;

"There is something really strange and scary about this place, and whilst Lin over here was right, there is also a more sinister phenomena in play here" The Puppy replied with a somewhat fearful expression;

"What is it Ling?" The Princess asked;

"My Princess, the aura I sensed just now doesn't belong to our plane of existence" The Puppy replied;



The Princess and Tong Tian simultaneously exclaimed;

"Yes I have once been lucky to be impacted by my father's knowledge, and one of the things he explained to me was that, there are several plane of existence in this reality we find ourselves"

"Plane of Existence?"

The Princess' heart trembled for the first time, but Tong Tian on the other hand didn't even feel his spine tingle;

Perhaps it was because he had no idea about the topic of discussion or the gravity of the scenario, but he simply stood there, looking at the Puppy explain everything;

"Everything we know about, will ever know, and will never know is all contained in a single plane of existence"

"It is a realm that contains, every other realm, galaxies, dimensions, universe and multiverse known to man"

"This Realm of Creation; the one we are currently in, has its own Desolace, Heaven and Hell assigned to it"

"As there as many stars as the sand of the sea, so are there many  worlds but major and minor ones; but all of them are still uniquely associated with one plane of existence"

"Furthermore, these Planes of Existence are ranked in terms of power from the lowest which is the Ninth Plane of Existence to the First Plane of existence"

"Similarly are the hells, Heavens and Desolaces of these planes ranked; in the sense that the Fourth heaven, or Hell or Desolace is an entire realm weaker than the Third Heaven, Hell or Desolace"

"But the Hell-being I sensed just now isn't from our Hell but from another Hell that belongs to another Plane of Existence entirely" The Puppy explained;

"But how can you tell that these hell beings aren't from our own Plane of Existence?" The Princess asked;

"That is because the Dynamics, Rules and Regulations that govern each Plane of Existence is starkly unique and different from any other"

"For example, according to one of the ancient texts recorded by one of our first ancestors, he claimed to have come across the Ninth Plane of Existence and its Ninth Hell, and according to what was recorded, he claimed to have come across one Plane of Existence where its gravity works in reverse"

"Works in reverse?" Tong Tian was stunned;

"Yeah, it is a plane of existence where the ability to walk on the ground is just as mind blowing to them as flying through the air is to us"

"Exactly, but that is to the Ninth Hell and us, there is even a Plane of Existence where Air doesn't exist;"

"Thus no matter how similar we might look in appearance, there would be this unique and stark undeniable difference when one comes in contact with them, and that's exactly what I just felt between the aura I just identified and that of the ones within to our own Plane of Existence" The Puppy explained as Tong Tian then began to feel petrified;

"So, some completely different set of demons and devils are now within our Plane of Existence?"

Tong Tian was already feeling his knees grow weak as he thought about everything;

"Not only am I saying that, but I am also saying they have been here" The Puppy clarified;

"Princess, I don't know what might be going on here, but I must tell you this, you shouldn't be out of the Clan at this point."

"I could also sense it, but only on the surface, and if what this stupid puppy is saying is true, then I will have to advise you to return to the clan as soon as possible, Princess" The Kitten chipped in;

"But I thought you said their dynamics, rules and regulations are different from ours; so, there should be some sort of restriction that prevents beings from other planes from crossing into other planes, right?" Tong Tian asked in bewilderment;

"I don't why or how they managed to do it either."

"Everything I know and have said so far is from what that ancestor of ours manage to record in the ancient texts of our bloodline"

"But do you know which Plane of Existence we are currently within?" The Princess asked;

"Oh, that's easy Even little kitty over here knows that"

"We all currently exist within the Seventh Plane of Existence" The Puppy replied;

"Seventh Plane of Existence?"

"Do you mean there are Six other Plane of Existences stronger than us?"  Tong Tian asked;

"True, there are Six other Plane of Existences, but using the word stronger is like using the word "Extremely Weak" to qualify the strongest expert in our 'Plane of Existence'"

"I'm sorry but, with all things being equal, if the strongest expert within our plane is to fight the strongest expert in the sixth plane, our own exert wouldn't even last three moves before being utterly annihilated"


"Alright, that is all I can say for now We have to go Princess"

"Though, you have used the matriarch's bloodline to summon us, but irrespective of how strong she might be, there is still a limit to how much her powers can keep us here"

The Puppy spoke as its body began to disintegrate into numerous drifting motes of light;


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